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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 33 > New Series > For Fuhnah's Fires: Part One

For Fuhnah's Fires: Part One

by sarakrindel

The Acara with the Stone
Laiera (pronounced ly-EAR-ra) looked straight into the face of the Acara before her. "Give me the stone."

"So you know I have a stone. How perceptive." The Acara looked down at the stone again. "It is so interesting, not to mention beautiful. Why should I give it to a yellow Wocky like you?"

Normally Laiera would have just chased down the opposing creature and be done with it, but the Acara was on its own beach with the water behind it to retreat to if Laiera made any attack. Laiera could not float, let alone out-swim an Acara.

For now, Laiera would have to keep it near the shore. Above all else, she had to get that stone, and scaring this Acara into the water was not going to accomplish that.

"You say the stone is interesting. How so?"

"Ohhh, it glows with a subtlety greater than that of the moon or stars. The stone even has a subtler shape, with curves softer than a pebble. I found it at the river mouth yonder, perhaps you will find another one there."

The mouth of the river that I was chasing this stone down, Laiera thought to herself. And, as far as she knew, this was the only one that would work for her purposes.

"Would you care to bargain? I might have some things you may want," Laiera offered cautiously.

The Acara merely laughed. "What is the value of a stone which is merely pretty. Try me, Wocky, and perhaps you will walk away with this object so precious to you. But don't think I will be short-changed easily."

The Wockess was at a loss of words. She knew that she did not have anything of a use for a water creature that she would be willing to give up. But if she did not act fast, the Acara may grow bored and dive away with the stone. If only she could somehow trap the Acara, and thus impress it enough to give up the stone. Laiera certainly needed it more than this nuisance.

Laiera pulled out three wands from her pack. "This is a steel wand," she said aloud, as if she were to propose a trade, "for ice magic. Here is a gold wand, which is of equal strength, but deals in fire magic. Lastly, this is a silver wand, for healing magic. I shall," she said before the Acara could object, "demonstrate the powers of each."

The Acara moved back a few feet, but fortunately still seemed curious and sure of its aquatic escape.

Laiera moved the steel wand in a precise formation and muttered special words. Even though it was enchanting to the Acara, sweat was pouring from Laiera's forehead. This was a variation of a spell she never tried and if she failed, the stone was certainly lost to her. As Laiera started the last part the Acara got more tense as each phrase was verbalised and prepared to give the Wocky the slip.

Suddenly large icicles rose up from Laiera's wand, and before the Acara could get away they thrust themselves in an arc into the sea, encircling the Acara Ice magic definitely had its uses with a little creativity.

The Acara reared up and doubtless was preparing to do a fierce Acara splash. Laiera quickly flicked her red wand and started a rain of pelting fireballs. The Acara tilted back into the water. To prevent her falling into the sea with the stone forever, Laiera focused on the silver wand. The Acara came back up after a few moments.

"You win," the Acara panted, shocked by the display. She picked the stone up and threw it over to Laiera. "Let me go."

Although the ice would melt in about ten minutes anyway, Laiera called it away. Before she could say 'questing' the Acara was gone.

Laiera bent over to get the stone. As soon as she touched it Laiera learned its first truth; the terrible prophecy proclaimed against her village was indeed going to pass. Laiera held it for a few more moments to let another truth sink in.

Go, Laiera could feel the stone whisper into her mind, go to the volcano of Fuhnah and attempt to capture some of her fire, or else your people will be wiped from the face of the earth. Keep me, and I will guide you toward the way.

The sun was setting towards the continuing coastline. Laiera packed up her wands. She would wait until the orange hues left the skies. Then, with stone in hand, she would follow its first urging, toward the Northwest dunes.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

For Fuhnah's Fires: Part Two

For Fuhnah's Fires: Part Three

For Fuhnah's Fires: Part Four

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