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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 25 > Continuing Series
Branston: Agent in Disguise - Part Five

Branston squirmed around, and found his lighter in his sleeve. He turned on the flashlight, and looked around. There was slime, bones, and...

by darth_master

Doomsday Rider III: Zing-Lau's Revenge - Part Three

"How can this be?!" Zing-Lau shouted, gripping his head. "My plan is perfect! Arrgh!"

by yugo149

Elemental Distortions III: Part Six

After a full half day of flying, the trio finally arrived at the Tyrannian Volcano.

by selphie_tilmitt

Just Gotta Be Patient: Part Three

"What are you going to do to stop me?"

by jessl50

Lupe and Chia - Father and Son: Part Two

"Daddy, those two Lupes attacked me!" cried PyroThunder.

by ballistic_missile

Odyssey to the Stars: Part Three

"It's a good thing we did! How long did you plan on waiting before filling us in on the situation?"

by mewtant

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Ten

"I'll be okay... I'm the only person here who actually can fight this thing... so I'll fight alongside the NeoPets." He drew his two daggers. "Even if it costs me my life."

by gundamblaze

The Lost NeoPet: Part Two

"I'm not afraid," she said.

by leb388

The Owners' World: Part Four

"Wh-what are you!?" It cried. "You're not a cat!"

by catnip4

The PetPets Strike Back: Part Six

"Minions, grab them and shackle them to the wall!"

by deadly_dreamer

The Rainbow Scorchstone: Part Four

"So we meet again," the Dark Faerie sneered.

by fire_faerie_8080

The Wings of the Dream: Part Five

"Oh, you a stupid beast... you is."

by stephy_stork


"Well," snorted Uglog. "I treat all Moehogs as equals, which is more than I can say for you Skeiths!"

by my_dog_is_named_sam


Codestones-R-Us - Mau, Tai-Kai, Lu, Vo, Eo, Main, Zei, Orn, Har, and Bri! Hahaha, did somebody say Dubloon? Training the Codestone way is only way to go, especially if you want a legit pet. Excuse me, but did you say Cap'n Threelegs? Don't let the Techo Master hear those kind of jokes.

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The Armoured Neopians
"I just can't wait to tell Mum how I got a super bonus in level!" shouted KnightKougra.

by the_cloud_faerie

Of Evil Cousins and The Pant Devil
"But I thought the Pant Devil just stole things. You know, like smoothies and PetPets and..."

by ladyofsylla

It's All About Food! encouraging Neopians to spend on exotic foods, we help clear the already saturated food market.

by vlee11

Neopian Guide To Better Living: Introduction
My roommate thought I was crazy. "Why would someone buy a broken toy?" he asked.

by potebrigitte

Gelert Laughs
Why Gelerts don't climb trees...

by crystal_yoshi99

Oh no! Chiazilla and Mechachiazilla have teamed up to destroy Neopia!

by ghostly_kitty

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