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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 30 > Articles > Get Schooled With Neopia's School Expert

Get Schooled With Neopia's School Expert

by espanolchica10

Hello, I'm espanolchica10, and I recently caught up with the Back to School Shopkeeper. I asked him a few questions that will help you learn about this shop that is new to most Neopians.

Q: What do you sell in your store?

A: Well, it IS pretty obvious! My Back to School store sells school supplies. They have all supplies you could ever think of, except for books. You can find those at the Neopian Book Shop.

Q: Why did you decide to open the Back to School store?

A: Well, many NeoPets go to Neoschools sponsored by the guilds their owners belong to. They need supplies to practice what they have learned and to do their homework, so I decided to open a shop for that need.

Q: You won't find your store on a map. So how do you get there?

A: There are two ways you can get there. The first is the long way, which is for people who haven't been to school - Just go to the news page and click on 4th March for past news. There you will find, on the 5th March section, a paragraph about my store. Click on the link to it or the pictures of the back to school items below it. Or, if you are well-schooled like me, then just click here.

I hope that my store will be built on the map soon, though.

Q: Those pictures are your three newest items, are they not?

A: Yes. There is the Green Chia Pencil Holder, the Rainbow NeoPets Notebook, and the Cheesy Ruler. The Green Chia Pencil is quite handy. The Chia head flips up, revealing a hollow area used to store pencils, pens, and other writing utensils. The Rainbow NeoPets Notebook is a great place to write stories, lists, journal entries, or schoolwork. The Cheesy Ruler is basically a ruler with holes in it like cheese, and it even smells a little bit like cheese!

Q: But these items aren't that common right now.

A: Correct. If you look them up in the Shop Wizard, there are only about 3 to 5 shops shown for each item, instead of the usual full page. Sometimes, these items aren't even in any store at all!

Q: Some Neopians think the prices of these new items are barbaric. What do you think of that?

A: Me? Oh, I do understand their complaints. The Rainbow NeoPets Notebook, average price on the Wiz, is about 96,000 NP. The Green Chia Pencil Holder is a little bit less. And the Cheesy Ruler is not even in stock too much at all, so it's hard to find an average price for it. But enough about these items. Let's talk about the shop itself, and me.

Q: Uh…OK. Many of your prices are a little high, but your shop is sold out in less than one minute, similar to Hubert's Hot Dog stand. Why do you think this is so?

A: It's an honour to be compared to Hubert's. His business is so successful. I personally enjoy those potato jackets. Anyway, I think my shop is sort of the same situation as his - my prices can go much lower than the Wiz's, so people want to get the school supplies from me first. It's pretty simple.

Q: Neoschool will be ending for the summer, but will start back up again in September. What do you think are the basic supplies Neopians will need to buy to prepare their pets for when fall comes?

A: Well, some of these items I don't sell at my store, but a lot of them I do. First, I would recommend having at lease 5 Drawing Pencils on hand for the whole school year. They break pretty easily. Also, I would recommend 3 Sketch-a-Pics, 2 Boxes of Crayons, 1 blank notepad or set of paper of any kind, 1 Deluxe Set of Colouring Pencils, and 4 Chia Head Erasers. Those are the actual supplies. I'd recommend having enough food for your pet to have lunch every day! And maybe some Wellington Boots for those rainy days when your pet has to walk to school.

Q: Where are Neoschools located?

A: As I said before, you can find Neoschools in some guilds. But the NeoPets team is working on building an actual Neoschool for your pets.

Q: Wow, you sure know a lot about schools. You must be a former teacher.

A: No, I never became a teacher. I decided to do something else schoolworthy. I always loved tinkering with the school supplies. I decided I wanted to be around them even as a grown NeoPet.

Q: Well, where did you go to school?

A: I went to school right here, in Neopia. That is when I decided I wanted to be around school supplies - or at least do something that would help Neopians learn. I majored, at school, in product marketing. It's always been a dream of mine to market supplies that help people learn.

Q: Well, that's all the time I have right now. Thanks for coming and talking.

A: You're welcome. Hope all of you Neopians come to my Back to School Shop!

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