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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 9th day of Storing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 25 > Articles > The Great Neopian Depression?

The Great Neopian Depression?

by slushie31

Lately, people have been talking about a recession/depression looming. I'm here today to tell you that they are absolutely right.

It all started when the kind folks at the The National Neopian Bank decided to start cutting interest rates. A 2% cut to the interest rates corresponds to a large drop in daily income. Let's say we had 1 million Neopoints in our bank account. Before the cuts, we would get 12% interest, corresponding to 328 NP interest per day. With a 2% rate cut, we now only make 273 NP in interest each day. This is a 55 NP drop, which doesn't seem like much, but in a week, we just lost almost 400 NP. And think about how much we would lose if we had 2 million. Or 3 million.

And it's not just the large bank accounts that are affected. Let's say we only had a Silver Saver account of 5,500 NP. At the old rate of 8.5%, we'd get a yearly interest of almost 470 NP, which would be enough to get 1 NP each day. However, now with the rate drop to 6.5%, we'd only get 358 NP interest in a year, which is not even enough to get 1 NP interest daily.

So interest rates, and therefore income, is down. But I can still get a lot of money from the games, right? The answer is yes and no. The games have not gotten any easier, so unless you are pretty good at a game, it's challenging to make a lot of money through the games. As well, many of the easy moneymaking games have been taken off the site--Bullseye, Kiko Match (the old one)--and the NP team have been effective in removing bugs in the games that were useful in making easy money--the Hot Wheels game, for example. So in this respect, income is down too.

Which brings us to the Stock Market. Lately, the stock market's been taking quite a tumble. Many of the high-ranking stocks have become bargain stocks now. And inversely, the old bargain-priced stocks have started to take off--look at CHPS, which was hovering around 6-7 for ages, and now is around 20. This is good news for the people who have bargain stocks, but not good news for the high-priced stock holders.

The only really stable income-driving device is the Shops. Millions of people stock their personal shops each day with items bought cheaply from the main NeoPets shops. This is a very easy way to generate revenue, and therefore income.

However, this is about to change too. With the introduction of the two new clubs, the Book Award Club, and the Gourmet Club, prices for certain items have skyrocketed. You probably are sitting there, thinking, how is this a bad thing? Well, first of all, unless you are lucky enough to grab the good items from the main shops before everything's gone, it is now much harder, and much more expensive, to find that item you are looking for. Let's say you get a Water Faerie quest for a specific book that used to be worth 200-300 NP. You go on the Shop Wizard only to find out that it's now worth 600 NP! Now multiply this by many quests, as well as your desire to educate your pet... see what I mean?

As well, food items that we got for free from the Advent Calendar last month and probably sold off right away thinking we could always get more, have also skyrocketed in price. For example, the Turkey Dinner, which I sold in my shop for less than 10 NP, is now worth 10 times that. Unless you happened to keep Advent Calendar items (which I had done for a couple weeks, but figured it would be safe to sell them) you lost out on a huge profit, thereby also cutting income.

Or take the retired items for example. With both PetPets and paint brushes, now that certain items have retired the supply has dropped, thereby increasing demand and increasing the price. However, if you've been following the paint brush prices, which retired first, they seemed to have peaked a couple weeks ago, and are now dropping again. So people hoarding retired items lose out as the price drops back. And I predict the same thing will happen with the retired PetPets. How long will it be until the now unbuyable Flizzardos are buyable again, causing many people to miss out on great income possibilities.

So where am I going with all this? By cutting interest rates (thereby lowering wages) and introducing huge price raises (thereby increasing costs), we are bringing a Depression upon Neopia.

And what can we do about it? Not much, I'm afraid. If old trends repeat themselves, the expensive items should drop back to more reasonable levels eventually. And hopefully the bank will raise interest rates. But we might be facing a Great Depression... better start stocking your shop.

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