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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 54 > Short Stories > Fugitive Flotsam

Fugitive Flotsam

by _baby_tango_

Fiona, a small pink flotsam, could put up with the bullying no more. As they laughed and shouted cruel names at her, she ran out of the gates of her Neoschool, leaving behind confused teachers and all her equipment.

     She panted as she sat on a bench about a ten-minute walk away from her school. So far no one was chasing her trail, but Fiona knew it was only a matter of time. She knew she couldn't go back to her NeoHome - her owner would be cross and there would be too many questions to answer. School was a definite no as well - everyone would laugh at her and the teachers would be really angry.

     She continued walking towards the tall hill that loomed above her. She'd never climbed it before - neither had many people. There were stories about what went on there after dark. Plus, many people were scared about the drop.

     She took a deep breath and started climbing up the path that led to the top of the hill. It was very tiring just getting half way. Fiona was worried about dropping and suddenly the terrifying view got the better of her. She knew she couldn't climb back down, though. So she continued.

     One hour later, Fiona reached the top. She could see the whole of Neopia from there. The view was unbeatable. After all that climbing, though, Fiona was exhausted. She lay her head down on her paw and fell fast asleep.


She awoke in the hospital in Neopia central. From what she'd seen of the hospital, she was in the 'Vital' unit, where all the serious cases went. This was probably the young Neopets section. The room she was in was massive, and there were only three other beds in there. In the bed opposite her was a Uni with a bandage around her head.

     "Hi, I'm Ursula," the Uni said softly with a smile.

     "I'm Fiona." She smiled back.

     "Why are you here?"

     "I have no idea." At that precise moment a Nimmo nurse burst through the double doors leading to the corridor outside. She came over to Fiona's bed and checked something on her clipboard.

     "Hi Fiona, I'm Nina. Do you know why you're here?"


     "Well you were found asleep on top of Mount Garret. It was during a storm. Someone in a helicopter saw you and brought you here."

     "Why though? Why didn't they just let me sleep at their NeoHome and take me home in the morning?"

     "Because he was worried that you'd catch a cold."

     "Medicine could clear that up!"

     "Not always. There are some colds that have to be checked out by professionals. Anyway, it's better to be safe than sorry."

     Fiona fell back in her bed and groaned. "My owner is going to kill me!"

     "No she isn't. We got in contact with her and told her what had happened. She was worried sick."

     "Where is she?"

     Ursula butt in. "She's been by your bedside all night! She left about an hour ago."

     "Are you guys thirsty?" Nina asked.

     "Yeah," Ursula answered.

     "Me too," said Fiona.

     "I'll get you two some water then." Nina's high heels clip-clopped down the corridor and faded slowly.

     "So why are you in here?" Fiona asked Ursula.

     "I was hit on the head by some bullies."

     Fiona winced. "You get bullied too?"

     "Yeah. You do too?"

     "Yeah." They laughed. "That's why I'm here too. I walked out of school because the bullies wound me up so much. I climbed Mount Garret and fell asleep. You know the rest."

     Nina returned carrying two cups of water, full to the brim. Ursula and Fiona sipped eagerly. A male Tuskaninny across the room awoke dizzily.

     "Hey, Tommy, this is Fiona!" Ursula called, pointing at Fiona.

     "Ssh!" Nina hushed the excited Uni sternly. "There are Neopets working round here and pets trying to get some rest!"

     "Hi Fiona, I'm Tommy," the Tuskaninny said, grinning.

     Nina received a message on her walkie-talkie. "Hey, good news you three! You can all go home today!"

     "Cool!" they said simultaneously. They all laughed simultaneously, too.

     "Tommy, why are you here?" asked Fiona, looking at the crutch beside his bed.

     "Oh, I was born with a disease and I had to have an operation for it. I was bullied about it."

     "Wow. All three of us are victims of bullying."


Nina had been right - her mother wasn't mad. She hadn't even realised Fiona was being bullied, so as an apology, she took all three pets and their owners to the Golden Dubloon for supper that night. Then, they all returned to Fiona's NeoHome and slept there for the night, the pets sleeping in the garden in a tent and their owners each sleeping on a jelly bed.

     One week later, they all returned to school, but this time is was to a special school for bullied pets. There they made loads of Neofriends and they all lived nearby too! Every week as a treat, the pupils visited a different area of Neopia.

     So everything worked out just fine in the end, and they all (except for the bullies) lived happily ever after.

The End

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