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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 20th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 16 > Short Stories > Kau Faerie Tales - Transcribed

Kau Faerie Tales - Transcribed

by ashley120285

Once upon a time, on a snowy hillside, lived a Kau named Kauenia. Well, she wasn’t just any Kau, and this wasn't just any snowy cap. Actually, she lived on a mountain of ice on Terror Mountain. To on onlooker, this was a crystal paradise. The Kingdom of Ice was beneath her. Kauenia was also a very beautiful princess. Her father ruled over the inhabitants of this arctic land.

The citizens of The Kingdom of Ice thought their princess was the most beautiful Kau in the land. They gave her everything. Kauenia had the rarest plushies, the iciest desserts, and the most powerful Battledome items. She was the most striking shade of cloud anyone had seen. She wasn’t happy with these material possessions, however. Kauenia wondered if there was more to life then wealth and property

“Kauenia, my dear, where are you?” called her father.

“I’m on the balcony,” she replied.

The view from the balcony was astonishing. It gave view to one of the most beautiful sights in any land. Hundreds of feet down, the town center was visible. Snow crystals formed on the trees and a blanket of white powder always covered Neopia.

“I have good news for you,” he told her.

“What is it, father??” Kauenia asked excitedly.

“Well, as you already know,” he started, “you must rule this Kingdom soon. So I have chosen a prince for you to marry!”

The look on Kauenia’s face was pure shock. What right did her father have to choose her a husband? The King was so absorbed in planning the princess’s wedding that he didn’t notice the look of distress and disappointment on her delicate face. “We leave for the Lost Desert tomorrow!” her father shouted excitedly as he left the balcony.

Kauenia sighed deeply as she packed her belongings. “This is the worst day ever,” she thought out loud to herself. “My father is very unfair. How is it right for him to decide my future and happiness in an instant? How is it fair to be forced to spend my life with someone I don’t know?” But no one was around to answer Kauenia’s questions. Well, expect for her Floud, but it wasn’t much help.

The day next the King, Kauenia, and many of her servants and guards arrived in the Lost Desert. Kauenia immediately noticed how very different it was from Terror Mountain. Sand dunes and pyramids covered the ground. The sun blazed down and swept a hot gust across her face. She decided she would rather live in her winter wonderland.

The group was escorted to Sakhmet Palace to meet the prince. He greeted them warmly and welcomed them into the palace. He told them that his name was Prince Kauor III. To any normal Kau, he was the most handsome one anywhere. Kauor was tall, strong, and painted Lost Desert. He was awestruck when he saw Kauenia. “Princess,” he gasped, “you are so beautiful.” Kauenia was unimpressed however. She wanted go home and did not want to marry this complete stranger.

Kauenia finally got away from Kauor and his parents to be alone. She wandered around the palace grounds and then out into the desert. She saw so many painted desert animals. Many strange fruits, vegetables, and pet pets occupied shelves in the market. All of a sudden, Kauenia stopped. Standing before her was a desert Shoyru. His desert outfit was gleaming, and he had the most amazing smile. He must have noticed her because he was soon standing by her side.

“Hello, my name is Shoyru_Soul, but just call me Soul,” he greeted Kauenia. Kauenia was speechless, utterly speechless. He was even more handsome up close. Soul chuckled. Kauenia finally managed to stutter, “H-Hi-Hi, I’m K-Kauenia.”

“Well”, he responded, “you’re a very beautiful Kau.”

“You look as if you’ve journeyed far,” Soul assumed looking at her cloud fur, “would you like me to show you around?”

Kauenia followed Soul around in a daze that afternoon while he talked. She knew right then she had fallen in love, but a pet of another species? What would her father say? She decided not to worry and enjoyed her time with Soul. Kauenia didn’t mention the fact that she was a rich and powerful princess. She wanted someone to like her for who she was, and it seems he did. The two finally departed and promised to meet the next day.

Kauenia returned to the palace and was mobbed with questions. “And just where were you?” her father demanded.

“I was out,” was her only reply. Kauenia was busy dreaming about Soul. They then told her she was suppose to be wed to Kauor in two days. That information hit her like a rock. She couldn’t tell he father about Soul and her wish to marry him. He would never approve her bond to a regular Shoyru. Her dream of spending eternity with him was looking pretty slim.

Kauenia woke up early the next morning to meet Soul. She had to tell him the grave news, the whole truth, even the part about her being a princess. Soul took it pretty good. He was shocked, however, and very surprised. What he told her next made everything better, though.

“Kauenia,” he started, “you are the most beautiful, perfect Kau I have ever laid my eyes on. I don’t care if you’re a princess, I see past that into your heart. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I will do whatever I can to make you happy.” It was decided then. They would do anything to stop the marriage.

Kauenia went back to the palace for the last time. She quietly peered at her sleeping father and blew him a kiss. It was the last time she would ever see him. She slipped out the palace doors with her possessions.

With that thought in mind, Kauenia and Soul boarded the next boat for Mystery Island. The couple started a NeoHome and lived normally in love. Kauenia never regretted leaving Terror Mountain because this was worth it. She had wondered months before if there was more to life than possessions. She had now answered her questions. She had her love; she had her Soul.

The End

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