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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 29 > Continuing Series > Doppelganger: Part Three

Doppelganger: Part Three

by the11thwiseman

"What's this?" Deres said, looking down to the ground below.

"Looks like I've found the infamous Aerowin," Deres said, a grin stretching across his face. He then proceeded to fly down to Aerowin's location.

"Hmm? It appears the fire half is here too... oh well, he is of no concern," Deres thought as he landed behind Aerowin and Ferez.

"Uh... Ferez," the glass Shoyru said after turning around to inspect the noise.

"What!?" Ferez said, turning around to see the dark figure.

"Aerowin... you shall come with me.," Deres said, in a dry tone.

"And why would I do that?" Aerowin replied, putting up his flimsy arms.

"You can't take both of us," Ferez said, putting his slightly stronger arms up. Following this statement, Deres let out a wind gust that knocked Ferez a few miles away.

"Maybe if you were at full power I couldn't," Deres said, a grin stretching across his face. "But you are weak... wasting your life away in some tower...."

"You will not take me though," Aerowin said, in a dry tone.

"Hmph... while I have been training all my life to improve my powers... you have wasted yours... I highly doubt you would ever defeat me," Deres said, casting a sort of barrier around Aerowin.

"You are defenceless against even my simplest magic... you are a disgrace," Deres said, flying away with the barrier that Aerowin was trapped in.

"How am I a disgrace to anything? I've never had anything to live up to," Aerowin countered, while trying to find a way to bust out of his invisible prison.

"You don't know anything do you?" scoffed Deres.

"Well... I know how to divide and," Aerowin countered, being cut off by Deres.

"Ignorant fool... how you could be the other piece is beyond me," Deres said, gritting his teeth. "And I wouldn't feel these blasted emotions if I hadn't come near you... they get it my way."

"Every now and again I lose control of mine... but not nearly as much as you seem to be," Aerowin responded to the comment.

"Hmm... that is true... I do seem to be out bursting more than I should be," Deres said, going into deep thought, "I'm sure all will be explained by master Ghaleon."

"Ghaleon?" Aerowin asked, but with no reply, as they had come upon the are in which the brown Aisha ordered Deres away.

"Now how am I going to get out of here now?" Aerowin thought, not noticing Deres was flying lower into the mountains below.

"Hmm... maybe I can do those weird magic moves," Aerowin thought, sticking out an arm.

"Uh... wind blast!?" Aerowin said unconfidently, and to his surprise, a slight breeze filled the barrier. In front of him, Deres was in silent laughter. Then, they finally entered the lair before them, where Ghaleon the brown Aisha waited, holding the clear orb in his hand.

"I see you succeeded Deres," Ghaleon said as Deres entered.

"Yes... though he is very pathetic to be the other half."

"I expected the AeroDemon's day half to care less about fighting than you Deres... but I didn't expect so little..." Ghaleon stared at a confused and still trapped Aerowin. "Still, it is of no matter..." Ghaleon moved closer to Aerowin and looked at him, and then to the orb.

"Uhhh.... Could you explain a little of this to me?" Aerowin said, scratching his head.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Doppelganger: Part One

Doppelganger: Part Two

Doppelganger: Part Four

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