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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 55 > Continuing Series > Fields of Green: Part Six

Fields of Green: Part Six

by gzusgirl

     Alex couldn't get over those bright green eyes, "Jackie....?" He didn't realize he was whispering, but he voice was fading.. he was at a loss for words.

     "Yes! It's me!"

     "But... but... you have blonde hair!"

     "Oh, sorry." The girl reached up and pulled off a blonde wig, showing beautiful red curls below. "Better?"

     Alex's loss of words was gone, replaced with a million questions, "Why are you covering up your hair? What happened? How'd you get here? Did you miss me? How'd you know I'd be here?"

     Jackie opened her mouth to say something, but there was a knock on the door, "Ack! You didn't tell them to bring your lunch in here, did you?"

     "Yes, I did. I thought you--"

     Jackie dashed under the bed, just like she had all those years ago.

     "Come in." Alex tried to sound regal. A little Aisha came in and placed his tray in front of him, then left, "I knew it was weird that you stayed in here. Come on out, it's safe."

     Jackie crawled out from under it and picked up the tray. "Can I have this? The food they give us is horrible." She sat on the edge of his bed and took a bite out of a roll. "Ah.... heaven. Okay, first of all, the people here in Nova think that red hair is a bad omen, and no one wouuld hire me except a man who owned an inn. I knew that the ONLY chance I'd ever have of seeing you again would be if I worked at the home of a noble, so I saved for a wig of a different color. Sorta weird, I know, but it worked. I was a cook's helper here, just like I was at the palace. Well, once they heard I'd worked at the palace, they hired me immediately. And yes, I missed you the whole time."

     Alex smiled, "You're coming back with me."

     Jackie winced, "Are you sure that's such a great idea?"

     "No, but I'm desperate, and you still haven't taught me anything."

     Jackie smiled and said, "Okay. I'll go back with you."

     Alex told Aledia's parents that he needed to return home, and they reluctantly let him go. He told them he wished to take Jackie home with them, and Aledia's father said, "Go ahead. She shows up late for her duties, talks constantly, and complains about the food. Take her away!"

     When Alex told this to Jackie, she shrugged and said, "No difference from the palace, huh?"

     When Alex showed up earlier than he was supposed to, the King and Queen were hoping things had gone better than they hoped and that he would show up with a wife.

     The carriage pulled up in front of the castle and Alex stepped out, then leaned back into it and said, "It's alright. They've probably forgotten by now." The King and Queen glanced nervously at each other, but then their faces brightened when he saw him draw a woman's hand from the carriage, and a girl's head pop out of the carriage.

     "So this is Aledia..." mumbled the King.

     They were both very hopeful until they saw that the girl was dressed in a servant's clothes. The queen almost fainted as the king's eyes grew wide. Jackie winced when she saw them, "Are you sure they've forgotten?" Alex nodded.

     Just then a fat yellow mynci came out to greet them. "So Alex's back, is he?" He was holding the arm of a starry lupe, who nodded, then screamed.

     "What is it?" Jared stopped when he saw her, "YOU!" He said in loud, yet pure horror, "Skira! I thought you got rid of her!"

     Skira winced, "I thought I did..."

     Jackie turned to Alex, her eyes laughing, but her face trying to look serious, "Darn you, Alex, for not carrying a sword..."

     Alex couldn't help but laugh. Jared came over and stood right in front of Jackie, "Why'd you come back?"

     Alex stood right in between Jackie and Jared, "Because I brought her here."

     Jared stared Alex with a threatening look, "I'll deal with you later." Jared turned on his heal and began walking away, but Jackie popped her head out from behind Alex and shouted, "I'm sure I can always shove you in a thornbush again if you do ANYTHING to him!"

     Skira giggled as Alex and Jackie were laughing harder than ever. The King and Queen glanced at each other uncertainly.

     Alex felt as though a piece of his life had just been put back where it should've been. Jackie taught him how to master the sword, which came easier to him when she was teaching it, and anytime Jared got annoying, Jackie would either challenge him (and win), or she'd just look at Jared and he'd scurry off.

     Alex got Jackie a REAL room in the palace, and everyone treated her like they did Alex (or else), except his parents. They didn't like Jackie hanging around him as much as she did. They wanted Alex to have "real" friends that were "important".

     Jackie could easily forget these comments. She was used to it, and as long as she was in the palace, she was happy, and as long as she was happy, Alex was happy.

     But the dream world of happiness that they were living in was soon to end....

Fields of Green
     "We're under attack?!?" Jackie asked with horror, "How can this-"

     "I don't know, but we've gotta do something."

     "My gosh, do you ever listen? Remember the eyrie?"

     Alex gasped, "Yes! I'll go get my family."

     When the royal family was assembled, everyone was shouting, "What's going on?" and "Where are we going?" and "We're going OUTSIDE?!?"

     Jackie led them silently through the garden, then she and Alex ate some glowmberries (to the astonishment of the royal family) and opened the door. It took three tries before the whole group was in. They all got comfortable inside, as Jackie and Alex started shooting at the enemy with the hand. Alex would say when to shoot, and Jackie would do the actual shooting.

     They did that for several hours, until every one of the attackers had either ran off and hid, or was a lump of ashes in front of the palace. Everytime they shot, Alex's family would cheer. The King and Queen were having second thoughts about if Jackie was really as bad as they thought...

     After danger cleared, they all came out of the passage and began walking back to the palace, but where stopped as six of their attackers jumped out in front of them and charged towards them. Jackie reached back to grab Alex's sword, then frowned as she realized he didn't have it. She spun back around and kicked one of them in the stomach, making them drop their weapon. A spear... NOT her specialty.

     She spun the spear around so it looked like a propeller, and she knocked two of them over with it. She grabbed both their swords and threw the spear as far as she could. She tossed one to Alex and said, "You can do it!" As she spun back into attacking two of them, while Alex started on just one. Jackie already had one down, and so she was now fighting with two swords.

     The first man with the spear was now running at Alex, but he was turned around so he didn't see. Jackie was preoccupied, but she jumped up and kicked the man she was fighting square in the face, he fell over but wasn't defeated. She pushed Alex out of the way, which made both of the attackers collide. With Jackie and Alex both laying on the ground, their weapons slung away from them, The three remaining attackers surrounded them, shouting something in another language, "Ruddek! Abooy! Ruddek! Abooy!". Suddenly there were at least 50 attacks surrounding them. Jackie closed her eyes and tried with all her might to remember the magic she had come out of practice of. It worked. She was holding two swords. She pressed one into Alex's hands and whispered, "Good luck."

     Jackie and Alex stood up and prepared themselves to be beaten. They knew there was absolutely NO way they could survive this, what with just two of them and 53 of them...

     "Buzz off you losers!" Everyone looked up and saw a fat yellow mynci, followed by a gold shoryu and a skunk kacheek.

     "Jared and his goons!" Jackie said with relief.

     "I couldn't let THEM get you, Jackie... that's MY job." Jared winked at her as Jackie laughed.

     They had a chance now. Jared took the left, Theo took the right, Jackie took the front, Arcane took the back, and Alex tried to watch all their backs at once... very difficult job.

     Jackie was collecting weapons the whole time, throwing some like javelins, sometimes just tossing the excess weapons to the other members... soon her side was completed and she went to help Alex. Theo was the next to finish, and he went to help Jared. Arcane was done, so he helped Jared while Jackie and Alex helped with defense. Soon they were all defeated, and cheers were erupting from all over the palace. It seems that while they were fighting, everyone in the entire palace had come down to watch.

     "What were they shouting before they attacked you guys?" asked Jared.

     "Ruddek Abboy, I think. I don't know what it means, though." Admitted Alex.

     "I do. They were saying "Backup, emerge. Backup, emerge. I guess they had a whole bunch of soldiers hiding in the trees and stuff. They were smart, we weren't careful."

     The group of heroes nodded as the mob of people swarmed in around them. Everyone was shouting things, but only Jared and his goons seemed to enjoy it. Jackie and Alex slipped away from the crowd and wandered back into the palace to be alone, now that the whole place was empty.

     They went to Alex's room, where Jackie was laughing about Jared's excuse for helping, "Like I needed help, but..." Jackie tried to look proud, but ended up laughing.

     "You're amazing. You know that, Jackie?"

     Jackie stopped laughing and eyed him skeptically, "What's that supposed to mean?"

     Alex sat down on the bed, and Jackie sat down beside him. "Jackie..."

     "What?" She smiled at him with her sparkling green eyes.

     Alex frowned. There was no way he could do this with her smiling at him, "Stop that!"

     "Stop what?" She was obviously confused.

     "Stop smilin' at me like that, so I can get this out!"

     "You're not sending me away are you?" her eyes were filled with pure horror.

     "No, no no! I want you to stay forever. Marry me." Jackie's mouth fell open, and she looked just like a little kid. Alex smiled, "Please?"

     Jackie hung her head. "You know your parents would never go for something like that--"

     "Yes we would." They both looked up to see the Queen smiling at them, "You put on quite a display out there, and Alex NEEDS to marry..."

     Alex frowned deeply at his mother, hoping that if he wished hard enough, he could just wish her away.

     "Really?" Jackie said, crying. Alex turned quickly to look at her, seeing her face of joy but her eyes of sadness. He'd learned to trust her eyes more than her face, for she couldn't hide anything in those fields of green...

     "What's wrong?" He asked.

     "A prince, marrying a servant girl?"

     "What's wrong with that?" Jared asked as he popped his head in the door.

     Jackie smiled at Alex. "Absolutely nothing."

The End

Previous Episodes

Fields of Green: Part One

Fields of Green: Part Two

Fields of Green: Part Three

Fields of Green: Part Four

Fields of Green: Part Five

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