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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 17 > New Series > Black_Flame_Fighter


by jadedragon1984

“Noooooo!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

“Wha…” said SiLvEr_cLoUd_fAeRiE, but it was too late.

She had stomped on my single most prized possession. She stood there on the couch with a bold look on her face. My bow stuck out from beneath her hooves.

“Gimme that!” I yanked the bow out from under her knocking her off balance. She landed on the floor, making a loud thump.

“Why did you do that?” she asked rubbing her head.

“You seriously don’t get it! Do you!?!” I growled loudly.

“Oh Flame you know for a fact that old bow only had about two shots left in it!” She giggled throwing her front hooves in the air.

“MOM!” I yelled, “SILVER BROKE MY BOW!!!!”

My mother walked into the room and sighed. She picked up my bow and took it into the kitchen. I gave Silver the angriest look I could make and followed my mom.

“Momma, can you fix it?” I said quietly.

“I don’t know Flame, I’ll try my best,” she said before giving me a kiss and sending me off into the living room with a small pat.

I walked away and went straight to my younger brother. I was going to stay away from the girls for a while, who knows what they’ll break next. Shadow_Dragon_Wing was playing with his Spyder and looking at his collection of cards.

“Hi Shadow,” I said sniffling.

“Hey… what’s wrong with you?” asked Shadow his face showed the oddest look of puzzlement I have ever seen.

“You were here when it happened! Silver broke my bow!” I said as I started to cry.

“It’s just a bow… what’s so special?" he said closing his cards up in a box.

“Oh yah… you weren’t born when I got it,” I said wiping my eyes with my paws.

“Well, tell me… I’d like to know what’s so special,” he said getting comfortable. I cleared my throat and started telling him…

When I was only about 3 days old I meet NightFlameCharmer she was a shadowed Kougra. She was a little older then me but we became best friends. This was even before Silver was born... NightFlameCharmer and me were inseparable. She taught me how to fight really well. I had her come over everyday. But then one day when we were being teased by a pack of wild Lupes, she got really angry and started fighting with one. She ended up being hurt badly and had to go to the Neopian Hospital. She ended up dying... the day before she died she gave me the bow... and I’ve never let it out of my sight till a while ago when Silver stomped it to pieces!

I was feeling even sadder now that I had talked about it. I said good night to Shadow and went upstairs.


I had a weird dream that night. Then I thought I heard some one was calling my name, but when I checked my sisters and brothers no one was awake. I thought maybe my mom was downstairs and needed help but she was still upstairs in her room when I checked. So I decided to go downstairs. When I reached the bottom half of the stairs I peeked around the kitchen, no one was there. I heard something in the living room and tripped down the last few steps. I got up and shook it off as I headed towards the living room.

“Hello?” I whispered into the living room.

There was no answer. I walked over to the front door and opened it. I scanned the yard for anything suspicious... nothing. I walked out into the yard and circled around the house. It was morning already. The sun could be seen struggling to rise above the tall trees in the back of the house. I thought since I was already out I’d take a walk, so I ran in the house to leave my mom a quick note so she wouldn’t be upset with me gone then I headed towards the river in the back of our house a little ways into the woods.

I had been walking for a while when I saw it, the top of the fort. I had built it with NightFlameCharmer when she was here. I walked a little closer and stared at it for a while. Then I walked to the bottom of the ladder... it was a little old because I hadn’t fixed it since she left. I climbed into the fort and looked around. The old pictures I’d taken of NightFlameCharmer and me were still hung up on the walls. I sat there for hours just thinking about her. I finally got down and ran home.

When I got there my mom was making breakfast. Silver was sitting at the table with her Wadjet sleeping on her head. Shadow was reading a book and Autum was watching the butterflies out in the little garden she made her squinted brown eyes following their every move.

“Hi Mummy, did you fix my bow?” I asked with hope.

“I couldn’t Flame… It’s back together but you won't be able to use it,” she said with a small frown.

“What good is a bow if you can’t use it!” I said crying.

“Oh Flame, I’m sorry I tried,” my Mum said as she picked me up.

“Momma, I’m gonna go upstairs, I don’t feel good,” I said jumping down from her arms and taking my bow upstairs.

I was upset about my bow being broken. I promised NightFlameCharmer that I’d take good care of it. And now I broke my promise. I went into my room and lay on my bed. I could hear my mom, brother, and sisters walking around downstairs. As I drifted in and out of sleep I thought of NightFlameCharmer, if I would have helped her fight would she still be alive today? Why where those Lupes so mean? I fell asleep again, this time for a while.

Some one was shaking me, I wasn’t sure who it was all I saw was a dark figure standing at the side of my bed. Being a Kougra I was immediately able to see in the dark. The figure beckoned for me to follow it. I got off of my bed and followed it cautiously. My Mum, Sisters, and Brother where sitting in the living room. My Mum looked worried. The figure got closer to the back door and opened it, I followed it out into the crisp night air, and it was Fall so it was a little chilly. I trotted along crunching leaves under my feet.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

The figure just kept moving, faster now so I had to run to stay caught up. I was worried and a little uneasy until I saw my fort. The figure gracefully climbed up the ladder and waited for me. The ladder wasn’t very sturdy and I lost my footing once, maybe twice. I got up and sat down panting. I looked over at the cloaked figure and waited for it to say something, but I got nothing.

“What do you want?” I asked.

Just then it pulled back its hood. I tried not to jump to conclusions, could this be? My greatly missed friend? Then it spoke…

“Missed me?” the mysterious voice said quietly.

To be continued…

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