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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 20th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 16 > Articles > Kacheeks - Is There Something We Don't Know About Them?

Kacheeks - Is There Something We Don't Know About Them?

by glia_potionmaster

From my experience of being a Kacheek owner, I know their three basic traits:

1. They do not fight. If your Kacheek does fight, it probably doesn't "WANT" to.

2. They are cute, I mean c'mon, even the mutant Kacheek is cute!

3. They love flowers and love prancing in them.

Though they may be peaceful and don't fight, it doesn't mean they can't be sly and sneaky. With their cute ways, it seems like they would NEVER do anything bad, I mean am I right? WRONG--they are cute and cuddly, they can get away with stuff easier... and why don't Kacheeks fight? Because it takes up time to plan their next crime! And also, it makes them more tired, so if someone notices them, they can't run away! I mean, why else wouldn't they fight.

My second Kacheek is never around. WHY? Because she is committing a CRIME somewhere. My other account had a lot of items in the safety deposit box, and I had only a Kacheek. So why are all my items gone? Because my Kacheek did something with them, and I'm just warning all Kacheek owners out there about this. If you want to know how to keep your Kacheek out of trouble, you must follow the following steps:

1. Buy any random Kacheek item (plushies work best) for each of your pets, play with it twice or more a day, but never play with it over 10 times, and never let your other pets play with your other pet's Kacheek toy. Do this for two weeks.

2. Never let your pet out of sight, unless it's going to a neighbour's house. Make sure the neighbour never lets your pets out of sight.

3. Go to your guild and post on the messages: The Kacheek is here, it came, be gone, The Curse, it's here, it came, be gone Sugar soda, cherry pop, neggs on top. The curse is lifted, it came.... Be gone!

4. Buy your Kacheek or a friend of a Kacheek, any type of organic food, buy this same item for four days. Feed it to your pet, don't give another pet this food item again for a week afterwards.

5. Post in your shop message: "Men sanna Irek, aunto uno, curse be gone!" keep it here, until ten things are purchased from your shop. Do not buy the items yourself or you'll have to start all over again.

If you follow these steps, then... VOILA, THE CURSE IS LIFTED!!!

Note: I don't know for sure that this is true, but I did always wonder what Kacheeks do in their spare time, and if Kacheeks are exactly like they seem to be or not. If you liked this article, please tell me, please also look at my pets web page (Yes, it is a Kacheek, but don't worry) her name is marmalademuffin.

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