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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 55 > Short Stories > Good Morning Neopia

Good Morning Neopia

by aizii

I am Aidhru. Do not listen to what the title said, I wrote this. Not Aizii or anyone else. Me, Ade. Now that is clear, I decided to write a story. Yes I know - ridiculous. I don't even have opposable thumbs, so how could I write a story? Well, after a month of solid typing, I've finished the first paragraph.

     Na, I'm just kidding. Aizii's been helping me, typing it up. But I'm not here to tell you how I managed to write a story, I'm meant to actually tell you one. So I'll start with a beginning…

     Ses was the first one up. She always is. I swear her old owner taught her bad habits.

     Anyway, I awoke to Ses singing. She has a nice voice, I do admit, but at 6 AM, it isn't. I grudgingly went downstairs to tell Ses to shut up, only to hear the television blaring out an advertisement. I was about to turn it off when I heard something interesting…

Are you a budding star? Want to be famous? Ever wanted to do radio? Well, Good Morning Neopia is offering one lucky pet the chance to star on Good Morning Neopia on the 30th day of Eating. To win, send a tape of yourself doing whatever, the wackier, the better to…

     Grabbing a pen and pencil, I hurriedly scribbled down the address before holding it up and grinning.

     "This time on the 30th day of Eating, I will be presenting 'Good Morning Neopia'," I told Ses. "And not just that, I will be the star." I stopped suddenly as something dawned on me. "What can I do to win?"

     "Good Morning Neopia!" I yelled, a fake cheesy grin plastered on my face. Ses grinned from behind the camera as I tapped on the makeshift desk. We were in the back garden, Ses and myself, recording my winning entry. Okay, so I hoped it would win.

     "Welcome to Good Morning Neopia, on this fabulous day, wouldn't you all agree?" Ses nodded, shaking the camera. I ignored it, as all good news reporters should. Instead, I shuffled my news reports, (OK, it was pieces of paper Ses and I had scribbled on but they did have some facts on it) and cleared my throat.

     "Today's hit bulletin: Kougra Day hits Neopia!" I said, over dramatically. "Today we have an interview with the pet spotlight winner, Drakona14 and an interview with his owner, Aizii. We also have interesting Kougra facts you may not know…"

     And so it continued. Aizii and Drak's interviews were great, with me making various witty comments and Aizii glaring at me. Ses seemed to enjoy filming me, quite frankly, she enjoyed just being around us. It was great.

     With four days before the competition ended, I posted off my entry and sighed. By this time, I seriously doubted I would win, but it was always worth a shot.

     The competition winner was announced on the 29th day of Eating. Drak, Ses, Aizii and I were crowded around our television in the kitchen, all nervously awaiting the result. It crackled before springing into life. A striped Aisha and Faerie Moehog sat on large armchairs, grinning in a fake manner.

     "Good Morning Neopia!" the Moehog said, "Before we start, it's time to announce our competition winner. We've had loads of entries from all areas of Neopia, and it's been hard choosing a winner. We have two runners up who will both receive 10,000 NP and a free Slushie. The winner shall receive 25,000 NP and a trip to a live recording of Good Morning Neopia." Wow, I didn't know that, I thought. 25,000 NP! I could Paint Kate Halloween with that. I wanted to paint her.

     "Our first runner up is…" A drumroll. I felt like yelling 'Just get it over with' but refrained myself. I kept myself cool, calm and collective. Yeah, right. Heart pounding, I listened as…

     "Timothy_7830 for a witty report. Congratulations! And our second runner up is… Jessibell_2632, our team was in hysterics with this one. Jessibell, you were very close. But congratulations!"

     There was a pause. Great, so I didn't win anything. Oh well.

     "It was very tough, but our winner seemed to just scream 'pick me'. We are going to phone the winner and hear their reaction live on Good Morning Neopia." The Aisha smiled and picked up the phone. It automatically dialled and you could hear it ringing. Just then, our phone exploded, ringing madly. No, it couldn't be…

     "Answer it," Drak hissed. I walked over and nervously picked it up.

     "Hello Aidhru?" a familiar voice said.

     "Y…yes?" I stammered.

     "Congratulations. You have won our competition. Do you have anything to say?"

     A strange, high-pitched squeal was my response.

     "OH MY GOD!" I screamed. I had won! YES! Details followed, but in my daze, I could barely repeat my name. Finally, Aizii was given the details and told to tell me when I had calmed down. Wow. I was about to be a star!

     The studio was huge. After five wrong turned and four wrong misdirections we finally reached the studio. Inside were the two pets, the Striped Aisha and Faerie Moehog. Both greeted us (Us being Drak, Ses, Aizii, catching_stars, lemonade287, half the guild, their pets and I) Immediately, the Faerie Moehog came up to me.

     "Hi, I'm Jon," he said, smiling and shaking my paw. "If you sit between myself and Jen, and we're just give a quick interview and you say a little bit about yourself. We show the tape and then we cut to the first break OK?"

     "Er…yea…" I stammered, wishing my stomach wasn't doing loops.

     "Okay." Jon smiled and led me over to the couch. Jen shook my paw and I sat down.

     "Okay?" She asked.

     I smiled and murmured, "A little nervous."

     "Don't worry," Jon said, "everyone gets nerves. Just ignore it."

     "OK. We're on in five…four…three…two…one…ACTION!" The director yelled. Lights blared at us and suddenly, all eyes were directed on me. Aizii gave me thumbs up and my nerves trebled.

     "Welcome to Good Morning Neopia. Today we have our competition winner, Aidhru in the studio. Her award winning tape will be shown shortly. Aidhru, would you like to say something about yourself?"

     NO! NO! I felt like yelling. Instead, I stammered "H…H…Hi."

     It was terrible. By the end, I felt like an idiot. I stammered and stuttered throughout the whole interview and I realised I had a blob of toothpaste on my nose during my 'award winning tape' - typical.

     Well, I got the award and we met the cast and crew. My five minutes of fame were over. We watched a re-recording of it and I knew then just how much of an idiot I looked. My ego deflated at least 8 times. Oh well, I knew there had to be another way of recognition. Tell my side of the story.

     Picking up a scrap of paper and a pen, I started to write slowly...

     I am Aidhru...

The End

Hope you enjoyed it. Ade loved writing this. Feedback is wanted pleeeease!

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