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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 31 > Articles > Faerie This, Faerie That!

Faerie This, Faerie That!

by sailorblue18

Many of you know about the city way above the clouds, more commonly known as Faerieland. In fact, I bet almost every one of you go to the Healing Springs now and then, and try your luck on the Wheel of Excitement once a while. But do you know the story of Faerieland's creation? Why of course not! It has been forgotten throughout the years. But don't worry, I'm here to tell you all about it!

Legend has it that long ago in Neopia, the Faerie Queen was not as mysterious as she is today. Sure she had magical powers, but she liked to hang out in the Neopia Central Marketplace, near the Money Tree, to reward people who give and to punish whom stole from the Money Tree. The Faerie Queen doesn't talk much, but everyone loved her as she was.

But after a while, there were more and more pets and their owners in the Marketplace. Some certain owners donated to the Money Tree for the reward from the Faerie Queen, then others followed. Pretty soon, almost everyone donated to the Money Tree for the reward from the Faerie Queen.

The Faerie Queen soon began to dread the ungrateful NeoPet Owners, so she decided to leave Neopia Central, and begin a new world high above the ocean, which is now, Faerieland. Of course, when the Faerie Queen left Neopia Central, lots of shopkeepers were sad. There were even some tears! But the ungrateful owners were more angrier than disappointed.

First, the Faerie Queen called a meeting amongst the faeries of Neopia. You just won't believe how many faeries attended! Well, none of the faeries wanted trouble from the Faerie Queen. So, the meeting was in order and the topic was, of course, Faerieland!

When the Faerie Queen asked for suggestions, the faeries responded with weird and bizarre ideas of their own. Would you believe that one Earth Faerie's idea was to build a huge Faerie Farm with faerie cows, sheep, and pigs? (Imagine cow, sheep, and pigs with wings…)

Anyway, the Faerie Queen took a Water Faerie's idea of the Healing Springs for sick and tired Neopets. She also agreed to have a Wheel of Excitement for rich owners. What would a world be without PetPets? With a wave of her magical wand, the Faerie Queen gave life to a bunch of Faerie PetPets such as the Cirrus.

The faeries had a huge trial about whether of not the Tooth Faerie should have her clinic inside Faerie City. It was a close vote, but they decided that the Tooth Faerie would be better off just wandering about in Neopia. The Tooth Faerie was sure disappointed….

The Dark Faerie was suggesting to put a casino in Faerieland. A bunch of Light Faeries objected, but the Faerie Queen kind of liked the betting idea. So, instead of a casino, she built a Poogle Racing Stadium, where you can bet for your favourite Poogle!

The Faerie Queen sure shot down the Battle Faerie's idea of the Faerie Battledome down the drain! But she did take the Earth Faerie's of a food shop, and another Water Faerie's suggestion of a book shop. The Fire Faerie sure surprised everyone when she suggested to build a Employment Agency. The Faerie Queen agreed to that for she thought that was a splendid idea.

So, the meeting was dismissed, and everyone (Expect for the Negg, Space, Tooth, Snow, and Battle Faerie) went to work to make Faerieland a home for all the different faeries.

Everyone ditched in to help and even the Light and Dark Faeries called it a truce, and agreed not to argue. With all the different kinds of faerie magic, Faerieland soon became a sweet home for everyone.

Over the time, the faeries discovered that they were really careless when it comes to keeping their items. The Faerie Queen cleverly built a Faerie Quests building inside Faerie City. So that the faeries can ask people across Neopia for items, then wait inside the Faerie Quests building for the owner to return with the item that they desire.

Finally, Faerieland seemed to be complete, so the Faerie Queen used her magic to bless one tower so that it would be really hard to find. In there, she created many Battledome weapons and shields, so when people do stumble into her tower, they would stare enviously at the items. If you want to buy one though, it's going to cost you millions of NP! That tower, is now known across Neopia, as the Hidden Tower of Faerieland.

Now, are you wondering about the other stuff in Faerieland? Well the Faerie Queen did not create them. The ones that first discovered Faerieland made them. I don't even think they got the Faerie Queen's permission. But hey! That's just my opinion.

Just like that, Faerieland opened up to the public and became an extremely successful place! The Faerie Queen doesn't come out of her tower often now. But if you ever see her, make sure you are polite to her. If you don't, let's just say that you may be a frog for the rest of your life!

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