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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 25 > Continuing Series > Just Gotta Be Patient: Part Three

Just Gotta Be Patient: Part Three

by jessl50

"Well aren't you glad I brought him over?" Folly asked fighting back fits of laughter.

"Oh stop it!" Glitter said.

"What are you going to do to stop me?"

"Ahh!" Glitter ran at Folly and tackled him to the ground. They laughed and played (broke some things) and then sat to talk about what they were going to do after the dance.

"I still can't believe your going out with Jems. You owe me a huge favour we're not exactly best friends it took a really long time to get her to go out with you," Jems said.

"Well I got Sunny here right? And I got a date for you right? So I've paid you back, we're even."

Glitter smiled, "You're right I really owe you one for that, Sunny's a lot better than Jems."

"Oh you did not just go there."

Glitter laughed again, "Now you're starting to sound like me, we hang out too much."

Soon it was time for the Dance; Glitter met with Sunny and made plans for him to pick her up that night and Folly made plans with Jems.

Sunny pulled up to Glitter's house and rung the doorbell. Glitter came running to the door and opened it.

"Hi Sunny."

"Hi, so do you want to go now?"


So they hopped in the back (Sunny's brother was driving) of the car and listened to some music.

"So this is the gal you've been talking so much about," Sunny's brother laughed. "Well, aren't you going to introduce me to her?"

"This is Glitter, Glitter, this is Dark_Flame."

Dark_Flame was a buff, Glass Shoyru. He looked tough but was actually really nice. Sunny and Glitter arrived at the dance just as the band was about to play the first song.

They spotted Jems and Folly walking to the dance floor (Jems was caked with make up and her perfume was so strong the whole school could smell it, apparently hat didn't bother Folly.)

"Hi Sunny!" Folly yelled.

"Hey, so this is Jems?"


"Hi," Jems seemed to be interested in something new. "Folly didn't tell me he had such a cut friend wanna dance?"

"Uh no, I have a girlfriend," Sunny frowned. "Aren't you supposed to be dancing with Folly?"

"Him? He's not my boyfriend I just asked him to take me here. And I don't think your girlfriend will mind--she's not even here."

Folly looked shocked but stayed where he was to hear Sunny's answer.

"Well, you can ask her she's right here," Sunny pointed to Glitter who blushed and smiled.

Jems's face was scrunched in anger as Glitter tried to refrain from laughing, "C'mon Folly let's get away from these losers."

"No way, I just brought you here... remember?" At that, he walked off and asked Faith to dance.

Jems stomped off to her old boyfriend who turned her down, to the Gormball captain, who also turned her down. She repeated this until there was no one left but Mudd and Cabbage, a Buzz and a Grarrl who both smelt like old cheese.

Glitter laughed and danced with Sunny the whole time. They had a great time and after the dance she went with Faith and Folly (who were now a couple!) for ice cream. After they were done eating Sunny asked if he could talk to Glitter.

"Um, Glitter, you know how I said you were my girlfriend, well, you weren't really my girlfriend and I was wondering if you, um, you know, want to… be… my… girlfriend?" Sunny stuttered out.

Glitter smiled, "Of course."

After her date Chenny surprised her with a Cloud Paint Brush and told her that her stocks had skyrocketed. Glitter smiled, she had never been so happy.

One year later:

Sunny and Glitter have been together ever since the dance and have promised never to leave each other. Faith and Folly are doing just great. Glitter learned that good things come to good people and that you have to wait for the right pet that sees you as you are. As for Jems… well, she's being pushed around by the rest of the school, maybe we should help her... maybe next time, and as for Cherry, well, you decide.

The End

Previous Episodes

Just Gotta Be Patient: Part One

Just Gotta Be Patient: Part Two

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