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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 54 > Short Stories > Vesponik


by hippiesoul

"We have to go with you again?" Sputnik said, rolling his eyes in disapproval. "It's the third time we go, and it's such a bore... All we ever do is walk all the way to the lab, and once we get there, we sit and wait, wait and wait. And after Vesta is zapped, we wait some more and then walk home again. It's no fun!" His brother, Naporad the Usul, said while brushing his fur for the tenth time that morning. "Why can't we just stay at home? We're already grown up! Besides, it's quite windy today, it'll mess my hair!"

     "Come on, Ronnie, I'll go insane if I have to walk to the lab with him again! You know he'll do the speech about conditioner! He always does! At least when we're home I can get away from him." Sputnik shook his wings and begged his owner to let them stay.

     "Boys, I said you're coming and you are coming. No fights about it," Ronnie, the owner of three wonderful Neopets said, ending the discussion. "And, Naporad, I told you already: No brushing in the kitchen, you will leave fur on the food!"

     Ronnie loved her pets very dearly, but they were so stubborn, sometimes! She couldn't understand what was the trouble in accompanying her and Vesta to the lab; the three siblings were only together in the evening, because of school, training, etc., so this was a perfect occasion for them to be together for a little longer and have a conversation, yet the pets despised it.

     "Oh, maybe I should have picked pets with similar personalities..." Ronnie lamented every time the siblings had a fight. It was true that the three pets couldn't be more different. Sputnik, a strong Fire Eyrie was all about the Battledome, and couldn't care less about flowers or his fur; Naporad, the vainest Usul in Neopia, was looking at the mirror and grooming himself 24/7; and Vesta would spend her time reading, learning and inventing new ways to re-utilise garbage and junk and plant flowers. Deep inside, they all loved each other, but rows and fights were very common when they were together.

     Sputnik left the kitchen where his brother and owner were finishing breakfast and sat on the fluffy couch. He grabbed the remote and turned the TV on to watch his favourite fights show, 'The Arena". Just as the third fight of the day was starting, a beautiful White Aisha entered the room. She was holding a weird gadget made of toothpicks in one hand and a bottle of black sand in the other.

     "Morning Vesta," Sputnik greeted his sister without looking away from the TV, cheering as his favourite fighter punched the opponent.

     "Morning big brother." Vesta walked through the living room and opened the door that led to the kitchen. She walked in and greeted her owner and younger brother.

     "It's about time you woke up." Naporad looked at the Aisha and asked, "What's that? A new gadget to grow flowers?"

     "I've been working all night on this. Watch." Vesta set her gadget on the kitchen table and poured some black sand inside the opening on top of the toothpick machine. She grabbed an apple and dropped it in, too. A few second after, two large potatoes popped out of an opening on the side of the machine. "Ta-da! Two potatoes out of an apple and some black sand!"

     "Wow, really impressive, Vesta!" Ronnie complimented her smartest pet, while patting her back. "Now, you want to have breakfast?"

     The young Aisha had a quick breakfast and after Naporad brushed his teeth two more times, the three pets and Ronnie were on their way to the Laboratory. As usual, Naporad rambled unstoppably about conditioner; Sputnik was flying ahead of Ronnie and his younger siblings so he wouldn't hear the annoying speech of Naporad's; Vesta was taking some notes on the flowers she spotted on their way; and Ronnie was trying desperately to set up a conversation between the siblings. No use. Naporad kept rambling until they got to the laboratory, and he would ramble so loudly that he wouldn't hear anyone or let anyone hear anyone else, so the setting was impossible for a conversation to survive.

     When they got to the laboratory, they waited in line for Vesta's turn. Naporad had already repeated his one hundred pages long speech about conditioner, so he had nothing to talk about, Sputnik couldn't fly away and Vesta had no flowers to examine, so Ronnie tried breaking the silence and starting a conversation.

     "So, Vesta, have you told Sputnik about your new gadget?" She tried.

     "It's just a useless machine that makes potatoes out of apples and sand. Sputnik wouldn't want to know about it," Naporad said.

     "Hey, it's not useless! It's a great use for black sand!" Vesta defended her creation

     "She's right," Sputnik spoke "It's not useless, it's super useless! Why don't you invent a super powerful Battledome weapon? That would be cool."

     "But I'm trying to save the planet! If we don't care about flowers, plants and animals, Neopia will be over! My inventions are made to try and save at least a bit of our world!"

     "Save a bit of our world... Bah. You should spend some time trying to save your fur, instead... have you used any shampoo lately?" Naporad said, pointing to the messy fur of Vesta's.

     The three siblings kept arguing, and soon began a fight, that Ronnie could only stop by yelling that it was their turn. They entered in the laboratory somewhat peacefully, and the Scorchio scientist told Vesta to sit down in front of the ray gun. Naporad and Sputnik were apart, each in opposite corners of the room so they couldn't fight, but it wasn't enough. Naporad stuck his tongue out to Sputnik and Sputnik immediately jumped to him, and threw him in the air. The Usul fell right on a computer full of buttons, pressing several down, and the screen turned red. A loud beep was heard and the Scorchio Scientist screamed.

     "Uh oh..." Sputnik ran to the control buttons and pressed them all trying to stop the beep, but all he did was make the beep even louder and turn the screen yellow instead of red.

     The scientist was so in shock that he could only scream and babble about danger and the ray gun being broken. Ronnie yelled at her pets to stop pushing the buttons if they didn't know what they were doing, and ran to see if Naporad was okay. But that Usul was strong, and angry at Sputnik, so he ran and attacked Sputnik for revenge, not even caring about his fur getting messed up.

     Ronnie turned her attention to the Scorchio scientist and yelled at Sputnik and Naporad to stop fighting. Vesta was looking at the screen, trying to solve the problem, but Sputnik accidentally punched her belly, and that got her in the fight too.

     The three siblings rolled on the ground, involved in a silly fight, but they happened to roll right in the direction of the ray gun... They knocked it down, and as they did it, they also activated it. A beam of light was shot at the three pets and the ray gun exploded, filling the room with dark smoke.

     The smoke seemed to take the scientist out of shock and he ran to open the doors and windows so the smoke would go away. And when it did...

     "Gah! What... happened??" Ronnie screamed.

     "I..." Vesta's voice was heard.

     "...feel..." Naporad's voice was heard.

     "...weird..." Sputnik's voice was heard.

     Ronnie couldn't believe her eyes. Where her lovely pets should be, there was... a monster! The weird creature in front of her had the head and tail of Vesta, the body and legs of Sputnik and the wings and arms of Naporad!

     "Uh, Ronnie?" Vesta asked, "Why are you staring at me like that?"

     "At you? It's me she's staring at!" Naporad's voice said, coming out of Vesta's mouth.

     "What is going on?" Ronnie asked, somewhat hysterically.

     "I think that you pets programmed the ray gun when they were pushing all those buttons, and the result of that programming is, well, this," the Scorchio explained.

     "Sputnik?" Ronnie called

     "I feel dizzy..." Sputnik's voice came out of Vesta's mouth

     "So my pets got mixed together and the result is this?"

     "Um, yes," the Scorchio answered

     Ronnie took her pets, erm, pet to the hospital and a series of exams and analysis were done, only to confirm what the Scorchio had already told her: that new creature was a mixture of her three pets. The body was perfectly functional and it was everything like a regular Neopet, except that it had three different personalities in it. Those personalities were Vesta's, Naporad's and Sputnik's. Basically, she now had a three-in-one pet.

     Ronnie even looked herself up and where should have been her pets' names, there was a single name: Vesponik. Even the name was a mix of the three names! She looked Vesponik up and saw the pic of the new creature. The page didn't mention what species or colour the creature was, but the stats were incredibly high. It was the stats of all three pets summed up! Even the pet's description was a mix of the descriptions her pets used to have.

     "See, this is what you get for your stupid fights," Ronnie reprehended her Neopets when Naporad complained about their new condition.

     When they got home it was dinnertime and everyone was hungry. And the first trouble took place. Each pet had a different favourite food, and each pet hated the siblings' favourite food... What would she make for dinner? Ronnie ended up mixing all three favourite dishes and hoped that they would eat it. She went to the living room, where Vesponik was to call them for dinner.

     "Guys, din- What are you doing??" Vesponik was punching its stomach and kicking its head, while biting its wings. Her pets' voices shouted things like 'you moron', 'take that' and similar.

     "Stop it!" Ronnie shouted. Vesponik stopped and looked at Ronnie. "I can't believe it, you guys even fight when you are in the same body!"

     "Ronnie, I can explain; Sputnik wanted to watch 'The Arena' and I wanted to watch the beauty contest and Vesta wanted to see the poetry recital, and then-" Naporad tried

     "Stop, I get the picture." Ronnie sat on the couch near Vesponik and held its paw tenderly. "Guys, now that you are in this... wicked... situation, you could try and be nice to each other." All three voices at the same time muttered 'It's not my fault' and Ronnie smiled.

     "Come on, do it for me." Ronnie hugged Vesponik and then they both went to the kitchen for a nice dinner. Or for what Ronnie expected to be a nice dinner...

     "Ugh!" Vesponik said raising an eyebrow when Ronnie served dinner. But Ronnie gave them 'the look' and Vesponik said nothing else and ate a little bit of it. "Yuck! This is awful! I can't eat it." Problems weren't over for that evening yet. After a long conflict to decide what to watch on TV, Ronnie decided it was time for something else, but the argue continued when she tried to choose a book to read to Vesponik, and it went on and on when they had to decide which bed to sleep in. Vesponik ended up sleeping on the couch, with no bedtime story, no TV and an empty stomach. And an upset owner. "Why are they always like that?" Ronnie wondered, before falling asleep "Sometimes I wish I had different pets. And now they turned into... that. Oh, life's tough."

     The next day was a nightmare, too. First, Vesta wanted to wake up and go to work in a new gadget, but Naporad wanted to prolong his beauty sleep. As for Sputnik, he was having a great dream about winning a fight against Balthazar and was terribly mad when he was woken up. Then came breakfast. After Vesponik had a food fight with itself and messed up the whole kitchen, Naporad decided he needed a good long hot bath and a serious grooming session, and that caused another row... At night, Vesponik was having yet another fight with itself when Ronnie's patience was over.

     "STOP IT!!" She yelled, angrily. Vesponik looked at her surprised. Ronnie never got upset with any of her pets before. "I can't... take it anymore!" And she burst into tears. "You are always fighting! Why can't you get along? Are you so selfish that you can't allow each other to have fun at times? Are you so selfish that you can't respect me and give me some peace? What did I do to deserve this? Now I can't take anymore, and I'm leaving you in the pound. Now." She dressed her jacket and grabbed Vesponik.

     Vesponik though Ronnie was out of her mind, and that she'd be back in her senses in a few seconds, but Ronnie was serious.

     "No, please, Ronnie!" Vesponik begged, "We promise to get along and never fight again, but please don't leave us! What would we do without you, Veronica? We can't live without you." Ronnie decided to give them another chance, and it was worth it. The pets now took turns to choose what to watch in TV, what book to read, and they began to enjoy the past times of each other. Because their stats were so high when combined, Vesponik was a top fighter, and was so smart that it even won an award for it. Also, for originality, Vesponik won the beauty contests twice. Life was happier now and significantly quieter, and Ronnie had her saint's patience back. Vesta, Naporad and Sputnik learnt how to respect each other and Ronnie, and made Vesponik a very loveable pet.

     But one day, Ronnie got a call from the Scorchio scientist. He said that he had fixed the ray gun and found a way to de-mix her pets and offered to undo what happened to the three Neopets Ronnie thought about it for a long time. She was afraid that her pets would forget what they learnt while being Vesponik, but in the end she agreed to separate them back.

     And so they went to the laboratory and Vesponik sat on the chair, ready to be zapped. And it happened. A puff of green smoke, and Vesponik was gone. A White Aisha, a Faerie Usul and a Fire Eyrie were standing were Vesponik had been and Ronnie ran to hug them.

     "Hum, I'm sorry to interrupt, but..." the Scorchio Scientist said, "it looks like we have an extra..." A very cute baby Kougra was sitting on the floor, looking at Ronnie.

     "But, where did he come from?" Ronnie asked confused

     "Maybe this little fella was born from the mixing between your pets. They have been Vesponik for so long that maybe their personalities mixed a bit, too and created this. According to my thoughts, his personality will be mixes from Vesta, Naporad and Sputnik's personalities." Ronnie picked up the cuteness and hugged him. This Kougra, when adopted, would be the perfect addition to the family. And with him around, the three older pets were sure to not forget their lesson. She looked at her pets, and they all nodded in approval.

     "Welcome to our family, Vesponik."

The End

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