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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 17 > Articles > Training in Moderation

Training in Moderation

by foster_care89

What is the key to training your pet to be successful in the Battledome? Could there really be such a thing as over-training?

Yes! Believe it or not, you CAN over-train your pets! While getting ready to show that little twerp in your science class who’s boss, or rubbing it in the nose of that long time enemy of yours, you may be thinking too much about YOUR pride and happiness, and not enough about your pets.

I know as well as all of you how glorious it feels to win a fight with ‘your little champion’, but while training for the day you cream your next victim…. Err…I mean opponent, you may be neglecting your pet, or pet’s needs.

When I say training in moderation, I’m not saying you should train your pet only to a certain level, or status, but just go easy on your little guy (or girl ^^). Don’t go and have just one pet take 4+ courses in a day. I advise one, or two a day at maximum. Why, you might ask. You won’t find the answer to be your pet’s fault or anything of the sort, for the answer lies in YOU and you alone.

While your pet is getting stronger, YOU gain no experience. As you reach new plateaus, try your pet out in a fight or two, and see how he/she does. This will get you more used to the feel of battle, and will help you in the long run, because you’ll be able to custom your pet’s abilities right down to what move you should use on what type of pet.

I’m presenting this little bit of advice to you, for your sake. I didn’t HAVE to right this article, but I did, in hopes of aiding those aspiring trainers out there. Also, you don’t HAVE to follow my advice, I leave that choice up to YOU. Most of this article revolves around key words for a reason. You need to realise why on your own :). I hope to write a few more articles to help Neopia along, and look forward to your questions, comments, and even complaints, as long as they’re not flames. And lastly, I hope this article made your pet’s training schedule easier... on both of you.

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