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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 32 > Continuing Series > Kimiko: Part Two

Kimiko: Part Two

by asianchick9

Purrow's Story
"I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, but Kailee made the best of it. My two brothers and I always had enough to eat, and there was always a little bit extra for toys and a smoothie. Back then, my name was Kimiko. Kailee went to the Money Tree once and she didn't come back. We grew a little worried, but my older brother Benjamin made the best of it. He took Kailee's place, but our beloved owner was never found. One day a gang of Skeiths came to the door..."

'We come for th' ring,' one of them grunted.

I fiddled with the ring on my paw that Kailee had given me. It was a Neopian heirloom with magical power, and I certainly wouldn't give it to the Skeiths. They had paws like stone blocks, and would most likely break it.

'What ring?' asked Benjamin, feigning innocence.

'We search you owner las' month,' said the leader. 'She no got th' ring. So we looks her up in Neo Pages. And we come to her NeoHome. So give the ring, and we give you owner. You no give the ring, and there be Sloth t' pay.'

'We're not giving you the ring," said my younger brother Nobaru bravely, or maybe foolhardy. 'Who knows what damage you would do!'

'Look, kid,' said the leader, exasperated. 'We bein' nice to you. There be damage done t' you if you no give the ring.'

'Never,' said Benjamin. 'It's all we've got.' And it was true. Pets by themselves were not permitted to play most of the games that gave you lots of money, and slowly our funds were dwindling, though we had all played so much Meerca Chase, Kacheek Seek and Lenny Trivia it was coming out of our ear stalks. So Benjamin had sold some of the furniture.

'That be too bad. Now we's a take you sista.'

I froze. What would be worse: being taken away from my brothers, or losing Kailee's ring? I decided to be the courageous, selfless sister for once in my life.

'Fine,' I said boldly.

Nobaru gasped. 'Kimi!' he shrieked. 'Don't go!'

The Skeith leader, though, nodded. 'Thazza goooood choice if you no give us ring,' he said heartily, stretching out the good. 'Come, girl.'

But before they could lay one creepy brick paw on me, I sprinted out the door. Nobody said Aishas weren't fast, and I ran like the wind.

I stopped to catch my breath when I reached Bracknell Road, quite a distance considering we lived on Market Street. I counted the coins in my pocket. 80 Neopoints. Just enough to cover what pound fees were back then.

I walked to Main Street and to the pound.

'Yeeeeesss?' said Dr_Death, looking up from his Neopian Times.

'I'd--like to put myself up for adoption, sir,' I said meekly.

'Do you have an ID?' he asked.

I rummaged through my pockets again. No ID I must have left it at home, I thought.

'Erm, no.'

He paused, studying me. 'You know, with a bit of a scrubbing you could pass for a new pet.'

'Yes, well, I'm pretty small,' I admitted.

'Why don't you go to Neopia Avenue where the Creation Centre is? Bring them this note, too, so they know.' He scribbled on a piece of paper and handed it to me. 'Take care.' As I walked out, I loved Dr_Death.

I went all the way to the Create-A-Pet Centre. I gave a red Uni the note and they allowed me past the door, to the other side of the desk.

'Dr_Death said that a bath is all you need,' said the Uni, 'and I'm inclined to agree. You're in pretty good shape. Have you had your NeoFlu shot?'

I nodded. She asked me if I had had various other vaccinations. I had gotten all of them.

'Well, kid, let's get into the tub then. Do you prefer Pretty Peophin Shampoo or Shiny Fur Care?'

A few soap bubbles later, I was clean.

So then Dorothette came along, and I was taken into her care and renamed Purrow02. Dorothette was pretty nice to me at the beginning, but I never told her my story. Pretty soon, though, the money began to run low. That's when she told me that the reason she named me Purrow was because she wanted me to be like the Aisha thief: quick, strong, agile and, above all, sneaky. That's when she told me that she wanted me to steal. She just targeted a random person to keep her shop in business, and I guess that random person turned out to be you.

After Purrow finished, I had to sit down. So I was just a target because someone was down on their luck. I couldn't blame Purrow, though. Not after all she'd been through.

"Is that all?" I asked weakly.

A silence of a million years passed between us. Finally, she went down on her knees (or whatever it is that Aishas have), paws clasped around a fat Tchea fruit.

"Could you help me find my family?" she begged.

How could I say no to something like that?

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Kimiko: Part One

Kimiko: Part Three

Kimiko: Part Four

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