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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 54 > Articles > Speaking the Meridell Tongue

Speaking the Meridell Tongue

by averyangryshaylir

MERIDELL - Greetings fellow Neopians! I am here today to discuss one thing I’m sure a few of you have wondered about when the world of Meridell was opened to the public. It‘s one thing that fascinated me for quite awhile now--the way the citizens of Meridell speak.

Maybe you’ve noticed that the Meridell PetPet shop isn’t simply called “Meridell PetPet Shop” but “Ye Olde PetPets” and the friendly Kacheek who lets tourists count his potatoes says “You can only count me potatoes three times a day!” once you’ve counted them that many times. It’s not much of a difference, but it is one. The only person that I‘ve noticed who doesn‘t speak in this way is Illusen, which makes perfect sense because she isn‘t originally from Meridell.

I suppose you’re wondering what my point is. “Who cares if they have a different way of speaking then the rest of Neopia? What has that got to do with anything?” Many things! First of all, I think we should learn to respect the way the people and Neopets of Meridell speak! It’s a new spin on the Neopian Language so I think it’s only better to be educated on the subject. So, I’m here with a bit of a lesson on speaking Meridell, maybe this will help you on your next visit there when speaking to the natives there.

First of all, Let’s go over some of the commonly used words in Meridell. This will help you understand the people of Meridell easier when they speak.

Me: Instead of saying “my” when talking about a possession you say me. This is used in post occasions when you refer to owning something. For example: “So you like me gallery of Meridell items, fair lass?”

Ye: Ye is a word used when naming a public place. It’s hardly ever used in other occasions besides that. It’s almost never used without an adjective after it. It normally replaces the word “the”. For example: “Ye Olde Inn”

Tis: Instead of saying “It is” the citizens of Meridell say Tis. It is much more practical to say one word in the place of two! Example: “Tis a beautiful night in the fair land of Meridell!”

Sup: Instead of saying dinner, the word “sup” is used. Example: “What will we be having for sup, Mum?”

Lass: Many times, instead of saying girl, the people of Meridell will call a young female a “lass” So tell any of your girl Neopets that, no, It’s not an insult if they are called a lass. ;) Example: “Greetings Lass and Welcome to Meridell!”

Lad: The same as above, only for a younger male. Example: Hullo Lad! Would you like to buy one of me potatoes?”

Greetings: Yes, I know there are already Neopians who say “Greetings” instead of Hello, but I put this here anyway because the people of Meridell almost always say Greetings instead of Hi or Hello. Example: “Greetings, Dear friend!”

Knight: Most everybody should know what a knight is, but since Knights are a big part of the Medieval age I decided I’d put an explanation. Knights are usually the heroes of Meridell. They work for the kingdom as a warrior and go on great quests to save Meridell from peril. Example: “Sir Ivan the Knight has slayed the fell beast!”

Squire: A Squire is a young lad who is working to become a knight. They usually travel about with a Knight to learn the ways of Knighthood before becoming a Knight themselves. Example: “Indeed, This lad is a squire.”

Paige: An even lower rank then squire, a paige is a young boy who is aspiring to one day become a squire. He usually does duties around the castle until he his seen fit to become a squire. Example: “Young Paige, Please fetch us our sup!”

I know very well that these aren’t all the different words that the people of Meridell use, but they are the most commonly used ones! Hopefully they will be of some help to you when you are speaking to the citizens of Meridell. Now I would like to give you some tips when first trying to speak the language.

1. Always listen to others speak before you try speaking the language yourself! You want to be sure that you are not using the words in the wrong way.

2. Don’t overdo it! Some people try much too hard when speaking in the Meridell tongue. Don’t use the same words repeatedly, and be careful not to cram your sentences to full of the things Meridell people say.

3. Remember “Thou” and “Art” are words that the royalty of Meridell use, not your everyday commoners. So don’t stick things like that in your sentences! Commoners may mistake you for a Noble! I may be writing an article on the Royal speech of Meridell in the near future.

4. Many times the people of Meridell like to add e’s at the end of words. (For example, Old, Shoppe, etc.) Notice though, how they don’t just add an e on Shoppe... they also add an extra P. This is so it doesn’t changed the pronunciation of the word. You’ll notice you say “Shop” the same as “Shoppe” and “Old” the same as “Olde”. The adding of the e is merely a style preference. It should not change how you say those words.

5. Practice! Practice the language as often as possible, with your pets, your friends, your family. This way it becomes more natural when you learn to speak it!

I hope that my article was of some help to you. Now fair lads and lasses, Go out and practice speaking the wonderful speech of Meridell! If you have any questions please feel free to Neomail me and I’LL be happy to help you!

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