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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 54 > Articles > Eating Petpets: What's the Big Deal?

Eating Petpets: What's the Big Deal?

by hippiesoul

NOT SO CUTE CITY - Since Extreme Herder came out people are going crazy because Balthazar eats Petpets. And the situation was aggravated with the release of the game Feed Florg. I don't think people should worry so much about this, and I'm telling you why in this article.

First I'd like you to try and transfer the situation to real life. Your Neopets are like your children and their Petpet is like your children's pet. Some may choose a dog for a pet, others a rabbit, some a snake or even a chicken. It depends on what each child likes. But there are people who actually eat those animals your child has for a pet. In China they eat dogs, don't they? What about snakes? Aren't they appreciated in lots of oriental countries? And chicken is something everyone eats!

And there's nothing you can do to stop it. People will eat what they want, after all, what they eat is also part of their culture or religion, and you shouldn't judge them because of it. Do you hear Chinese people saying French are bad because they eat frogs and snails? That isn't a reason to think of anybody as mean or cruel. Just because you have a frog pet, it doesn't mean the French should stop doing what they always did and what is part of their culture. You shouldn't blame anyone for their culture - would you like people judging you and blaming you for doing things that are part of your culture? For instance, if a Hindu person considered you cruel because you kill the poor cows to make hamburgers, what would you do? I doubt you would stop eating hamburgers just because cows are sacred in that religion. Hamburgers are part of the American culture and sacred cows are part of the Hindu religion, but you don't see those people saying Americans are heartless because they eat an animal that is sacred in their religion.

There are things in the real world that you can't change, and those things exist in Neopia, too.

If Balthazar likes Petpets, let him. Maybe he even enjoys more stealing them than eating the fluffy creatures! Maybe after a day of stealing and eating Petpets he has his stomach full of fur and has nausea and feels really bad. But if that happens, then why does he continue on doing that?, you may ask. Simple: instinct. Balthazar's a Lupe with a very strong animal instinct. It's part of his nature, part of who he is. And once again, you shouldn't judge him because of what he eats. Repress him for stealing Petpets, but not for eating them.

And there's Florg too, the bratty mutant. He is a mutant, after all; maybe mutants like the taste of Petpets, who knows? Once again, you shouldn't judge him. If he buys the Petpets he eats, then it's okay, don't you think? Aren't there people in real life that buy living animals to eat them later? People in farms grow animals just to eat them! There's nothing wrong with Florg, he's doing what he likes, and if that is eating Petpets, so what? At least he isn't stealing or cheating in games!

Also, the Esophagor likes to eat things like Blumaroo Steak and, fortunately, no one thinks he's mean and cruel for that. Again, it's part of him to eat that kind of food, like it's part of Florg, Balthazar, and any other creature that likes to eat Petpets.

Many think that the reason it makes Petpet eating wrong, is because Petpets are cute and fluffy and have feelings and suffer. I could tell you 'it's just a game', but I won't, because I believe that in Neopets, you can learn some important lessons (like no stealing, no cheating, saving, investing, etc.) that you can use in real life. I am a vegetarian because I feel that we shouldn't make animals suffer, just because we want to eat them, when we can perfectly live without eating them thus not causing any pain. And because I feel that way, I made my pet a vegetarian, too. Now you may think If you think that way, why do you approve Petpet eating? You're being incoherent! Well, I'm not. In real life, I don't hate people that aren't vegetarians, and I don't think of them as mean or cruel. Sure, they are causing unnecessary pain, but it's the way they think and I don't censor them for having their opinions. Just as you shouldn't criticise those who like to eat Petpets. And I am not writing this to say 'go ahead, eat Petpets, it's okay', I am trying to make you see that eating Petpets is just like eating anything else, it's not such a big deal, especially if eating them if part of one's nature.

Basically, what I'm trying to say, is that you should never judge anyone based on their culture or instincts. Because bees sting, that doesn't make them mean. Because lions eat animals, it doesn't make them mean. Because some Neopets eat Petpets, it doesn't make them mean. Because you eat something that other people consider sacred or 'not suitable for eating', it doesn't make you mean.

But if it bothers you that much and you want to make a difference, you can always become a vegetarian and make your pet one, too. Or at least, don't feed him/her Petpets. If you have a Skeith or a Grarrl, they may enjoy a Petpet or two, so be careful and feed them often so they won't want to know what their Petpet tastes like. If you have any other pet, I don't think you should worry, the other species don't seem to appreciate Petpet eating.

Whatever you choose to do, please keep in mind that you shouldn't judge people and label them 'cruel' just because of their favourite meal. Someone cruel is someone who enjoys to cause pain and destruction, and, to be honest, I don't think there's anyone like that in Neopia. Well, maybe Captain Dread and Dr. F. Sloth are... and they don't even eat Petpets!

Any comments, feedback or critics (constructive criticism) are welcomed, so feel free to Neomail me.

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