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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 20th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 16 > Continuing Series > Fight for Fate: Part Three

Fight for Fate: Part Three

by frost_acceber

Kyyoro didn’t have to wait long before her Senator had completed her assigned task. Five citizens were brought before her. They all bowed and shook as the queen addressed them.

“Good day,” Kyyoro said quickly. “Please introduce yourselves and then we will get down to business.”

A blue Lupe stepped forward first. He had a heart-shaped birthmark on his front shoulder. “I am Inokyenu. I am good with riddles and have been here for a long time. I will help you as much as I can in any way.”

“I am Anger_Fire,” said the second in line when he stepped up. “I have lived in your kingdom for as long as I can remember, always walking in your shadow, my queen, my idol. I will try to serve you in any way.” The red Shoyru stepped away and a white Uni stepped forward.

“My name is Marlhorn. I would like to help you. They say I was chosen because of my high standards and grades, so here I am, erm....” Kyyoro would have smiled on any other day at how shy the young girl was.

The others Depridama had rounded up included a cyan Aisha named SilentSilk and Ravenan, a green Shoyru.

Kyyoro decided to get right to the point. “We have a problem, er, citizens.” Kyyoro was not sure how to address them. Kids wasn’t right, citizens was too much, people was too casual....

“Herongedy has written us one of their riddles. All we can understand is that they want war. I asked Senator Depridama to bring to me the smartest, most trustworthy people in the land. If you share any information you gain here, the consequence will be harsh.” Queen Kyyoro took out the scroll and read it aloud.

“O’ER the mountains,
By the stream,
Through each and every night
Glazed by moonlight’s gleam

Through obstacles, come dark,
Examining by light of day,
Must two come in twenty-nine?
Battle marks the way

Through field, through stream,
Through sky, through tree,
Your choices clear; your delicacy ours,
Surrender, or face defeat.
Allies by the past Sworn enemies by
Come kneeling, come bowing,
May the victor emerge strong

The part about warfare is clear, but the rest makes as much sense as chocolate covered Grarrls.”

“Right then,” Anger_Fire said. “Let’s start, line by line.”

Kyyoro nodded. “You may sit in the chairs before you, but do not do them any damage.”

Depridama scowled at the sight of the Lupe Inokyenu making himself comfortable on her seat. There were more seats than just the five occupied by the queen and Council, so everyone sat save the little Uni, Marlhorn who found it difficult to sit.

“Okay,” Kyyoro said quickly. “The first line is, O’ER the mountains/by the stream. I suppose that means just what it says. Any other thoughts on the matter?”

Everyone glanced at each other and shook their heads. The queen moved on. “Through each and every night/glazed by moonlight’s gleam.”

SilentSilk raised her paw rapidly before the queen could say anything. “Whatever they are trying to say, they must do it by night.”

“Or,” Inokyenu glared at the Aisha, “they could mean whenever the moon is full.”

“Both good answers,” Kyyoro nodded. “But because of the next line, I think they might mean they were in the mountains by the stream every night, like SilentSilk said.”

His answer being eliminated, Inokyenu stayed quiet for some time.

“Let’s see, through obstacles, come dark/examining by light of day...” Kyyoro looked over the scroll silently. “I think they were training by night and watching us during the day.”

Everyone nodded.

“Must twenty-nine of two come/Battle marks the way.” Kyyoro looked at the paper in front of her, stumped. “I can never figure out this part.”

For what seemed like forever, they all thought to themselves, but no one could prevail with an answer to the riddle.

“Perhaps,” Ravenan said, breaking the long silence, “perhaps we should continue figuring out the rest and come back to this part.”

“Good thinking, Ravenan,” Kyyoro picked up the scroll once more. “Through field, through stream/through sky, through tree/your choices clear; your delicacy ours/surrender, or face defeat. I guess that means they want something of ours, or they will declare war.”

Everyone agreed.

“Allies by the past/sworn enemies by/come the twenty-nine of two/may the victor emerge strong.” Kyyoro finished.

“Who did you say wrote this?” Anger_Fire asked.

“Herongedy, we presume," Kyyoro answered. “The writing, the context, the thought required – it’s from Herongedy.”

“Umm…” Anger_Fire murmured. “We were allies?”

Queen Kyyoro sighed. “Once, yes. It was so long ago – and no benefits on our part. See, a nearby country was being attacked, and Herongedy thought it would be a wise strategy to gain fame by assisting them. Well, the king made some few mistakes; their fortune was soon the target of the enemy.

“So, with nowhere else to turn, King Herongedy asked for my aid. I was foolish enough to agree with his commands, for fear that many innocent citizens may be harmed.

“We helped them to win, but we were shown no gratitude. King Herongedy bows to no one and didn’t want any countries to attack his weak military. So he acted as if we were just two different countries fighting for the same thing.”

“I see," Anger_Fire said, thinking hardly.

Marlhorn was suddenly struck by an idea. “Perhaps this is their way of pledging revenge! They want our power. But what do we hold that gives power?”

“I don’t know...” Kyyoro shook her head miserably. “But I will find out. Tonight I will send our armies to Herongedy to find out what they want.”

The gathered citizens all left after that. Kyyoro groaned. “Bessinia,” she called.

The Kau walked in softly. “Yes, Ma’am,” she said in her tender, loving voice.

“Send me Corporal Episcal," Kyyoro told her maid. “Tell him that it is very urgent and that he should report here immediately.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Bessinia trotted out of the room.

Soon, Episcal was at the large door. “You wanted to see me, Your Highness?”

“Bring your army to Herongedy. Find out what the king wants from us and be prepared. Each soldier should be armed with a weapon and shield. Hurry," the queen ordered.

Episcal nodded. “My armies are always prepared.” He saluted and marched out of the room quickly.”


The sun rose, warming Tarquinta’s tender body as if the events of the past nights had been erased from the memories of the earth. The Shoyru looked around only to flop back down on the grass. Her cloak was soaked by the dew and Tarquinta instantly knew she had to get up and fly away.

Her wings blandly pushed against the brisk morning air. Slowly she rose, but she soon remembered the Sorceress’s orders: “Bring to me the elements as fast as you can or suffer the penalties.”

She judged that she only had a few more miles to go, and her wings were beginning to push as hard as they had before. Tarquinta sighed. She would never understand how she could have stolen the items. They were so beautiful; royal and gold, history as older than time itself. But the items weren’t her own – they belonged to the Sorceress now.

Unless, if she were to keep the items for herself…

But how could she avoid the Sorceress?

Then, she realized that what she had taken could be hers if she didn’t go home. She had nothing to go home to. Her parents gone, she was homeless, under the power of the Sorceress.

The Sorceress would track her down, of course, but if she did, Tarquinta was well armed.

Smiling gently to herself, Tarquinta turned noticeably to the west and continued to soar into the day’s bright sky.


Inscorrade’s chubby face was as gloomy as a swamp as he sat beside Depridama at the large table. They sat there, awaiting news from Episcal, whose army had not returned yet. Silence ruled above all in the Meeting Room, and the queen looked more melancholy than anyone in the Palace. If Episcal didn’t discovered what they wanted, the Palace of Kyyoro would be destroyed.

Corporal Episcal burst into the room, shaking everyone.

“Outrageous!” He cried.

“What do they want, Episcal?” Queen Kyyoro stood, her spirits lifting.

“Those measly little sneaks!” Episcal shouted. “They don’t even know what they want! They claim we’ve stolen something of theirs! I couldn’t reason with those Herongedy leeches!”

“Corporal,” Kyyoro silenced Episcal. “You are not giving me the full story. What happened to make you so enraged?”

“We arrived at the Kingdom and they claimed that we stole the queen’s property," Episcal explained. “But no one here could do such a thing. Everyone is in their rooms by midnight and–”

“Excuse my interruption, Ma’am,” Bessinia said softly. “But my Kaus check on everyone at midnight unless they request us not to for their personal reasons. No one has requested that for the past two weeks and no one has gone missing.”

“Did they say when the articles were stolen?” Kyyoro asked Episcal.

“They didn’t tell us, only the Herongedy Kingdom would never wait this long to get vengeance," Episcal answered.

“He’s right,” Depridama cried. “But how can we find what they want if they won’t tell us what it is?”

“I don’t know, Senator,” Corporal Episcal eyed Depridama with hatred.

“Right,” Kyyoro said quickly. “I shall contact the king myself.”

Everyone present gasped.

“But–but, Ma’am–they’ll destroy you!” Inscorrade stammered.

“You... you can’t be going there, Miss!”

“I will go and reason with their monarchy personally,” Kyyoro repeated. “If they truly want their article back and think we have possession of it, they would not destroy their leader.”

“Oh, but yes they would,” Depridama argued. “Without you we’d be powerless and would have to hand over the article, but since we don’t have it, we’d have to find it for them.”

“You speak reason,” Kyyoro pulled on her cloak. “But perhaps you would like to go for me, Senator.”

Depridama stood silent.

“Take Episcal with you,” Depridama ordered after she found her voice again.

“I don’t need anyone with me, but if you do feel unsure about my leaving, you may watch me go. If you see anything go wrong, I give you full permission, Episcal, to send your army.”

“Yes, Your Majesty," Episcal saluted.

Queen Kyyoro had just opened the large soundproof door of the Meeting Room when she was tackled by a guard.

“Get down, Miss! We’re under attack!”

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Fight for Fate: Part One

Fight for Fate: Part Two

Fight for Fate: Part Four

Fight for Fate: Part Five

Fight for Fate: Part Six

Fight for Fate: Part Seven

Fight for Fate: Part Eight

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