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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 54 > Short Stories > A Bottle of Love

A Bottle of Love

by yasashiiyukiko

A sunny day of summer in Neopia, and a dim shade of green laid upon the busy Meridell.

     "Where is my Bottle of Love?" Illusen demanded as she tilted her head, signaling Waddlepuff to get going, "Bring it to me in 16 minutes and I shall reward you with something handsome -- or something rather cute."

     "It's gonna be yours in no time!" said Waddlepuff the Poogle exuberantly, while she wiggled her fluffy tail. After they giggled a bit, Waddlepuff speedily raced down the hill of Meridell, heading to Mr. Shop Wizard.

     Waddlepuff was running at her quickest speed down the hill. Suddenly, a huddled bunch of Faerie Grundos caught her eye. She knew she had plenty of time until Illusen needed the Bottle of Love so she slowed down her speed and walked towards the crowd.

     "Haha little bouncy thing, give us the whole set of Faeries your owner has in her shop!" snapped the biggest Grundo in the huddle while he smacked his wings against a green ball.

     Waddlepuff walked near the huddle in curiosity and noticed that the green ball was actually TearsOfButterflies, her little Kiko sister! She lingered at a distance of four feet from Tears. Tears cuddled in the tall grass, hoping the Grundos wouldn't get near. But one of the Grundo carried her out from the grass and started tossing her to another Grundo. Soon they started playing volleyball with defenceless Tears. She covered her eyes with her soft little hands and whimpered. The Grundos laughed and continued to enjoy pitching Tears to one another.

     Waddlepuff gasped in shock of this scene. But she looked at her mini watch and surprisingly thought to herself, 'Oh my Faerie! Only 10 minutes left until Illusen needs her Bottle of Love!' Waddlepuff took a last look at her baby sister being tossed, making sure what's going on and bolted down the hill to the Shop Wizard.

     Waddlepuff had finally reached the starry tent, where Mr. Shop Wizard lives. She flipped the cover and leaped inside. Mr. Shop Wizard was in his usual starry outfit, surfing his computer for shops. He noticed Waddlepuff and hopped down from his seat and greeted, "Alakazam Waddlepuff, may I help you?"

     Waddlepuff who was still grasping for air asked, "Can you help... me..." Mr. Shop Wizard patted Waddlepuff on the back and told her to calm down. Waddlepuff continued breathlessly, "Hurry hurry, find me the shop with the... the cheapest... Bottle of Love!"

     "I see you're doing a quest for Illusen, eh? Well, I gotta say that she asks for only cheap items, unlike Jhudora who once demanded Neopians for items that worth thousands on their first quest," blabbered Mr. Shop Wizard. He gets excited when a talkative Neopet like Waddlepuff visits him, and he usually spends his time chatting with them and entertaining them.

     Waddlepuff cut in and said, "Please make it choppy, something has happened on the hill with my little sister, and I need to save her right after I finish my quest. I'd love to chat... BUT DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO!!!" Waddlepuff screamed while Mr. Shop Wizard stood puzzled.

     Mr. Shop Wizard continued on, talking about his very own experience of taking quest from both faeries. Waddlepuff's eyes rotated between her mini watch, making sure that time isn't being wasted and Mr. Shop Wizard, who was only in the mood for chatting. She grew impatient and she demanded Mr. Shop Wizard to help her find a random shop with a Bottle of Love in it. She cares no more about the price, all she now want is to finish the quest and save Tears.

     "Ahhhhh!!!!" screamed a desperate and squeaky voice from afar. Waddlepuff recognised it belonged to Tears. So Waddlepuff tackled Mr. Shop Wizard who was still busy evaluating both faeries, and carried her exhausting body to where her sister was.

     Waddlepuff's paws crunched the grass as she tried her best to keep up with the flow of the second. Tears' scream vibrated in her ears, and in a burst of speed, Waddlepuff darted across Neopia from the Soup Faerie's kitchen to the Uber Earth Faerie's fresh garden, from the Rainbow Pool to the bottom of the hill of Meridell, and from the bottom hill to the area where Tears was last seen.

     Finally, Waddlepuff saw Tears, with bruises everywhere and dirt covering her shiny skin. The Faerie Grundos where still there, holding Tears by her hands and spinning with her, chanting "Ring around the rosie, Kiko is a weakling, ashes, ashes, we all fall down!"

     Waddlepuff pounded on the biggest Faerie Grundo and pinched him everywhere with her little woolly paws. The Grundo flinched and kicked Waddlepuff with his slimy feet. Then Waddlepuff jumped on him and hung onto his wings and took a huge bite out of it. The Grundo yelled help to his friends and they carried him away to the sky, allowing his hands to hang onto their shoulder. Waddlepuff tried to jump and take a bite out of all of their wings, but the Grundos were too high for her to reach.

     Tears rolled on the grass until she was blocked by a rock. Waddlepuff lifted her up and cried, "Sorry Tears, I was planning to finish Illusen's quest and rescuing you after she rewarded me something. But-- Tears?"

     Waddlepuff shook Tears a little bit. Tears remained lifeless. Waddlepuff discovered that her baby sister has fainted. So she struggled and carried Tears on her back, heading to Illusen's Glade. Waddlepuff's paws lightly sunk into the soil as she took each step walking up the hill. And finally, she had reached the bush where Illusen usually settles.

     "Illusen... Can you please... Heal my sister Tears?" pleaded Waddlepuff breathlessly.

     Illusen carried Tears from Waddlepuff's back and laid her on a big leaf that was fixed in a surrounding of grass.

     "That's my Leaf of Health, any injured or sick pets will have to settle on it for a few minutes and they'll be fully healed," explained Illusen with a proud grin in her face.

     Waddlepuff was facing down. Then she slowly lifted her head up to Illusen's eyes. In despair, Waddlepuff confessed, "Sorry Illusen, I... I have failed to bring you a Bottle of Love."

     Illusen gave herself a big laugh. She then bent down and patted Waddlepuff on the head and said, "That's not true sweetie, you're actually the first one who has completed the quest of finding a Bottle of Love."

     Illusen stood up and placed her view upon the dimmed sky of Meridell. "You see, I've been here for a long while, and thousands of Neopians come to me everyday. Once in a while I ask for Bottle of Loves, but they all bring me the ones from the Shop Wizard. None of them brought me the one I wanted, which is the bottle of love that's located in a Neopet's inner beauty," Illusen settled her eyes into Waddlepuff as she finished her last sentence.

     Waddlepuff exhaled in relieve and bounced into Illusen's arms. Illusen continued, "I'm very proud that you were willing to give up my handsome prize to rescue your sister from being bullied by those immature Grundos. I'll keep my promise and reward you for your 'Bottle of Love' -- or perhaps more than just a bottle."

     Illusen put Waddlepuff down and took a step back. A second later, a ray of green light surrounded Waddlepuff. Little Earth Faeries danced around her and she felt her back stretching. She turned her head around and saw a pair of wings of furry pink wings!

     Waddlepuff excitedly cried, "Wings! I'm a Faerie Poogle, and I have wings!"

     Illusen walked to her and said, "In reward, I've had granted you a pair of wings so you would be able to fly as high as the Grundos and have an easier time visiting me."

     After the giggles of the two faeries, Tears opened her eyes and squeaked, "Waddie?"

     Waddlepuff walked up to her and they hugged each other, "Let's return home, my Kikoly sister."

     "Wing wing!" Tears happily cheered as she noticed those additions on Waddlepuff's back.

     Tears hung onto Waddlepuff's back. Waddlepuff jumped up and flapped her wings.


     Illusen sighed, "Looks like this young faerie needs a little practice."

The End

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