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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 55 > Short Stories > Mordegan and The Ixi of Doom

Mordegan and The Ixi of Doom

by battlesunn

Shelleylou, the golden Gelert, was in a great mood. Battlesunn, Shelly's owner, had gone out shopping... and left Shelly in charge. In charge of what? Why, her two brothers, of course! They were Mordegan, the green Lupe and Zarrelian, the yellow Ixi. Shelly was only too happy to agree, and just loved strutting around, flaunting her power. She flopped down on a blue beanbag chair, the sapphire hue contrasting nicely with her shiny golden fur. Shelly cleared her throat, determined to sound important and in control.

     "Oh, Zarrel! Would you mind getting me a glass of Neocola? Oh, and make sure that it's diet!" She drawled, extending the word 'sure.'

     Zarrel glared up at Shelly, he did not take kindly to being interrupted from his favourite TV show, "The Adventures of Happy Uni." He stuck out his lower lip impudently, and snorted.

     "Get it yourself, ribbon ears."

     The ears in question stood straight up, stiff with rage. Shelly's lips pulled back in a menacing snarl. "Don't you dare insult the Gelert species! We died to save a human! Which is a lot more than I can say for you!"

     Across the room, Mordegan the Lupe stifled a chuckle. Unfortunately for him, Shelly's sensitive, 'ribbon ears' were quick to pick up the sound. She rounded on Mordegan in a flash, drawing out her attack fork. With the point just barely tickling Mordegan's throat, she crouched low over him, her words coming out as a growl.

     "You were saying, brother dear?"

     Mordegan gulped, placing his paws around the attack fork's handle in a vain attempt to push it away from his neck. "I... wasn't saying anything! Just how... uh, nice you looked today!"

     He flashed her a toothy smile, trying to hide his fear, though the thin bead of sweat trickling down his face said otherwise. Shelly narrowed her eyes, and withdrew her attack fork. Mordegan fell to the floor, gasping as he massaged his neck. Zarrel snorted disgustedly. The Lupe had no courage! He waited until Shelly left the room, in search of some cheesy neos, before launching an attack. He galloped swiftly across to Mordegan, and clipped him over the head with his hoof.

     "You wimp! Honestly, Lupes are all the same! No backbone at all!"

     Mordegan growled menacingly. "Hey, just watch who you're talking to, Zarrel!"

     Zarrel smirked. "Broom tail!"

     Mordegan clenched his fists. Now, he was normally quite a passive fellow, but when someone makes fun of his tail... he turns kind of mad.

     "Spike head!"

     Zarrel was not one to be outdone in the field of insults. He straightened himself up. "Bottle snout!"

     "Bunny tail!"

     "Whisker mouth!"

     Mordegan sniffled sadly. That last one had hurt. Suddenly, he was struck by an idea. Grinning evilly, he unloaded the big one. "BAMBI!"

     Zarrel gasped. "You had no right to call me that! Ooh... How dare you! You're going to pay for that one, Lupey!"

     Zarrel launched himself onto Mordegan furiously, even though Mordegan was about three times his size. Zarrel butted with his horns and pummeled with his hooves, while Mordegan wrapped his tail around Zarrel's neck, and kicked out viciously. Mordegan was just getting the upper paw when Shelly skidded onto the scene. Mordegan and Zarrel were pretty tough, but Shelly was undoubtedly the strongest of the three. In a matter of seconds, she had separated both pets, giving each a good beating. Mordegan sat of to one side, wheezing and clutching his shoulder, where Zarrel had scored quite a few hits with his hooves. Zarrel lay down, panting in a beanbag chair. Out of the two pets, he had probably come off the worse. Shelly stepped in, berating them furiously.

     "Honestly! I can't believe it! My own two brothers, behaving like a pair of Kougra cubs! I'm ashamed to be related to you! When battlesunn comes home, you two are going to get it sooo ba--"

     "Oh, give it a rest goldilocks!"

     Shelly whirled around to face Zarrel, catching Mordegan a blow in on the nose with her tail as she did. She brought her face very close to the Ixis, flames dancing in her eyes.

     "Especially you, Zarrel! Oh, and another thing, if you 'goldilocks' me one more time, then I'll show you what a fight really looks like! --Only we'll be taking this to the official Battledome!"

     Zarrel grumbled and mumbled a bit, but he behaved. Mordegan sighed. He was a peaceful Lupe, and didn't really like fighting, especially with his family. He looked up to try and see Zarrel, maybe they could bond and be friends! But to his dismay, he saw that Zarrel had already been watching him, his huge, adorable eyes boring into Mordegan's face. He gulped. That Ixi was creepy! He shivered a bit, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

     "I think he's out to get me..."

     Mordegan turned his gaze back to Zarrel, but he was gone. He felt the hairs on his nape prickle, there was something undecidedly disturbing about that Ixi, he just couldn't put his paw on it...

     Meanwhile, Zarrel had made his way down to the NeoHome basement, where he spent most of his time. He clip clopped down the steep, wooden stairs, muttering incoherently to himself.

     "No one calls Zarrelain bambi! No siree! I'll show that dim-witted Lupe the real power of an angry Ixi! Muhahaha!"

     He galloped down to the workbench, and began pouring over his plans. The basement was dark and cold, thick Spyder-webs resided in the dank corners. The dim light bulb hanging from a chain over the workbench did not contribute an awful lot of light to brighten the chilling atmosphere. Battlesunn, Shelly and Mordegan went to great lengths to avoid the basement, while Zarrel thrived in it. Zarrel rolled out a large piece of paper on the hard, wooden surface, holding it in place with some empty neocola cans. He grinned evilly and began outlining a scheme to get revenge on Mordegan, preying on his one and only weakness, his Petpet, the comatose Warf, C.C.

     "Muhaha! This will teach Mordegan not to insult me, Zarrelian, the great and all-powerful! Webbleflub, fetch me my hypno helmet!"

     A large, bright red Mallard waddled towards Zarrel, dragging behind him a large hypno helmet with his beak. Zarrel smiled and patted Webbleflub on the head, handing him a Mallard munchie. He retrieved the hypno helmet from his Petpet, and placed it on his head. Zarrel struck a noble pose, tilting the hypno helmet to a jaunty angle on his horns. He grinned roguishly at his Petpet.

     "I cut such a handsome figure, don't I Webbleflub?"

     He nodded briskly, and trundled off towards his bed, the Mallard munchie clamped firmly in his beak. Zarrel picked up a small length of cord, and hastily wrote something on a piece of paper, a ransom note for Mordegan to gnaw his claws over. He held up the note and read it out loud, feeling quite pleased with himself.

     "Un-dear brother, I have concocted a brilliant scheme that even you cannot foil... I have your Petpet! If you ever want to see C.C. again, you will have to solve a list of clues and riddles, each more difficult then the last... or, you can just admit to me that Lupes aren't fit to kiss an Ixi's hooves! Muhahaha! Best wishes: Zarrelian."

     It was perfect! Zarrelian trotted briskly up the stairs, humming a happy tune. He hadn't actually made any clues or riddles, but he knew that Mordegan, being the lazy, cowardly Lupe that he was, would search for an easy way out. Besides, he didn't stand up against Shelly, so why would he to Zarrel? It was an error proof plan. Except for phase two... pet nap C.C.!

     Zarrel crept cautiously down the sunlit hallway to Mordegan's room, where C.C. was probably taking his afternoon nap. He peeked around the door. Good! Mordegan wasn't in his room, Zarrel would have clear sailing. He stepped over the threshold, and felt like he had stepped into a jungle! Everything was green! The walls, carpet, ceiling, furniture, bed, quilts, pillows... Even the plushies were green! Feeling slightly dizzy, Zarrel plunked down in the centre of the emerald carpet, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the massive colour change. He felt a bit nervous. If anyone came into the room, it would be curtains for him. After all, he stuck out like a sore paw in the room, his fur being a bright yellow.

     After resting for about five minutes, Zarrel was ready to carry on with the operation. He spotted C.C.'s bed instantly, apart from himself, it was the only un-green thing in the room. Petpet beds didn't come in green, but they did come in blue. C.C. was sleeping soundly in the Petpet bed, his chubby green tummy rising and falling with each snore. Zarrel bent down to pick him up, but stopped short when he heard the voice.

     "Put the Warf down, Ixi!"

     As if by magic, Mordegan appeared to materialise from the walls, his green pelt providing the perfect camouflage. Zarrel gulped, and began to lower C.C., who was still fast asleep, back into his bed. Then he remembered the hypno helmet. Clamping both paws to the Burnished golden surface, Zarrelian howled out a war cry.

     "EEEEEYAGH! Eat frost, Lupe!"

     Unfortunately for Zarrel, Mordegan was very, very fast. He dodged nimbly out of the way and held out a mirror shield. The freezing powers of the hypno helmet rebounded of the highly polished shield and took effect on Zarrelian instead. Chuckling, Mordegan stepped up to the Ixi, who was encased in a solid block of ice, a surprised expression frozen on his face. Mordegan smiled at his brother, and tapped a hefty paw on the glassy surface.

     "Never try to outsmart a Lupe, bambi. We'll always get the better of you. Oh, but don't worry! The freezing affect will wear off after about two hours, and you'll have plenty of company..." Mordegan flicked on his TV, and switched the channels until he found exactly what he was looking for. He turned Zarrel's ice block around so that it faced the screen.

     "You can watch the three hour Lupe greatness show case until you're free."

     Inside the block of ice, Zarrel's eyes widened in horror. A muffled scream of anguish escaped from his closed mouth as Mordegan sauntered out of the room, leaving the TV on at full blast. From his frosty prison, Zarrel was fuming, already trying to think up a new scheme to get even with Mordegan. So the Lupe had won the battle... he wouldn't win the war!

The End

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