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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 25 > Articles > Lost Worlds of Neopia - Episode IV: Coral Canyon

Lost Worlds of Neopia - Episode IV: Coral Canyon

by evianevian

Welcome back to Lost Worlds of Neopia! After a brief hiatus, we are back with even more adventures in foreign and forgotten lands. As Bubbles, BabyC, and BlueRaspberry were, sadly, destroyed in Sloth's lair while searching for a black hole near the Space Station, we now have three new NeoPets to guide you through these worlds. Today, SuirenSong the blue Peophin will be taking us to CORAL CANYON!!

In all my years of living in Maraqua, I had always thought Coral Canyon was a mere legend, a reminder of the days when Maraquans didn't live in transparishield pods, of the days when Kelp Samosa wasn't even a thought in some chef's head. It was only after the destruction of Maraqua that I began to believe that there may be some truth to this tale. When Evian took me in, I got the perfect chance to see, firsthand, if my hypothesis was correct.

After many calculations (and many hours in the Lenny Library), I figured out the approximate location of Coral Canyon: 220 miles NE Neopia Central, 100 miles NW Mystery Island. It would be located in the Dark Mountains, a much-feared area of Maraqua where no one had settled. Upon diving in, I found myself in a world of blackness, bright yellow eyes glaring at me from the shadows. I swam over mountains and through valleys, finally coming upon a steep drop in front of me. Peering into the abyss, I was amazed by what I saw.

Lights blazed from hundreds of elaborately carved and decorated holes in the rock, and clusters of Koi, Flotsam, Peophin, and Kiko swam out to see if I came in peace. Their leader turned out to be the Koi Warrior, but while he is in the Battledome, they are ruled over by his son, Koitsune. The relatively small population (only about 3,000) escaped to here when Central Maraqua was destroyed. Koitsune agreed to show me around, if I kept the precise location of Coral Canyon a secret from prying outsiders.

Truth be told, there is not a lot to see in the Canyon. My first stop was for famous Maraquan cuisine. Despite the fact that these NeoPets have lost their premier chef, Sheytano, to Mystery Island, KoKo the Koi still cooks up delicious dishes with the few supplies the Coralians, as they call themselves, have access to. Forget about Scoop Chops and KoKo's famous Kelpcakes; here, the best dishes are Rock Roast, Pebble Pound Cake, Gravel Grits, and of course Coral Surprise, consisting of a little bit of every kind of rock to be found in the area.

After this, ahem, creative lunch, we set off to Keikonna the Handy-Koi's new shop. The Coralians have little use for his previous inventions, like Golfclubfish, so now he creates more practical utility items, like Toothpickfish for cleaning shards of rock out of the Coralian's teeth, as well as the less appreciated Electrictoasterfish; not such a good idea in this underwater area.

Finally, we stopped off at the new home of the thousands of Aquatic PetPets abandoned after Maraqua's destruction. The inhabitants are quite eager to get rid of them (as there are no regular tourists down here to buy the creatures), so they gave me (or rather, forced upon me) 13 Gulpers, 34 Flapjacks, and shoved a couple of Coneheads in my bag when I wasn't looking. Did I say they were eager to get rid of them? That was an understatement.

In conclusion, Coral Canyon is a great place for the traveler who wants to rough it in a cold, damp environment, has the ability to eat rocks, and is willing to come home with ten more bags than they came with, most of these full of wriggling, slimy, fish. Personally, I enjoyed my visit, and can't wait for the opportunity to return.

There you have it; your travel guide to the wonders of Coral Canyon. Join us next time for Lost Worlds of Neopia - Episode V: ^*GOVERNMENT ACCESS ONLY*^*CONFIDENTIAL*^

Disclaimer: The areas described in these articles exist only in the Neopedia or other written records of Neopia; there is currently no way to access them. Thanks to wierdogoof for this idea.

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