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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 18 > New Series > Shards of Power: Part One

Shards of Power: Part One

by lilcyndaquil

"Hey! Shadow Shoy! Are you gonna wake up at all?"

"Come on! Breakfast is ready!"


"Come oooon! It's a proper cooked breakfast! Wait...are you insulting my cooking?"

"All right I'm up!" Kargupi rose from his tangle of sheets, yawning loudly, to face his owner, Greg. When Kargupi came downstairs, he could see Aurami, his Pteri sister eating bacon and eggs, and his Cybunny brother HydroFrosto eating toast and marmalade, being a vegetarian.

"Morning Kargupi," said Hydro, as Kargupi sat down.

"Where's Rakugi?" asked Kargupi.

"NeoQuest," Hydro and Aurami chimed.

"Aaahaaa. That's becoming a sort of an obsession, isn't it?"

"Aren't you the observant one!" cackled Aurami, as the NeoQuest battle music blasted in the lounge.

"Wow...his must go...faster than mine does!" Kargupi gasped.

"Food doesn't walk Karg," said Hydro.

"Oi! No!" yelled Kargupi, as a little blue Krawk waddled off quickly with most of Kargupi's bacon. That was AquaSnap (read What a Krawk) Kargupi's new PetPet, which used it's jaws well.


Kargupi hopped through the undergrowth towards the ship. Had he flown, he would have been easily spotted, and as he didn't know who these guys were, he decided to keep a low profile. Nobody messed up Kargupi's forest!

Kargupi got nearer to the landing site, and heard voices: "Don't rest until you've found it! No food 'til someone finds that shard!"

These guys sound pretty dodgy to me... I'm taking a trip with them, thought Kargupi. Two burly looking NeoPets, a Techo and a Grarrl, set off in one direction, and Kargupi followed them.

"Shroud" Kargupi whispered to himself, and using his special dark ability, made himself almost invisible.

"If we're gonna find that shard, the swamp is the place to go, trust me Rankir," hissed the Techo

"You better be right, or it'll be Techo for my dinner," snarled the Grarrl menacingly.

"I can't believe how people can eat that disgusssting Techo ssstuff that the old hag gives out" said the Techo angrily. "That's revolting."

"Why does Infin want that old rock anyway? said Rankir, "Some guys will do anything for a rare bit of ROCK."

"Crazy old guy, I tell you I am NEVER working for him again, I thought this would be easssy," said the Techo as he hopped over a branch as they entered the marshy area that was in the middle of the forest.

"Man Hachof, this smells, hurry up and find the shard," said Rankir, "Then we can get back first and have all the grub."

"Is that all you EVER think about!? Quit whining!" exclaimed Hachof. "You shou - hey! That's it! See the green crystal?" Hachof pointed to a glinting sharp shard, standing in the marshy earth.


Kargupi flew into the ship. He had let his shroud down because it had consumed a lot of his energy by that time, and couldn't risk using up any more. He silently hovered over the Techo and Grarrl, as they handed the shard over to a blue Quiggle.

"Good work, you may now go and eat," said the Quiggle, and Hachof and Rankir, hurried off.

Kargupi re-engaged his shroud as he landed, following the Quiggle to a security door.


"Rancid Ummagine," said the Quiggle through the speaker.

The door whirred and opened. The Quiggle hopped through and Kargupi slipped through after him.

"What?" said the Quiggle He looked around as if he had seen something, and Kargupi hid in a shadow, hoping that if the shroud didn't work, well, he was black, at least maybe the shadow would.

"I have the shard, master," snickered the Quiggle, holding out the gleaming crystal in his chubby hands.

A voice came from a chair facing away from Kargupi's view. It was menacing, and...somewhat familiar.

"It certainly looks authentic. Place it in the chamber Jaharome," said the voice.

"Yes sir."

The Quiggle hopped up to a door and pushed it open. He hopped through into a small chamber, where a table in the middle of the room had three padded pillows. He went over to a green pillow, and placed the green crystal onto it, making sure it was secure, then leaving the room. Kargupi had slipped through as the Quiggle had hopped through, and as it exited, he missed his chance to get out again.

"Crud," he whispered as the door swung shut.

He once again let the shroud leave him. Thoroughly tired from using up too much power, he walked over to the shard.

"You there!"

Kargupi jumped a metre in the air.

"Shhhh....they'll hear you!"

Kargupi looked to where the voice was coming from and saw a shriveled old cloud Koi locked in a small wooden cage in the corner of the room. Kargupi was surprised he had only just noticed him.

"You have to stop him," said the Koi. "When he gets all the shards not even the strongest Neopian will be able to stop him!"

"Woah calm down, you gave me a fright," said Kargupi.

"Just listen to me!" said the Koi. "My name is Jeradeous, they took me here to tell them where to find the shards, YOU can find them first!"

Kargupi scratched his head. "I got the general idea these guys weren't just normal crystal collectors. What do these shards do?"

"First of all, only one person has ever united all three shards together. Luckily, that person was the Faerie Queen, she used it's powers to make faeries as they are today, and never used them for bad. Unfortunately, this young rascal plans to use them to rule Neopia!" said Jeradeous.


"There are three shards young man, fire, grass and air. When they are brought together, they form three other shard, water, light and dark. These secondary shards have enormous power, why simply the dark shard would give him the power he needs!"

"Ah. And I have to find them?" said Kargupi, a drop of sweat trickling down his face.


"But WHERE?"

"Listen young one, what is your name?" said Jeradeous.

"Kargupi," said Kargupi.

"Kargupi, I cannot lie to this....thing. He is pure evil. He knows if I am lying, and I have to tell him. That is how he has the first shard. If you get to them first, you can stop him. The fire shard is in the depths of the great Tyrannian volcano. The air shard is somewhere in Faerieland. I do not know where. Go now! There is no time to waste! Get them before Infinity!" said Jeradeous in a panicky voice.

"Wait, I have to free you!" said Kargupi.

"I would slow you down, I can't get away from him," said Jeradeous. "There's an exit just there!" he pointed to a door.

"YOU!" the Quiggle barged through the door. "You're dead meat!"

Kargupi snatched the shard from the table and ran through the exit door. He turned and slammed the door behind him, turning on the emergency lock.

"GUARDS STOP HIM!!!" yelled the Quiggle through the door.

"Here goes nothing!" said Kargupi, as stunned guards appeared. He was outnumbered.

He fired a Shoyru inferno at the advancing guards, still running through the corridor. They fell to the ground, with blackened faces. He glided over their bodies and kept running as fast as he could. A large Scorchio stomped round the corner and put up his arms to swat Kargupi away.

"Drain life."

Kargupi smirked and drained the energy slowly out of the large Scorchio It tried to stand up, and wobbled. The Scorchio shook his head and shot his hand forward to punch Kargupi. Kargupi stopped the massive fist with one hand, smiling. The Scorchio looked petrified.

"Evidently, size really doesn't matter," said Kargupi, and kicked the Scorchio in the head, felling him.

Kargupi jumped over the Scorchio's trembling body and kept running down the corridor. He noticed it was getting narrower. He kept passing doors, and then reached the end and pulled open a dusty emergency exit door. He smelt the fresh air, and took flight.

"Better get going right away, now this guy knows I'm after the shards too, he's going to be worried, I've got no time to waste...." and with that, he put on a burst of speed, heading towards Tyrannia.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Shards of Power: Part Two

Shards of Power: Part Three

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