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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 55 > Continuing Series > M & M Detective Agency: The Case of the Chalk-a-holics - Part Two

M & M Detective Agency: The Case of the Chalk-a-holics - Part Two

by battlesunn

TWO HOURS, AND many Moehog strokes later, Marvin and Mark were lying face down, panting on the shores of Krawk Island.

     "That was your worst idea ever! A Uniocto tried to drown me!" Mark complained.

     "Ah be quiet you Peadackle, it was just playing!"

     Still grumbling, Mark followed Marvin up to a small cottage, where a unbalanced and ungainly Nimmo was waiting for them.

     "Ahh... You've arrived! Go on out back and you can start investigating. Would you like a cookie? Or maybe some lemonade?"

     Marvin exchanged a look with Mark. "Uh, sure."

     She disappeared back into the cottage to get them some snacks, and Marvin began lecturing Mark on what to do in their odd client's presence.

     "Don't stare at her! So she's a kind old lady who's offering her detectives cookies, so what?"

     Mark glared at Marvin. "It's just weird, that's all."

     After three cookies each and a glass of lemonade, the M & M detectives were ready to begin their investigation. They checked everywhere throughout the garden, where Ms. Exit said that she liked to keep her chalk. At last, Marvin found a clue.

     "Aha! Chalk dust!" He began crawling around on the ground surrounding the dust, magnifying glass in hoof, looking for footprints. Mark, wishing to look useful, attempted to find a clue as well.

     "Aha! Look Marvin, a piece of clothing!" Marvin came clip clopping over and examined the cloth. He sighed in exasperation.

     "Ah geez Mark! Look, this is just a piece of Ms. Exit's apron! It's the exact same pattern as the one she was wearing when she greeted us."

     Mark cast his eyes down. "Oh..."

     Marvin snorted at him, and continued with his investigation. He found that the chalk dust was in a trail, a trail leading to a large rock in the centre of the garden. He went to the rock, and began examining it. He tapped it with his hoof, swatted it with his tail, and even tried knocking it over with his horns. At last he stepped back, and charged full force at the rock. It was thrown completely off balance, and fell to it's side, revealing a deep, dark pit. Marvin stood in awe, the depths of the hole seemed to continue on forever!

     "Ah... I do believe I've found another clue!"

     Marvin stepped up to the pit, and without hesitation jumped in. It was a lot deeper than he had expected!

     "Ahhhh!!! Mark! Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...." Marvin's voice grew fainter as he fell deeper into the darkness, screaming for Mark to come and save him. Mark knew what he had to do. Gathering up all of his courage, the little white Moehog approached the pit, and jumped in. It was quite long, but he was pleased to see that his landing had been softened by something.

     "Get off me you klutz!" Marvin rasped.

     "Oh, sorry Marv." Mark hurriedly jumped off Marvin, and got a bearing of his surroundings. They were in a large, dank cave. Huge, pointed stalactites hung from the ceiling, little droplets of water slipping off an falling into a large, eerie, translucent pool. Marvin picked up a nearby stone and tossed it in the icy liquid. Both Moehogs watched as it spiraled down through the greenish blue waters until it disappeared from sight. Marvin whistled.

     "Whoo... I'd reckon that pool would go on forever! It looks bottomless, eh Mark?"

     Mark offered no answer. He was frozen in complete and utter horror at what he saw, materialising out of the shadows...

     Mark saw, out of the darkness, two pairs of glowing yellow eyes! He threw himself to the ground, and covered his head with his hooves. Marvin glared at Mark.

     "Get up you Peadackle!"

     Mark whimpered and pointed at the eyes. "Wha... What are those?"

     Suddenly, two creatures came out of the gloom. They were Krawks! (The fully grown kind) --and in their arms, they held several boxes of chalk! Even more surprising, the Krawks were stuffing them in their fang filled mouths, and seemed to be enjoying them!

     "AhHA!" Marvin cried. "You are the chalk-a-holics! You've been stealing Ms. Exit's chalk, haven't you?"

     The Krawks shook their heads in perfect unison.

     "No, she took the chalk from us! You see, chalk is a Krawk's main food source, it's perfect for our bones and scales."

     "Yes, it gives us a twinkle in the eyes and a back like polished leather! But anyway, this is our family's famous Krawk Island chalk mine! It's been in our family for generations, and this mean old lady who lives up there," He said, as he jabbing a claw at the ceiling of the cave "--Built her house right on top of it! We can't grow our chalk anymore, and soon we will all starve. Luckily, we had our secret chalk stores, but that lady considers us pests so she's trying to steal out chalk and make us starve!" The Krawk sobbed, as he broke down in tears.

     "There, there." Said the other Krawk, patting his companion's back. "It'll be OK, Krawkadilious."

     Mark was confused. "So, our client is actually the crook?"

     The Krawk turned to him contemptuously, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "So the last Poogle finally crosses the finish line!"

     Mark bashed his head against the wall. "No! No! No! Arrrgh! Furlock Joanes never had to deal with this!"

     Marvin stopped him. "Wait a minute bro, now we can go and place Ms. Exit under arrest for Chalk theft!"

     Mark grinned. "Really? Then what are we waiting for?"

     Marvin pulled a handy-dandy rope from his backpack and tossed it up to the surface. It's weighted end wrapped around a rock, and Marvin was able to climb up it. Mark followed him, but it took him a little longer. At last they were both ready to make their first arrest. Marvin strode purposefully up to Ms. Exit's door. He tapped his hoof against the door, and waited Ms. Exit answered it. Marvin held up his head, and looked Ms. Exit squarely in the eye.

     "Ma'm, we have found the murderer!"

     Ms. Exit was confused. "Murderer?"

     Marvin shook his head. "Err... Sorry, I meant chalk bandit. Anyway, the culprit is... you! Mark, quickly, the rope!"

     Both Moehogs were surprised by how easily Ms. Exit allowed herself to be tied up. It was as if she knew struggle was useless. Marvin felt important. He had solved a case! Well, him AND Mark, but mostly him.

     Suddenly, and without warning, Ms. Exit wriggled out of her bonds, and pulled off her face! Marvin and Mark gasped in shock.


     Ms. Exit, who was actually Mrs. Hog, (our two detective's mother,) smiled sadly.

     "Yes dears, I'm very sorry that I had to deceive you, but I only wanted to give you a case."

     Mark was flabbergasted. "So, you mean, the whole thing was a fake?"

     "Yes sweetie, you see, you were never going to get a job. I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but no one in their right mind would ever, ever use your detective agency. Not when you had the buzz detective company to compete with, I mean, you've never even been to detective school! I just wanted to make you feel better about yourself. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. I probably shouldn't have, but I wanted to get you out of that stuffy office. All you do is play armada and answer candy requests. It's not healthy."

     Marvin and Mark simply stood there, jaws hanging open, until it dawned on them. "Wait a minute Mark... This means that we... solved a case! Yeah!! Yes!"

     Mark snorted blissfully. "We rock! We rock!"

     Mrs. Hog narrowed eyes and tried to explain. "Um, no boys, you didn't solve a case, you--" But she was too late. Her boys had gone off to celebrate the solving of their first mystery with thornberry crepes and strawberry blend slushies.

The End

Author's note: None of these characters are real, I just it'd be fun to write a detective story starring two pathetic misfit Moehogs.
Previous Episodes

M & M Detective Agency: The Case of the Chalk-a-holics - Part One

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