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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 54 > Continuing Series > The Werelupe: Part Three

The Werelupe: Part Three

by faerieneggs4u

"WHY DIDN'T YOU tell me-he-he? Why?" sobbed Shoyrettani. "It would've been easier if you had said it! Now I'm all alone!!!"

     "Shoyrettani! Shoyrettani, pull yourself together! Geez, Shoyru, don't you understand? Nobody cares whether your related to them or not, your still part of the family!" I shouted. I'd never yelled before, and it shocked Shoyrettani so much, she stopped her blubbering.

     "That's better," I said. "Now listen up. You are Shoyrittik, Shoyrittan, and Shoyraitti's sister. You're of the same litter. In fact, all four of you are Shoys, it's just that the others' diamond shapes aren't as distinct as yours. Shoyrianta is a Shoy too, except you can't see her diamond shape at all, since her shape is yellow and is in one of her yellow bands. If you look close enough, you can a difference in the way the fur runs where her diamond is."

     "You mean… I'm not alone?" asked Shoyrettani.

     I shook my head. "Winner01neoneo is a Shoy too," I told her. "Most of the Shoyrus in Neopia are Shoys, that's why most of the species is so strong. Now get back to that school of yours, and hold your head high."


Whispers followed Shoyrettani the next day in school. Crowds skirted around her, looking at her fearfully, and her friends avoided her, including Grutinadi. Only Shoyrittik, Shoyrittan, and Shoyrianta stood by her.

     "So you mean to tell us that Faerie and Strawberry have been keeping our heritage from us all this time?" whispered Shoyrianta at dinner as the four of them sat at a table by themselves. Shoyrettani nodded, pulling apart her sandwich to check that it wasn't "Mystery Meat." She sighed and put it down, as it was.

     Picking up her fork and twirling some sort of stringy vegetable thing onto it, Shoyrittik said, "Well at least we know why all of us are so strong. I mean, aren't the Shoy natural fighters?"

     "That's what they say," Shoyrettani replied, taking a bite of an unknown substance and making a face. "I swear, the food here's really gone down the drain! This is disgusting!"

     "Eat it, we're on a tight budget, remember?" Shoyrianta reminded her.

     "I know, I know. I just hope the school gets a new cook soon, I can't take much more of this," Shoyrettani said, stealing Shoyrittan's Red Apple and eating it.

     "Hey!" Shoyrittan cried.

     "I mean, I am the Chosen One," Shoyrettani continued, her mouthful of apple. "I should at least get decent meals."

     "You're so full of it," said a voice from behind them. Shoyraitti slid into a chair at their table. Shoyrettani gasped. Shoyraitti was actually smiling!

     "What? You act like you've never seen me smile before," she said.

     "That's because we haven't. Not in a long time," Shoyrittik said. Shoyraitti turned to Shoyrettani.

     "I just want to say I'm sorry and thanks," she said. "I've been a jerk lately, and I recognise it. I'm never going to trust another Evil creature ever again. I should've known that potion Balthazar had given me was no good, it smelled and tasted absolutely awful! I'm very grateful that you decided to destroy the moon instead of me, and I know it won't last forever, but the researchers at the NeoHospital are already working on a cure for Werelupes."

     "I'm just glad everything's almost back to normal…"

The End

Previous Episodes

The Werelupe: Part One

The Werelupe: Part Two


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