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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 20 > New Series > Shyral the Brave: Part One

Shyral the Brave: Part One

by morgana_the_temptres

The Beginning of the End
It was a beautiful summer day in the land of Neopia. All around one could smell the scent of tropical fruits floating in from Mystery Island, hear the dim buzz of crowds shopping at the markets in Neopia Central Square and see that everything pointed to a peaceful, average day. Even the usually eerie haunted forest was particularly calm.

Shyral laid on her back looking up at the purple and pink clouds, that marked the Higher Faerie Realm, seeing a couple of Barbats and Poppits amusing themselves by flying in and out of the clouds.

Playing tag I bet, thought Shyral. Shyral was a Uni. A beautiful sky blue in colour, a long mane of silver and her tail was of the same colour. Her hooves were as golden as the sun. She was still young in Uni years but had a wisdom that was well beyond her age. Like all NeoPets she could speak, read, and pretty much do what her Companions could do. Companions were the people of Neopia, were they were elves, faeries, humans and other races. They made up half of the population of the world Neopia. And all companions had at least one NeoPet bonded to them, but never more than four. Shyral’s Companion had bonded two NeoPets, herself and her friend Goddess of Love. Even though Goddess was technically a God now, Shyral chuckled to herself. Thanks to the secret lab ray, Morgana took them to each and every morning had changed him from a female to a male. Goddess was a cute Halloween Aisha. Goddess was neither as old as Shyral nor as strong for Morgana tended to spoil him with games and treats. Where as Shyral was trained to be a soldier in the army.

Morgana was the Knight Marshal for the Defenders of the Faerie Realm army. A very beautiful but yet a fierce and intelligent young faerie. Morgana had long raven black hair, silver eyes and a milky white complexion. Morgana was a proud leader of the army and took time to train each battle Glenn member individually if she needed to. The Defenders of the Faerie Realm were a strong, yet small guild of Companions and their bonded pets, trying to do their part in keeping Neopia safe. Especially the lower faerie realm where Morgana and the other Companions were from. This realm was located at the heart of the Meadow of the Unis.

Thinking of Morgana, Shyral suddenly realized she needed to get back to headquarters. Heading back towards the castle and flying threw the air Shyral noticed a small faerie child crying on the out skirts of the meadow. Judging from the colour Shyral noticed that the little faerie was a faerie of the element of Earth. Quickly glancing around she noticed no other faeries around, no siblings, no parents, and not a single faerie to be found. Shyral thought to herself, hmmm this is very strange, for the Meadow of the Unis was famous for being the largest faerie population in the lower realms. Walking slowly toward the little one, so not to scare the poor child any more than she already was, Shyral gently picked up the little faerie child.

"Oh No! Another MONSTER!" shrieked the terrified faerie.

"Sssh, little one I am not here to hurt you." Nuzzling the faerie close to her chest, Shyral cooed in soothing tones. "What my darling has happened to you? What monsters do you speak of?" asked Shyral.

The little faerie, who had become calm by the cooing from Shyral, suddenly froze sitting up rigidly in her arms. "T-the monsters?" she sighed and closed her tiny eyes for a moment. "Everyone’s gone now, my mother, my father and all my sisters. Taken away by those horrible creatures." She started to cry, slowly at first and then a torrent of tears followed. Shyral’s heart broke for the little faerie.

"Listen my tiny one," said Shyral. "My name is Shyral, and I am a Captain in the Defenders army. I will take you to our headquarters in the heart of the meadows where you can ask Queen Avalona and Queen Aurora for help." Shyral gathered her pack and placed the child on her back and flew off to see her superiors.

A few moments later Shyral spotted the Castle of the Defenders of the Faerie Realm. A tremble of pure joy passed through her as it always did when gazing upon the castle. For she belonged to a great guild that defended the faerie realm for as far back as anyone could recall. She ruefully recalled the day she was adopted by her Companion Morgana. Their relationship wasn’t the greatest at first, but after numerous adventures and daring quests together they had bonded. She almost couldn’t remember her former companion Lady of Avalon, for she was almost as young as this little faerie when she was given to Morgana. Looking over her shoulder she saw that the frightened faerie was fast asleep, though her tiny face showed even in slumber the troubles that haunted her. Picking the pace up, Shyral sped towards the castle keep.

When she got there, Morgana was busy in the courtyard. The whole guild in attendance for Shyral quickly remembered today was the day the Glenn leaders met to take on new apprentices. Shyral quietly entered the keep as not to disrupt the ceremony.

"Today is a wondrous day of celebration," announced Queen Aurora. "One that sees our young guild members become ranking members of a chosen Glenn."

"Yes, my dear sister." Queen Avalona beamed, first at her twin sister and then at crowd. "Today, girls and boys become men and women, taking their place with in the ranks of the Defenders of the Faerie Realm."

"Morgana would you be so kind as to call forth the Glenn Masters at this time." The Queens spoke this together. Shyral and everyone in attendance shivered with happiness. For that was the reaction of all that were lucky enough to hear the sister’s use their voices in unison. Hearing either speak was spellbinding enough but to hear them speak at the same time was a magical occasion. The Queens were twin sisters whom at birth arrived in this world with justice in their hearts and fought many battles to free the faerie folk from the evil Balthazar, the faerie trapper. Both had hair the colour of moonlight upon the water, teal blue eyes, and light mocha coloured skin. They were both slender, as faeries tend to be, and were identical right down to the matching crescent shaped scar on their brows. Personality wise, they were as night is to day. Avalona tended to be reckless, bold, out spoken, and extremely impish. Where as Aurora, was reserved, mature, soft spoken, and when the mood suited her had a temper no one wanted to cross. Everything they did they seemed to do together. They found twin Unis on the same day, both were warriors, poets, and very good storytellers and other such occurrences were not strange for these two sisters. Years later the sisters became the Queens of the Faerie Realm at the request of the faeries, and even the old faerie queen herself held these sisters in high esteem, and since she had no heir to pass her land and titles to, she chose the sisters to replace her.

"Hearken to me, Hearken to me!" Morgana called out. "Today we call forth the Masters of Glenns. Come forth and take thy rightful places."

The first to take their place was Queen Avalona for she was also a Glenn master, but only until the day one of her members surpassed her skill, she often joked.

"I have come forth to call my apprentices, as is my right as Glenn Master of the Festivities and Designers Glenn." She spoke this formally and then broke into a glittering of laughter. She then went to stand at her station, until all the Glenn masters had been called.

Faerie of Insanity, was a very zany and mischievous faerie. She smirked at Avalona for they were great friends and were often found together when mischief was afoot. Insanity has eyes the colour of new snow, and hair that blazed like fire. She was the tallest of the council members; she had an over powering presence at times. Quick to be the center of any prank that maybe befalling some poor servant or even the Queen herself. Her humour was infectious and no one could ever stay angry with her, for her heart was pure.

"I have come forth to call my apprentices, as is my right as Glenn Master of the Administration and of Physicians Glenn." Beside her walked her knight, Tiedkisses. Tiedkisses was as mischievous as her leader was and her eyes sparkled with that same light as Insanity’s. Tiedkisses became Sybelle’s (a.k.a. Insanity’s) knight a few years before. By looking at her you’d never be able to tell that she was Sybelle’s daughter. She had long flowing hair the colour of chocolate with streaks of spun gold. Her eyes clear and clever shone a bright yellow. Not nearly as tall as her mother, but very tall in her own right. They took their place beside Avalona and all beamed at each other as if some great joke was about to take place and not a serious formality.

"I have come forth to call my apprentices, as is my right as Glenn Master of the Tale Spinners and Lore Keepers Glenn." This was spoken by one of the most beautiful women of the Castle, Isadorafae. Hair the colour of honey, and eyes of the same soft colour. Slight in height and weight, she looked delicate as a water lily. She had a serious and solemn nature about her. She could be found reading in the library, or researching some tidbit of knowledge to share. Unbeknown to others she was also the Defenders spymaster. Isadorafae was the niece of a distant Aunt to the Queens and Aurora favored her cousin much. Both cousins looked upon her and smiled. While many of the male warriors sighed in reverence. The thoughtful lady took her place beside Tiedkisses and in a rare moment of humour poked her in the ribs, while maintaining the look of pure innocence. Tiedkisses giggled and whispered something to Isadorafae that caused her to smile one of her rare smiles. Morgana then stood beside her fellow Glenn Masters and stated. "I have come forth to call my apprentices, as is my right was Glenn Master of the Defenders Army."

With the Leaders called and at their stations, the soon to be apprentices were called in. Each member was happy to be called my their new leader and soon the ceremony was over and all retired until later that evening when a great feast would be held in the new apprentices honour.

"Morgana!" Shyral called across the courtyard to her Companion. "I urgently need council of you and the Queens!"

"Attend to us at the board chamber in 10 minutes, my dear attendant." With that she left to find the guild council members.

Shyral went to her rooms to get ready for the council meeting. The little faerie finally awoke.

"Where are we Shyral?" the tiny faerie asked.

"You are in the Faerie castle of the Defenders," Shyral stated. "I must make ready for a council meeting so we can discuss your troubles little one."

"My name is Teasha, daughter of Ti’lla and Tho’yya," she proudly announced. Then remembering that her parents were no longer with her, she wailed in sorrow.

"There, there little Teasha, we shall help if we can. The Council is very wise and very brave. We shall find a solution to defeat these villains you speak of." Shyral turned to get dressed in her uniform.

"Are you a solider Shyral?" Teasha asked

"Yes, I am Teasha. Morgana is my Companion and I am a Captain in the Army." Shyral finished dressing.

"Are all the members faeries as well?" Teasha asked in wonder.

"All the members of council are, but not everyone with in these walls are faeries. I know the Queens will be most alarmed to hear of the situation of the faeries in the Vale." Shyral was still curious as to what had happened, but figured that asking Teasha to recall her horror more than once was very cruel.

"It is time for us to attend to the council, let us be going." Shyral picked up the little faerie and went to the door of her chamber.

"Thank you Shyral, I don’t know what I would have done if you had not come along." Teasha rested her head on Shyral back. "You truly are a chivalrous Knight."

Shyral smiled and the left to go to council, all the while wondering what excursion this little faerie was about to set the defenders on.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Shyral the Brave: Part Two

Shyral the Brave: Part Three

Shyral the Brave: Part Four

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