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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 27 > New Series > Doppelganger: Part One

Doppelganger: Part One

by the11thwiseman

Break In
A Glass Shoyru holding a very large pile of dishes is walking through the best diner in town... it was an odd sight indeed.

"MORE DISHES?" he complained, as a Chia chef piled several extra dishes onto the massive pile.

"Yes! You are lucky having this job, you will do plenty work, yes?" the Chia snapped back.

"Yeesh! Okay, okay... I'll do the work... still don't see why I can't do two trips," the Glass Shoyru mumbled, and began walking across the floor, with a teetering stack of dishes, with a simple destiny...

"AGH!" the Glass Shoyru slipped, and all the dishes fell onto his head, where they instantly shattered.

"You are air head! Get out of diner now, yes?" the Chia cook chased him around the Diner.

"That's Aerowin to you, bub!" the Glass Shoyru said and left before being attacked by the Chia.

"Sigh... I don't think this will make Ferez any happier... oh well. Silently he walked away... and started to think about what had just happened. He had been leeching off of.... erm... living with Ferez in an apartment at the Cockroach Towers for as long as he had known, but just the other day Ferez had gotten fed up with Aerowin. He could remember all to well how he was booted from his home "until he could bring in some cash" as Ferez so delicately put it. So he came upon the restaurant finding a bit of work. However, he proved to be a klutz as always and managed to break more dishes than the Chia had Neopoints!

"Hmm... maybe Ferez will let me back now that I at least attempted to work," the Shoyru said aloud. "Yeah sure! I tried, and will find work soon, he can't be that cruel... err... I hope...."

Aerowin soon came upon the towers, and began making his way to Ferez's room.

"E... excuse me, out of the way please..." he sighed, pushing through the over crowded building.

"Hmm... maybe when I start bringing in some extra cash we'll be able to at least get a room somewhere else... or I could get my own room."

"My own room... nah... I'd hate to live alone. I always get a feeling someone is following me if I'm alone..."

Finally, Aerowin closed in on what was once his room.

"Why's the door open?" Aerowin paused, "Uh oh..." He entered into his room, which looked as if Aerowin had been playing Deckball in it (which was something he did a lot, by the way.)

Aerowin slowly walked through the mess... to see a note. Before he could read it, however, a fire Scorchio walked into the room.

"AEROWIN!!!" the Scorchio screeched in a way that nearly made Aerowin break.

"It wasn't me Ferez!! L-look!" Aerowin said, tossing the note to the Scorchio. Slowly the Scorchio read the note.

"Hmph... I still said not to come back... this note is for you by the way," Ferez said when he was done, tossing the note back.

"Eh? For me?" Aerowin said, opening up the paper. "To Aerowin.... I guess you were right Ferez."

"The darkness shall engulf you and the twilight of your existence is near.... You are weak and fragile... and that will be your downfall."

"W-w... written by an anonymous... f-friend...." Aerowin stammered as he read the last bits.

"Intense... but an anonymous FRIEND?" Ferez said, taking notice, "how could they be a friend? Is it supposed to be some kind of warning?"

"I don't know... but I have a feeling I need to get stronger."

"Eh... that's what the note said...."

"Uh... oh yeah," Aerowin continued, "Still... I'm... going to go and seek a way to improve my strength."

"Sigh... fine," Ferez said, a slight smile on his face. "But I will have to go with you... if I don't, you're likely to fall into a hole you won't be able to dig out of!"

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Doppelganger: Part Two

Doppelganger: Part Three

Doppelganger: Part Four

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