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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 20th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 10 > Continuing Series > Elemental Distortions II: Part Three

Elemental Distortions II: Part Three

by selphie_tilmitt

By the time the Fire Shoyru had flown out of the volcano, the sunlight was already beginning to dip behind the mountains to the North. Viator sat quietly to think which Dragon Knight she should find first. She let out a quiet sigh, when she realised it would be best to find Ethine first, the Dragon Knight of Water. Hearing someone fly up behind her, she turned sharply, expecting to see that irritating Mazoku grinning at her. Instead, behind her was a cloaked Fire Shoyru, he held a large broadsword in his left hand, and he grimaced down at Viator.

"Why so glum?" he questioned, flapping his wings to stay at eye level with her.

"Drange...what are you doing here?" hissed Viator through her teeth, staring at her rival, and his large sword.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," he said, and slipped the sword into its large sheath on his hip.

"I don't have time to fight now," said Viator as she looked over her shoulder at the sun, once again.

"I gathered. I had actually followed you here to find out what, exactly, it is you do in that volcano down there..." frowned Drange as he looked down into the open mouth of the volcano.

"It's a uh," stumbled Viator, looking for an answer. "It's erm... a... uhm... secret society? YEAH, that's it!" She snapped her fingers at the solution.

"Secret society of what?" asked Drange, as he raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Secret society of....erm...Negg lovers!" yelled Viator, as she pointed her finger into the air.

"Uh....huh," said Drange, raising his eyebrow again.

"Well now...look at the time!" stammered Viator, pointing to the sun. "I really must be off you know!"

While Drange was getting ready to answer, Viator took advantage of the lag, and began to fly towards the mountains. She sped along, and checked over her shoulder once to make sure he wasn't following her. Then continued to find the lake that the Water Dragon slept in.


It was night by the time she arrived at the small basin of the mountains, and Viator smiled at the peaceful moon glinting off the waves. But the peace was short lived, as the long spindly body of the water dragon, parted the waves of the lake. With the appearance of the dragon, so too arose the Faerie Peophin Ethine, the Dragon knight of water.

"Ugh..." muttered Viator under her breath.

"Dragon knight of Fire!" hissed the large Water Dragon. "I trust your master has explained the situation!"

"Yes, Hydrola. Ignus has told me everything I need to do, and I came to get Ethine," said Viator, with confidence that she had no idea she had.

"Very well, Ethine?" said the leviathan.

"Yes master?" asked the Peophin, though she already knew the answer.

"Go with Viator, and fetch the next Dragon Knight. I will hear no complaining about it!" hissed the dragon again, and before Ethine could mutter a word, it had already disappeared below the depths of the water. Leaving the Shoyru and Peophin staring at each other.

With a scowl on her face, she used her delicate wings to flit over to where Viator was standing, equally emotional.

"Ugh," muttered the Peophin disdainfully.

"My thoughts exactly," said Viator.

"Well, I suppose we should head for the closest Dragon Knight. The Air dragon lives in these mountains, so I suppose I should lead you there," said Ethine, as she rose into the air.

"Wait, you've already met them?" asked Viator, beginning to get annoyed.

"No moron, But you think my Master doesn't talk to the Air Dragon every once in a while?" smirked Ethine.

"Fine, fine. Let's just go," growled Viator, as she lifted into the air, following the Peophin's example.

They refrained from speaking the entire trip over the mountains. Viator was beginning to lull into a day dream again, when finally, as the moon was beginning to fall back, they came upon a large mountain. Ethine let out a yell of happiness, and swooped up to get to the top. Viator woke, and followed suit, not sure how tall the mountain was.

The two landed on the large snow covered peak. Viator looked around for any signs of life, but saw nothing but snow.

"Yeah, I knew you were crazy," said Viator, poking fun at Ethine.

"Relax, I know the Air Dragon is here," muttered Ethine, as she sat back to wait. Viator shrugged, and began to tap her feet against the snow. She was beginning to get chilly, and regretted letting the Peophin talk her into this. When suddenly, the entire mountain began to shake violently. Ethine remained calm, and stuck to her spot in the snow, but Viator wasn't as used to it.

"AVALANCHE!" yelled Viator, as she began to run around in large circles.

"I knew you would try to get me!" She pointed her finger at Ethine, who only scowled and looked to the source of the tremor. Viator fell silent, and watched as well.

A large set, of birdlike wings first arose from within the snow. They flapped once, revealing the rest of the Air Dragon's body. White as the snow, it had easily blended in to its surroundings. Suddenly, the second set of birdlike wings flapped, immediately following the first. As the dragon sat up, Viator got her first long look at the Air dragon.

Unlike the other dragons, it was completely covered in white fur. Its two pink eyes glowed from under the large horn set on its forehand, and its ears perked towards the two NeoPets. On its back, two sets of white feathered wings, folded back. Its front and rear claws, were quickly covered by the long white tail that wrapped around them to keep them warm.

"Are you the two dragon knights of water and fire?" Its voice sounded heavenly, as if made from wind blowing through a delicate flute. The dragon blinked its eyes twice, and continued to stare.

While Viator was still awestruck at the beauty of the Air Dragon, Ethine flapped her wings and replied for the both of them.

"Yes. I'm am Ethine, dragon knight of water. And that--" she waved her tail at the gaping fire Shoyru, "is Viator, dragon knight of water. We've come to..."

Before she could finish, the dragon responded.

"Yes, I'm aware of everything that has gone on. And my Dragon knight will be here shortly." It blinked again, and swished its tail in a confident manner. Viator raised an eyebrow, but was suddenly knocked back by the force of a sudden wind. Ethine held her wings back, and tried to keep her balance in the snow. As Viator stood again, and wiped the snow off her face, she looked around for the source of the wind, ready to give it a piece of her mind. But she stopped when she saw it was standing next to the Air Dragon.

"Greetings friends!" laughed the Eyrie, as it sat next to its master. Its electric coat seemed to glow in the darkness of the night.

"Greetings Dragon Knight of Air!" stammered Viator, still recovering from the force of the blow.

"Please, call me Dethonis! I'm very pleased to meet you!" said the Eyrie, smiling once again at the two snow covered allies. He was silenced quickly by a swish of the Air dragon's tail, and it began to speak again.

"Now, now. You can finish your introductions while you look for the next Dragon." The Air dragon shook its head in a sad manner. "Please, just hurry and come all together. I'm not sure how much longer it will take the rip in the plane's to form. You must hurry so we can be ready for the Dark one."

"Yes, m'lord," said Dethonis as he motioned for the three to take off. Viator smiled, and followed him into the air. Ethine followed quickly, and peeked over her shoulder to watch the Air Dragon return to its slumber. Once in the air, and heading to the west, Ethine and Viator flew up to where Dethonis was in the lead.

"You know where we're going right?" asked Viator, trying to ignore the Peophin on her left.

"Yes! Of course. I've been to visit the Dragon Knight of Earth a few times. But first, what are your names?" asked the Eyrie, staring back at Viator.

"My name is Viator! I'm the Dragon Knight of Fire!" said Viator, with triumph in her voice, as she executed a quick roll in the air to emphasize her point. She was brushed aside by Ethine, who came up behind her.

"I am Ethine, the Dragon knight of Water!" and she bowed as best she could in midair.

Dethonis grinned at the both of them, and motioned that it would be best to fly in silence, so no one would wake up to see them.

As the sun began to rise from the mountains they had passed, Viator smiled, confident in her new team. As they neared a large forest, she wondered what the next Dragon Knight would be like. And also how the battle would take place.


The group of three, landed softly in the dense forest. Viator inhaled deeply to take in all the wonderful smells and fresh air. She was beginning to enjoy this adventure, and beginning to forget about everyone she had left behind. As the Dragon Knights of Air, Fire, and Water walked through the trees, the early lights of morning began to peek through the shifting leaves. Viator smiled, and looked over at Dethonis and Ethine. Sure Ethine wasn't what she quite what she had expected, but the two other dragon knights really made her feel at ease.

"What are you staring at Via?" asked Dethonis, as he turned to look at her over his wing.

"Just thinking about some things," she replied quietly.

"Hah, I find that hard to believe," said Ethine as she grinned smugly.

"Oh hush," shushed Dethonis as he turned to face Viator again. "What types of things?"

"Friends and family, and my adventures," said Viator, putting her claw on her cheek.

"Hm, tough sometimes?" asked Dethonis, with a sense of understanding.

"Well, somewhat. But I can handle it," said Viator, grinning broadly.

As the approached a large clearing in the forest, Dethonis fell to his knees. Ethine quickly followed. Viator took a quick look around at the trees and plants, and followed, knowing what to expect.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Elemental Distortions II: Part One

Elemental Distortions II: Part Two

Elemental Distortions II: Part Four

Elemental Distortions II: Part Five

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