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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 25 > Short Stories > The Gelert, The Human, and The Healing Potion

The Gelert, The Human, and The Healing Potion

by hazelrat31

There was once a Gelert who was named Star250, but let's just call her Star. She was created and then immediately abandoned for reasons unknown. Indeed there wasn't anything wrong with her; she was a normal blue Gelert that was a bit fast if anything and the only odd thing about her was the small silver star on the back of one of her hind legs.

Star stayed in the pound for three long months, watching other pets come and go. Finally one day a human in a cloak came in. She was about 14, and she instantly began to look each pet over. Star was pressed up again the cage front barking hopefully, but alas, the girl stopped before the cage beside her.

"I'd like this Lupe--" the girl began. Unhappily the Gelert turned around and began to whimper. The star on her hind-paw caught the light and glinted, the girl's head jerked in her direction, "on second thought I'll take this Gelert," she said firmly.

And so Star came to live with Andrea, and as they walked home she saw the Neopian square for the first time.

"Wow, this place is big," the Gelert said as she looked around, "where do you live?" Andrea pushed back the hood of her cloak. She had red hair and bright green eyes. She gave a rye smile.

"I live at the very edge of town. I usually keep to myself, except I got in trouble for not having a pet.... That's a nice star by the way," she suddenly added, making the Gelert jump.

They walked for quite some time, and when they reached Andrea's NeoHome Star's paws were sore. As she looked at the house Star felt mildly disappointed, the wooden house had only one room and it looked as if a good windstorm would finish it off. When they entered the house her spirits sank even lower. Most of the home seemed to be a kitchen, with many shelves full of vials and scrolls. The only comfortable part of the room was a broken couch that had a small coffee table in front of it. Suddenly something caught the Gelert's attention,

"Erm, where's the bathroom?" she asked looking around. There was a bathtub with a curtain in the far corner but no toilet.

"Well the out house is in the backyard if that's what you mean," Andrea said, "We don't have plumbing in this house, I have to fill the bathtub up with a bucket."

While it was sparten, life with Andrea was fun, mostly because Andrea's hobby was potion making. Andrea would get up early each morning and start brewing potions right away, which was a problem because she was absent minded and sometimes stirred Slorg Slime into the oatmeal. Star especially enjoyed the fact that her owner had never heard of Neoschool, all of her education came from potion scrolls which Andrea encouraged her to read.

One day Star came upon an unfinished scroll, it read:

Cure-all potion

1.) Boil two cups of water mixed in with a teaspoon of Faerie Dust

2.) Once the mix is boiling add two magic vials of liquid

3.) Let sit until cool, then add Noil Hair in generous amounts until potion turns magenta

4.) Turn the heat back on and stir quickly while adding _______

"What is the final ingredient?" the Gelert asked.

"That's the problem," Andrea sighed, "so far everything I've tried has made the potion explode, or made it useless."

Later on Star felt cooped up, and asked if she could go play some games. Her owner agreed, but the Gelert had to buy some potion ingredients on her way back.

Upon arriving back home Star found Andrea pacing back and forth,

"Slorg Slime, no I've tried that, maybe Uni Hair, or Codestone dust...." When she saw Star in the doorway she stopped and grinned, "Sorry. I was trying to make that potion again. By the way Star do you manage to get a cheap Codestone? I might be needing one." When she heard her name the Gelert remembered something,

"Andrea, why did you pick me out because of the star on my hind leg?" she asked. Her owner looked thoughtful for a while and then explained about a dream she had once had,

"I was stirring a potion, I think it was the one that I'm having trouble with. Anyway I was standing there when I was blinded by a silver flash of light. A star appeared before me and then it dropped into the potion. Then the brew gave the hissing noise that it's supposed to make when it's complete. I guess your star just reminded me of the one from my dream."

That night Star was having a hard time getting to sleep. For some reason she just couldn't stop thinking about her star and the one from her owner's dream. It can't just be a coincidence, the Gelert thought. Finally she dropped into restless sleep. The next morning on her way to the outhouse it hit her. Yelping, she looked at the rock that a had been thrown at her hind leg, and then she inspected where the stone had hit her. A livid bruise was already beginning to show where her star was. Also a couple of silver hairs had fallen out and they lay shimmering on the lawn.

It was then that something else hit her, only this time it was an idea, quickly she limped back into the house. Sure enough her owner was trying to brew the impossible potion.

"Andrea, let me try," Star said. She quickly began to stir while adding some silver fur from her hind paw. Suddenly the potion hissed loudly and gave a puff of smoke before turning a lime green.

Two weeks later, after selling the last of the very strong healing potion, the pair found themselves ten thousand Neopoints richer. Using the money they installed plumbing in their house and got a new sofa to sleep on. And to this very day they are still brewing potions and causing minor explosions.

The End

Author's note: I would like to thank the readers and warn young pets that potion making is a very precise art and can go terribly wrong if not done properly. (I should know, I have yet to get very far on Kauvara's Potion Game!) I enjoy feedback, so feel free to Neomail me!

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