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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 20th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 19 > Continuing Series > Shards of Power: Part Two

Shards of Power: Part Two

by lilcyndaquil


Kargupi landed outside the loud volcano of Tyrannia. The residents had left lately, and set up on the plateau, and Kargupi could see why. It was hot (VERY hot), smoky, and looking up, Kargupi could see it was looking nice and unstable.

He flew up to the top of the volcano and landed on the center, smirking.

"Hehe, I'm on a volcano, cool..."


"That can't be good."



The volcano blasted open with the force of...a volcano, sending Kargupi catapulted into the air. He span around, until he finally managed to get control of himself and stared at the lava leaking down towards the villages. Suddenly, he heard a voice.

"Hey Kargupi! What's up?"

It was a Shoyru Kargupi knew called Kitara. She flew down and looked at the volcano.

"You've really done it this time," said Kitara.

"We have to stop it before it reaches the villages!" said Kargupi.

"Then get down here and shift some rocks! We can block the flow!" replied Kitara, flying down towards the stream.

They descended downwards, and Kargupi landed next to a massive rock, and pushed it into the direction the lava was coming.

"You'll have to do better than that!" said Kitara, who had seized a rock twice the size of Kargupi's and flew with it to the flow of the lava.

Smirking at the challenge, Kargupi seized another big rock and dragged it over the ground, piling them in a row. They worked quickly and made a wall of rock, which stood in the way of the lava.

"I hope the lava doesn't overflow," said Kitara. "It should hold nicely and the lava will eventually turn into rock."

"I need something," said Kargupi and flew off towards the volcano.

The flow had stopped, and gleaming on the volcano's surface was...

"The shard!" exclaimed Kargupi, picking it up from the lava.

"Ouch!" He quickly dropped the molten-hot shard.

Kitara came over laughing. "You need to cool it off first."

"Okay," replied Kargupi, and used water jet on it, and then picked it up.

"What is that?" asked Kitara, looking closer.

"Aaah. Long story. Just follow me, and I'll explain on the way.


They arrived at Faerieland, and to their surprise, faeries were screaming, flying off in every direction.

Kargupi heard a booming voice. "WHERE IS THE SHARD? YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!"

Kargupi gasped, and flew off towards the voice.

"I know who it is now! It's..."


Kargupi arrived on the scene. "InfinityHell! I should've known!"

The evil fire Shoyru turned his face to Kargupi.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my good friend Kargupi! Heard you were looking for me! Whatever do you want to find me for? You know you can't beat me in your weakened state..."

Kargupi grimaced, remembering his first encounter with InfinityHell. It was really a long time now, over a month. Infinity didn't t have a body of his own, so he entered the world through Kargupi, who had become obsessed with the dark arts. After draining most of Kargupi's strength into his own, he took over Kargupi's body. Then, Kitara had used a separation spell to get him out of Kargupi's body. It worked, and Kargupi was free of Infinity's will, but Infinity was free. He went across the land, causing havoc, whilst Kargupi desperately followed his path of destruction, trying to get his power back.

Kargupi yelled out, "He's no Shoyru! He's a demon!"

Infinity suddenly snarled "Shut your mouth you little fool! You may have found me, but you will never stop my plans!"

And with that, he summoned up a Shoyru inferno, which came at Kargupi quicker than he could react in his weakened state, from Infinity taking his energy. It scorched the side of his face as he hopped to the side. Infinity shot another fireball at him, then another and another, and Kargupi hopped out of the way, making his way towards Infinity.

"Give it up, weakling!" said Infinity.


Kitara, who Infinity hadn't noticed yet, had come up behind him and kicked him flying through the air.

"Thanks Kitara!" called Kargupi and shot a fire ball at Infinity in the air. Infinity spun, and stopped in midair, as the fireball came past him, so close he felt the wind on his face.

"No matter how had you try, you're still TOO WEAK!" yelled Infinity. "DARK TWISTER!"

A tornado gathered around Infinity, and swirled around, until Infinity could not be seen inside it, and the two Shoyrus on the ground began to slide across the cloudy surface towards the tornado.

"Over here!" called a voice.

Kargupi twisted his head, and through the wind, he made out a Faerie, standing next to the doorway of a large tower.

"Come on Kitara, this way quickly!" yelled Kargupi, and pulled himself across the cloud to the tower.

They reached the door, and slammed it shut behind them as they got inside.

"Thanks, we owe you," panted Kargupi.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Shards of Power: Part One

Shards of Power: Part Three

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