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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 25 > Articles > Butter Knives, Teapots, Muffins! What

Butter Knives, Teapots, Muffins! What

by digimonterminal

(w/ help from Elainezpet)

Everyone's heard of a Plastic Butter Knife and a Silver Butter Knife. And who can forget about the Golden Butter Knife? And then there's the Mystical Teapot of Doom and the Battle Muffins. Isn't there something strange about these items? Well, Elainezpet and I were talking one day about these items and came up with some strange ideas!

What NeoPets might make next:

Radioactive Ham - An extremely dangerous slice of smoked pork. Average damage: 10-15 HP. Approximate price: 3,000 NP. Defends: 1 air, 1 dark. Attacks: 1 earth, 1 light.

Battle Ham - These can do a lot of damage, so beware if they are used on you! These can only be used once per battle. Average damage: 15-20 HP. Approximate price: 10,000 NP. Defends: 2 physical, 2 light. Attacks: 2 physical, 2 dark.

Dark Chicken - This chicken is made of the darkest evil. It is a one-time use item, so use it wisely! Average damage: 5-10 HP. Heals: 5-10 HP. Approximate price: 2,000 NP. Defends: 5 light, 5 water, 1 physical. Attacks: 5 dark, 5 fire, 1 physical.

Light Chicken - This chicken is made of the purest good. It is a one-time use item, so use it wisely! Average damage: 8-15 HP. Heals: 8-15 HP. Approximate price: 3,000 NP. Defends: 5 dark, 5 earth, 1 physical. Attacks: 5 light, 5 air, 1 physical.

Soda Chicken - This chicken is bubbling to be thrown at an opponent in a battle. This is an endless use item, but it tends to disappear often… Average damage: May vary, up to 20 HP. Approximate price: 3,000 NP. Defends: None. Attacks: 1 water, 1 earth, 3 physical.

Sceptre of the Snow Faerie - This powerful sceptre can freeze an opponent for one turn and make a snowball for you! But beware! It might break! Can be used once per battle. Average damage: Freezes, may vary. Approximate price: 15,000 NP. Defends: Varied. Attacks: Freezes, varied.

Rod of the Faerie Queen - The most powerful Faerie weapon! The Faerie Queen made it herself. This rod will never break, but can be used only once per battle. Average damage: 20-50 HP. Approximate price: 3 million NP. Defends: 2 earth, 2 fire, 2 dark, 1 physical. Attacks, 2 air, 2 water, 2 light, 1 physical.

Some silly ones we made up:

Devilish Siblings - Very useful, especially if your opponents have siblings. This is a one-time use item. Average damage: 2-10 HP. Heals: 5-8 HP. Approximate price: 500 NP. Defends: None. Attacks: 3 physical.

Wand of the Devilish Siblings - Wow! This wand creates two Devilish Siblings for your pet per round! Now THAT is useful! May break forever. Average damage: 4-20 HP. Heals: 10-16 HP. Approximate price: 2,000 NP. Defends: None. Attacks: 6 physical.

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