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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 29 > Short Stories > The Gelert Pack's Revenge: Grargadon

The Gelert Pack's Revenge: Grargadon

by spuddie_hang

Read "Spudd and the Gelert Pack"

SLAM! A shadow Gelert slammed his fist on the wooden table. "This is ridiculous. An old guy's student beating ME!" He kicked at a nearby chair and sent it flying. Groaning, he slumped onto the couch. Sighing, he picked up the controller and flicked on the television screen

"There has been sighting of the vicious Grargadon in Neopia Central. It seems he has escaped from Tyrannia and decided to cause havoc to the fellow citizens in the Central. The Chia Police has teamed up with the NBI (Neopian Bureau of Investigation) to catch this ferocious creature. In the mean time, stay safe fellow Neopians and don't let your children out after 6:00 NST."

The Shadow Gelert flicked off the television screen. "Grargadon, huh?" he thought out loud. "GREYHOUND!" A muscular shadow Gelert clad in silver armour came into the room.

"You called, Master?" asked the armoured shadow Gelert, apparently Greyhound.

"Yes," replied the shadow Gelert. "Take your horde and find this Grargadon. When you find him," the shadow Gelert looked at Greyhound warningly, "which I expect you to do, bring him here."

"Yes, Master," replied Greyhound.

Exiting the room, Greyhound shut the door behind him. Running to the window, he stuck his head out and started howling hideously. In a split second, a variety of different Gelert clad in armour appeared outside in front of the window. Grinning, Greyhound jumped out and disappeared into the surrounding jungle with his pack...


A happy looking strawberry Gelert sat in front of her television set, cheering her head off. "C'mon Michelle Kaun! You can beat' em!" she cried. Spudd, the Gelert, was watching the Neolympic Ladies Figure Skating. She was cheering for Meshell Kaun, the skater who represented Neopia Central. "Goody goody, here comes the scores..... WHAT! 5.3! Hey! Are you watching the same performance I'm watching!" Spudd jumped off the couch and shook her fist at the television. Turning off the television, Spudd angrily walked upstairs to her room, to mope. "Meshell wins with a bronze! What a bummer!" she mumbled as she leaped onto her regal oak bed. Tossing her sheets over her, Spudd laid her head on her pillow and drifted to sleep.


Grargadon raced through the forest. His stomach growled and he foamed at the mouth. He was evidently hungry. Getting near the edge of the forest, Grargadon stuck his nose in the air. A sweet, meaty scent was in the air. Running out of the forest, he found himself on a vast prairie land. Ahead, he spotted some dim lights. A town. Hungrily, he ran towards the town of Lamponville, as the meaty scent became stronger and stronger...

"LALALALA," a little striped Chia flipped over her steak. As you can see, this Chia is crazy, barbecuing at the middle of the night with a mad Lupe on the run from the Chia Police and NBI. She was aware of Grargadon loose, too. But she couldn't resist a good, barbecued piece of steak in the middle of the night. Humming happily, she slowly added a few more coals to the fire. While humming, the Chia suddenly heard a strange rustling noise. Looking about, she saw nothing. Shrugging, she resumed cooking. "Lalallalalala.... huh?" She heard it again. Looking around, she saw nothing. Getting a chill up her spine, she continued cooking.


Freezing, the Chia looked behind her and found herself face to face with a giant Lupe! Screaming, she jumped and ran as fast as she could, even though Grargadon wasn't chasing her. He was hungrily gobbling down her steak. Finishing the steak, Grargadon was about to find another meal until he suddenly was surrounded by armoured Gelerts. Growling furiously, he looked around. The armoured Gelerts were gnashing their teeth and sharpening their claws. Getting ready to fight, Grargadon was about to attack a nearby red Gelert until someone threw a bag of Neopoints at him. Confused, he looked towards the Gelert who threw the NP.

"My boss wants to see you. If you see him, you get the money. But if not, you do not get the money but you do get a beating from my team here." Greyhound smiled evilly. Knowing that he had no choice, Grargadon picked up the bag of NP and followed Greyhound.

The next morning, Spudd woke up bright and early. Still grumpy about Michelle Kaun losing last night, she hastily put on her robe and went downstairs for breakfast.

In the kitchen, Spudd expected to see her owner, Sherrie, at the stove as usual baking up a few pies and cakes, but instead, she saw no one. "What's going on here?" she wondered. "Sherrie usually logs on early morning to give me my breakfast before school, did-did she forget me?" Spudd sadly opened the refrigerator to get out some cold ham, but she found it empty. "What?" Pondering, Spudd entered the living room and went into the Inventory room. Empty. Even her plushies were gone. "Something's wrong," she thought. She ran to Sherrie's computer and switched it on. Nothing. The Computer wasn't responding. She went over to the phone and picked it up. No tone. Was the electricity out? Spudd slumped glumly on the couch. "What's going on around here?" she thought. Closing her eyes, Spudd took a deep breath. "This can't be happening," she said to herself. Opening her eyes, Spudd suddenly saw everything start to twist and spin. "Oh, the instincts are at it again!" she cried. Again, she entered the world of bluriness. Spudd squinted her eyes to see clearly. No luck. She shook her head and rubbed her eyes. Still no progress. "Okay," she thought, "My instincts are trying to send me a message. Focus." Spudd looked around the room, studying each blurred object carefully. The bookshelves, the television, the computer, the phone, the table, the Koi Tank. Nothing. Groaning desperately, Spudd suddenly heard her doorbell ring. Looking towards the door, Spudd saw something strange. In place of the door was a blurred vision of a massive Lupe Grargadon! Panicking, Spudd rubbed her eyes, trying to get the blurry vision out. Grargadon was at her front door. Finally, she recovered her vision. Slowly, she got up from the couch and tip toed towards the stairs.


"Oh no!" she thought. Panic stricken, she took one step on the stairs. Then another. Then BAM! Grargadon burst through the front door. Catching sight of Spudd, he smiled, and rushed after her.

Upstairs, Spudd ran into her room and shut the door behind her. She started pushing her desk towards the door. Accomplishing that, she grabbed her Green Bean Bag Chairs and piled them on top of the desk. She did the same with her chairs. Then, she struggled to push her regal oak bed towards the desk. Tired, she made it. Sweating, Spudd catcher her breath. She went over to her window and opened it. Escape. As she was about to climb out, there came a slight BANG at her bedroom door. "EEKK!"


It stopped. Spudd went back into her bedroom from the branch of the tree she climbed onto. Looking around, she sighed. He must have left.


Wrong. This time, the bangs were more louder. The desk started moving and so did the bed. Panicking, Spudd started to climb out of the window until she glanced down. At her front door step was the armour clad Gelert pack! Whimpering, Spudd knew she was trapped. The door opened up to a small crack. It enlarged as the bangs continued. Inhaling, Spudd swallowed her fear. As the door burst open, Spudd jumped up and high kicked Greyhound. Getting knocked to the floor, Greyhound looked up at Spudd angrily. "GRARGADON!" he cried.

The angry Lupe came crashing in. Widening her eyes in terror, Spudd started swinging her fists. She gave karate chops and kicks. She bit and she swung her tail furiously. Grargadon dodged as fast as he can and only got hit bye a few punches and kicks. Gulping, Spudd swallowed every last bit of her fear and worries and gave one huge kick. It hit Grargadon smack in the middle of the forehead. Freezing, Grargadon tilted sideways and fell down, unconscious. Gasping, Greyhound looked furiously at Spudd. Spudd grinned from ear to ear. "I'll give you five seconds to run, one... two... FIVE!" Greyhound squealed like he never did before and started running, with Spudd gnashing at his tail.

Running outside, Greyhound ran into the safety of his pack. "Let's get that Gelertess!" he cried. All the Gelerts howled.

"Ahem!" They all looked towards the doorway. Spudd was sitting on top of a Red Frost Cannon. "Say your prayers, boys." She fired a blast of frost at the Gelert Pack. Whimpering with pain, the Greyhound and his pack went scampering back to the forest, their behinds covered in icy frost and snow...

The End

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