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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 25 > Continuing Series > Branston: Agent in Disguise - Part Five

Branston: Agent in Disguise - Part Five

by darth_master

As the jet black boat ripped over the water, making title waves behind it, Branston flicked on autopilot, and popped out a Neocola. As he walked to the back of the boat to a chair, he was drenched. He had forgotten the autopilot didn't manoeuvre waves, so it just dove right through a wave bigger than a house. He went back to the front of the boat where it wasn't so wet, and started having his break. Suddenly, the little TV in the dashboard turned on, and Miss Moneynickel was on the line. "Branston, I thought break time was at noon, but not when you're on a mission and it's not even twelve. I suggest you get back to work on something, because If I were W, you would have been fired. I won't tell W this time, but you'd better get back to work!" she said through the screen. Branston put down his cola and said,

"OK, you're right. I'm almost there anyway, so I'd better get ready. See you later!"

"Branston, where are you going? Branston!" she asked. But Branston flicked off the screen before he could reply. Beyond the horizon, he could see the edge of the giant whirlpool. He pulled out the controls, and flicked on 'JET ENGINES'. The giant engines came out of the side of the boat, and started to power up.

As they reached maximum power, the whirlpool was only 10,000 metres ahead. It seems like a long distance, but when you have jet engines, you cover it pretty fast. He hit 'THE BUTTON', and he was speeding across wavy ocean. But he was the one making most of the waves. As the whirlpool the size of Mystery Island neared, Branston put on his water-breathing gadget. He strapped himself in, for fear he might fall out. He strapped on his backpack that was actually two small propellers, and held on for the ride. The boat reached the edge, and jumped out, right over the centre of the whirlpool. The boat was air born for a good ten seconds, before lurching roughly as it dove into the side of the whirlpool. The boat struggled against the harsh pulling force of the pool, but finally made it out of the suction. Once he found what was left of Maraqua (which was quite a ways from the whirlpool by now) he jumped out, and sent his boat to the surface. He swam down, shining his flashlight in every nook and cranny. When he had searched for a good hour or so, Branston got to one particularly large building. He went inside, and found it was almost untouched. Just a few puddles here and there. He took off his breathing gadget, and found there was still plenty of air here. He walked around everywhere, and all he found was and old sign on the floor. He brushed off the dust on it, and it said 'Maraquan PetPets, just the things to make your pets happy!' He picked it up, and underneath it was a small door, just large enough for him to fit through. He tried to open it, but it was sealed. He took out his laser pen, and melted around the edges. He pulled himself in, and shone his light around.

He saw a couple old PetPet bowls with nothing in them but water. He noticed a lot of them were broken, except for one. He walked over, and there was a little Primella in it. It stared at him, like he was the only thing in the world. Branston found a box of PetPet food, and fed it. It gobbled them down like an appetiser. He dumped the whole box in, and the Primella ate it all. Branston figured it must not have eaten in a long time. Branston started his search again, but as soon as he turned around, he head the Primella moan. "You must be scared down here," Branston said to it. The Primella nodded. "I'll come back for you once I'm finished," Branston told it. Branston shone his light into a corner of the room, and saw something that made he blood turn into ice.

There, in a corner of the room, was a skeleton. A Grarrl skeleton. He turned his head to another corner, and saw a long, dug out tunnel. Out of it slithered a huge, long, monster, more frightening then the Snowager, or the Beast in Tyrannia. It had huge teeth, and small arms and larger legs. It was black with red stripes. And its breath stunk. He pulled out his acid peppermints, and threw a full box of them in its mouth. It swallowed them like candy. He shot his pen laser at it, and it just bounced off its skin, But he managed to melt a tooth. If you can Imagine, It caused him a lot of pain. It reared up, and shot out a large white beam from its mouth, and sent it all over. He looked behind, and saw the little Primella, in the back of its bowl, weeping. The monster shot a beam, and it headed straight for it. Branston dived, and got the Primella out just as a beam blasted its bowl into a million pieces. Branston put it into another bowl quickly, and started once again throwing everything he had at the beast. Suddenly, the beast came up behind Branston, and swallowed him whole.

Branston squirmed around, and found his lighter in his sleeve. He turned on the flashlight, and looked around. There was slime, bones, and old food wrappers all over its belly. Suddenly, the monster hunched down, and slithered back into its cave. It laid down, and Branston flew to the other side of its stomach. He dropped his light, and it flicked off when the light bulb shattered. Branston felt around for it. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeew, cheese and cod burger," he said in disgust as he touched one. He shivered, and went back to searching with a twisted frown on his face. He found it, and flicked on the little flame. He lit and old cheeses wrapper on fire, for a little more light. He found a stick wedged in its side, and lit it too. He threw the old wrapper away when it burnt out, and held the stick in front of him. He tripped over a lump on the bottom, and dropped the torch. It burnt on the monsters stomach, and it let out a wale of pain. It shook around, and quickly left its cave. It smashed a window in the room, and swam out, letting the cool water flow in and put out the flame. While its mouth was open, Branston swam out. The monster saw him, and started to chase him. He pressed a button on his watch three times in, and the big arrow popped up, and spun like a propeller. It pushed him further ahead of the thing, and to the surface. He saw his boat, and went towards it. He opened a hatch in the bottom, and climbed in. He shut it, just as the monster caught up. He shoved forward the thrusters, and headed to shore.

The boat screamed its way through the water, and in an hour or so, he hit land. Now all he had to do was get the Fifth Dimensional Matrix back to H.Q. After grabbing it from the dead Grarrl's coat, which happened to be Dominions', he quickly put it inside the small carrying case, right when the beats showed. His H.Q. was located in Faerieland. The Faerie Queen let them have a tower, right in the centre of hers, and it was invisible like the Hidden Tower. All of Neopia's vital information was stored here, and guarded by plain old security guards and agents alike. He pushed the 'FOLD' mode, and the boat folded up into a briefcase. It's amazing what H.Q.'s Z could whip up. He took out the Fifth Dimensional Matrix, and warped up to Faerieland, at the foot of their invisible tower. He had to do more secret security things with gadgets and all to access this one, and there was so much, it would take up half a page if I wrote it. But then if I did, you would know how to get in too. So after all that, he took the matrix up to the very top floor, where Z was waiting.

"Ahh, Branston. I see you've returned with the matrix. In good condition, I hope," said Z in his sarcastic voice.

"Z, do you think I'd ever break anything on purpose?" asked Branston in his sarcastic voice.

Z took the matrix from him, and walked to the testing room. He placed it on a stool, and walked out. He beckoned Branston to the viewing window, and watched as a bomb was placed on the stool beside the matrix by a robotic arm. All the doors were sealed shut, and the arm punched a button that made it blow up. Dust and chunks of metal flew everywhere, and smoke blocked vision. When it all cleared up, the matrix was gone, and a robotic vacuum sucked up all the parts, the the vacuum was loaded onto a rocket, and launched through the roof into outer space. "That takes care of that problem," said Z. "Now nobody can use it ever again."

That night, Branston went home, to watch some TV and drink some pop for the first time in five months, and he was glad. As he flicked through the channels, sitting in his leather recliner chair, he saw a show on PetPets. It showed a Primella, and it suddenly reminded him of the Primella he saved. He wondered where it was, and if it was okay. He hoped it had made it to the rock pool, so it would have a good new home. One day, he hoped to see the little fella again, because he kind of missed it. And the next day, Branston went out and bought a Primella because it reminded him of the one he once knew. For the first time in years, Branston had a true (little) friend.

The End

Branston..... James___Bond_(was once an Eyrie, just that darned lab)
Dominion........................... A Green Grarrl (I don't know any Grarrls)
Z............................................. woofwoofcool (oldest pet in the family)
Miss Moneynickel
.................... rainb0w_princess (my friend's Shoyru)
The Primella.......... My friend's Primella (zapped by Sloth a while ago)

Written by darth_master
By darth_master
By darth_master
Do you got that? It's by me, darth_master!

Previous Episodes

Branston: Agent in Disguise - Part One

Branston: Agent in Disguise - Part Two

Branston: Agent in Disguise - Part Three

Branston: Agent in Disguise - Part Four

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