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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 32 > Continuing Series
As Told by child_dragon: Part Eight - Fireflies

A long time ago, Neopia was a much different place than what we remember. It was a wild and rough land, full of magic and danger.

by child_dragon

Jhudora's Convert: Part Two

"Everyone who comes in here has something. No one comes just to look around."

by muas

Kimiko: Part Two

"I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, but Kailee made the best of it..."

by asianchick9

Once Upon a Full Moon: Part Two

Sahhara followed the dim outline as she was led hastily through the snow and down a hole, like that of a burrow.

by wubba_flub_the_alian

The Cheating Cheat! Scoundrels: Part Four

"Hand 'em over, sister, or I'll blast you with a beam so hard..."

by gzusgirl

The Last Stand: Part Two

"The last time my head felt like this was when... oh no, not again!" she cried out realising the situation.

by fire_faerie_8080

The Lupe Sorcery: The Destiny Begins - Part Three

She could smell some Chias nearby, but she wasn't hungry. She just wanted to enjoy the afternoon.

by lupeartist14

The Mystery of The Battle Faerie Treasure: Part Three

"Oh my rod of supernova, look at that!" Earthy said.

by purplepokadotz

The Rainbow Teardrop: Part Two

I looked behind me. My pawprints were long since covered up in last night's snow.

by windsweeper

The Warrior: Part Three

The anchor was hoisted and they set sail. Thrice looked around, "Any sign of that Shoyru, Flapear?"

by yellowyoshi749


The Dreaded Makeover

Neopia is a world that is constantly changing. It just takes one look at the news page to realise that fact. Most of the time, change is a good thing. After all, without change, we wouldn't have any new worlds to explore, games to play, or pets to adopt. If Neopia always stayed the same, it would probably be a pretty boring place... more>>

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Other Stories

After Dark
A dark figure looked up from the clearing as a huge red Eyrie, highlighted by the setting sun, circled and then came down for a landing.

by scriptfox

Miracle on Aisha Avenue
"MAKE IT HATCH!" Tye yelled at the Gelert doctor at the Neopian Hospital.

by cuteakk

Neopian Astrology
Another week has passed and with that comes a change in the stars. What does this week hold in store for you?

by bunny_angel103

Zeke Speaks: Thoughts from a Library Legend
Having read 340+ books and securing myself a comfortable place on the Neopian Book Award's High Score Table, I feel somewhat qualified to share my humble opinions...

by missphd

Limited Too Debut...
Based on a true story.

by arianna_fierce

Not Your Everyday Family
And you thought their ears were just for show.

by catnip4

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