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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 33 > Continuing Series > Kimiko: Part Three

Kimiko: Part Three

by asianchick9

Finding Home
SINCERE APOLOGIES to whoever really lives at 3509 Market Street, and also 1026 Cairn Close. You know who you are, but I don't.

Purrow and I began with the Neo Pages, a veritable treasure trove of addresses.

"Where did you live again?" I asked, skimming through pages.

"Market Street."

"Do you remember the number?"

"Yeah... 3509 or something like that."

"3509." I paused, looking for 3509. "Is it owned by someone named Julikye?"

"Julikye?" cried Purrow in dismay. "That's not Kailee!"

"You never know. Maybe we should just see and ask if they know."

"All right," said Purrow. "But what should I tell Dorothette?"

"Tell her you went to the Money Tree," I said as Purrow dialed her home number on her cell phone.

"Hello? Dorothette? Yes, this is Purrow. I'm just popping down to the Money Tree. I won't be long. Um, okay, I'll pick up Maik on my way back. Okay. Bye."

"Well?" I said after Purrow hung up.

She took a deep breath. "Let's go."

We took the bus to Market Street and walked past the chocolate vendors and book stores. Finally we reached the residential area and walked to 3509.

Purrow knocked on the door softly. There was a pause, then it opened.

A large Lupe stood at the door. "Yes?"

"Erm, hi. I'm Pur--Kimiko. I used to live here."

"Oh yes. Hrm..." The Lupe went into the back of the house but still kept the door open. After a while he returned with a slightly yellowed envelope with the name "Kimiko" written on the front in beautiful script.

"Kimiko, right?" Purrow nodded. "Benjamin, Nobaru and Leiriche left this for you." Purrow and I exchanged glances that both said, "Leiriche?"

Purrow took the piece of paper. "Thank you, Mr. ..."

"HalfMoonWolf." The Lupe smiled, then closed the door.

I took Purrow to a Terror Mountain Yums restaurant and we sat at a table beneath a large blue and white umbrella. Sipping on a pepperminto slushie, Purrow opened the envelope.

Dear Kimi,

We've moved, yes. We gave this to the new owner in case you ever came back. They may have told you about a Leiriche. Leiriche is a Poogle we found one day, and our new sister. But no one can replace you, Kimi.

Below is our new address. Come and visit us some time, or maybe write.

1026 Cairn Close
Central Neopia N21 1B26

Lots of love,

Benjamin and Nobaru

P.S. Do you still have the ring?

Purrow digested this information, along with her slushie. Then, suddenly, she began to cry.

"I've found them," she sobbed, but with some degree of happiness. "I've finally found them! All of this stealing and looting will be out of my life." She looked me in the eye. "Forever! Oh, it will be wonderful! Except..." She sat there, quivering. "Except Kailee is still gone," she murmured. "Oh, Fyora, I can't take all of this at once! I'm happy I found Benjamin and Nobaru and this Leiriche Poogle, but at the same time my Kailee's still missing!"

I was stunned by all of this emotional outpour. "Don't worry," I finally managed to say. I fiddled with my Exploding Snowball Special, which looked suspiciously like pink food colouring mixed with whipped cream. "Maybe you can tell them about all of this, and they'll help you find Kailee."

"Do you think so?" said Purrow.

"Sure. They were probably looking for Kailee when they found Leiriche. We should go visit them tomorrow."

Purrow nodded mutely. "What time is it?"

I checked my watch. "3:14. Why?"

"Jhudorah's cloud!" she exclaimed. "I've got to pick up Maik!"

"Where is he?"

"At Grundo's Gym, because he's a bit of a weakling," whispered Purrow. "But don't tell anyone."

"I won't," I replied. "That's pretty nearby. We'll take the Neobus to there, and then I'll go back to my shop. I'm sure Kaylimane wants to take the rest of her day off."

Purrow smiled. "Thanks a lot," she said. "I'll come tomorrow, but not to steal. I'll come so we can go see my family."

I shrugged, getting up. "Sure." I finally had a mouthful of my Exploding Snowball Special, determined to not look like a picky eater. A hard thing stuck between my molars, so I chomped down on it. It was a big mistake. They didn't call it Exploding Snowball Special for nothing, and that piece of sugar did just that.

"Whoa, are you okay?" said Purrow sincerely, most likely noting my agonised expression.

"About okay as I'll be with sugar lumps exploding in my mouth," I muttered. "Let's go to the Neobus stop."

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Kimiko: Part One

Kimiko: Part Two

Kimiko: Part Four

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