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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 55 > Continuing Series > The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Seven

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Seven

by meratocat

I AWOKE TO the sound of footsteps. At first I thought that it was one of my friends, but I saw them all asleep on the ground, so it couldn't have been one of them. The sun had not yet risen, and probably would not for a few hours. I then heard the footsteps once more. I bounded up, holding my blade above my head, and yelled "Come out and face me!"

     A green Zafara slowly walked out from the woods. He had on a slightly greenish tunic, and he wore a crimson cape with a dragon pendent. In his leather belt a blue handled dagger lay ready to use in a moments notice. My hand sunk back to my side, and I deposited my dagger back into my belt as he walked up to me. The wind blew my hair in my eyes, as the Zafara walked up to me, one of his ears with a couple of long ago healed tears. He was about half a head taller then I was, and he looked down at me with seemingly emotionless eyes, but a smile on his face. "You're…" I whispered quietly as the wind, but I did not need say more.

     I sat down on a rock, and the Zafara sat down next to me. "I wasn't sure that it was you until you pulled out the dagger then I was certain. Vernok told me to get a red Zafara with a recently torn up ear." And then he caressed my wounded ear softly. "I have missed you Zarrel Charmain."

     "And I have missed you too… Kirin." And I fell into his arms with tears dripping down my cheeks. "I thought that you were gone," I whispered.

     We silently sat watching as the sun rose from the sky filling our surroundings with a golden light. It was one of the best sunrises that I had ever witnessed, and it was with Kirin besides me. We sat in silence, both lost for words, where anyone else would have asked tons of questions.

     Dorono yawned, and stretched out as he stood up. He looked in alarm at the Zafara sitting next to me, and started to run over, but was stopped by Wintroq who stood crouching watching the scene before him. Dorono opened up his beak to say something, but was hushed by Wintroq who put his index finger up to his lip to show that silence was needed. He knew that this moment was special to me, his sister, and he was going to keep it that way.

     Slowly one by one, each of my friends woke up, and it was not until Pup woke up then did someone speak. Kirin looked into my eyes, and then said, "It has been eighteen years since I have last looked into your icy eyes." For my eyes were the colours of cold ice. "You have grown both in height and in spirit. I wish that this moment could last forever, but Vernok will wonder what has happened when I don't return with your head, and he will send other assassins out to destroy you. So we must go before Vernok finds out I am not returning, for I shall stay with you."

     I looked down at the ground, another tear falling from my cheek. "You shouldn't," I quietly said, and then my voice grew louder. "I did not even know who you were until I started having those dreams. I had forced the thought from my head. I forgot who you were Kirin while you remembered. You deserve better then me. If you stay with me, you never will be with a moment of peace. You will always be watching your back, because Vernok will never give up until I am destroyed. Because… Because…" And then I started to cry some more tears.

     "You can say it," Kirin said softly… quietly.

     "He is my father!" I yelled out louder then I had intended to.

     "I saved you before from his creatures. I can do it again. Besides now you are old enough to fight too." And with a smile from Kirin I was able to stop my tears, and smile back.

     Dorono then crept past Wintroq, and slid in under my arm, his warm green fur smooth as silk. "Don't forget.' He said. "I too shall never leave your side."

     "And I will also stay with you sister," Wintroq said pulling out his sword.

     "I will not stay forever, but I will help you all I can," Lunerith said her golden eyes shining.

     And then Pup bounded up. "I have nowhere else to go, so I will stay here with you." And for the first time ever I was actually happy with Pup.

     "I am lucky that I have so many friends that I can count on," I said with a smile. "Though you must be crazy to hang around not only one, but two assassins," I said motioning to Kirin. "Partners," I said holding my hand out.

     "Partners!" We all said in union putting our hands together.

     Soon we were off with me in the lead towards Makum's fort, and I had tons of questions to ask of Kirin. "Kirin, what ever happened to you those many years ago?"

     "Kirin looked at me, and then replied, "Well, I went up into high reaches, and quickly finished my assignment, but then I was not allowed down."

     "How were you not allowed down?" I asked slitting one eye.

     "An employer, Jown the snowy Kougra. He is pure white, even his stripes are white, plus he was as silent as the clouds, so you couldn't tell is he was sneaking up to you in the snow. He got a hold of me, and would not let me leave high reaches, and made me do all his dirty work. I tried to escape several times, but each time he or one of his minions caught me, and dragged me back there. I was finally able to escape about four months ago. From the rumours I heard of the red ghost, I presumed that you had lived, but I was not sure until last night. Now how have you fared over the years, and what happened to that Airax I don't remember its name?"

     "Tarnox," I said, and then I looked at the ground. "He was destroyed about eight years ago by Teralk who also was destroyed by a strike of lightning. Besides that little event, which would take to long to tell, I have fared well."

     Kirin nodded, and then he asked, "Now what about all of these other creatures, where did they come from?"

     "Well, Dorono," I motioned to Dorono, "became my partner after I hatched his egg which was after Tarnox was destroyed. The fire Zafara is Wintroq. He actually is my brother, and I let him tag along after he basically sacrificed himself for my cause. The Gelert is just a young pup who will not give me a moments peace, while the blue Shoyru, Lunerith, tags along with us after we escaped some mutant creature that did this to my ear." And I pointed to my ear, which was still very tender.

     Except for the occasional remarks from Dorono Kirin and I were left in silence to talk about what had happened to us for the past eighteen years, and before we knew it we were at the foot of Makum's fort. I walked up to the Shoyru's standing guard, and smirked. "Zarrel Charmain and Dorono reporting, I have completed my job."

     "You can go on through," one of the Shoyru's called. I nodded, and we all walked inside.

     Once inside, a yellow Shoyru flew up to us, "I am to lead you through here to Makum. Follow me." And he started on a brisk walk. Soon we were up to the door that led to Makum's chambers. "Only the assassin and her partner can enter Makum's chamber," the Shoyru said to Kirin, Wintroq, Lunerith and Pup.

     As I walked through the door I stood up straight and tall the way an assassin should approach an employer, and then checked Dorono from the corner of my eye, and was proud to see that he was using the correct posture. I slit my eyes, as we walked the final few steps up to Makum. "I have completed my assignment Makum, and now I expect my pay."

     Makum snickered under his breath, "Do not worry assassin, for I have not cheated you." And he handed me the bag of Neopoints, which I checked to make sure was 2,700, and once sure I put it away in my pack. "I expected you to be back quicker Zarrel Charmain."

     I smirked, "Well, I had some trouble along the way, and was held back by old acquaintances."

     Makum nodded, and then he started back up, "Well, whatever the cause I have no more jobs for you right now, but if I need you I will send a messenger. You are dismissed." So with that Dorono and I turned, and headed for the door.

     As I walked out I saw Lunerith back away from the yellow Shoyru with a smile. "I have talked with Gurdon here, and have decided to stay. Everyone in this place are thieves, and scoundrels, so basically I will fit in perfectly. Sorry that I could not have been of assistance to you Zarrel Charmain, for you did save my life…"

     "I understand your ploy." And I smiled to show my sincerity. "It is okay."

     Lunerith smiled and said, "Thanks for understanding."

     We walked off into the forest, thoughts of Lunerith fading out like the sunlight through the trees. Even so I would not forget those eyes of hers they were very hypnotic. Soon around sunset, we had reached the spot Dorono and I call home. "Nice place you got here," Kirin said surveying the scenery.

     "Place?" Pup cried out eyeing the leaves and foliage. "All I see is trees and dirt!!"

     "Then you have a lot to learn about assassins Pup," I said, and then I sat down on my rock, and taking out a needle started to patch up my tunic's latest scars.

     Wintroq looked around, and then he said, "Personally, I go with Wherric on this matter. "How is this nice?" but Kirin answered that for me.

     "An assassin has a much different point of view on where they would like to live. You see, if an assassin lived in a wooden cottage, just about anyone could sneak up upon the assassin without their noticing. On the other hand, out in the open you could easily hear the footsteps of an approaching creature. Also the structure of the trees is important. If the trees over your head are to thin, just about any creature overhead can see you. Also if it is too thick, a flying messenger of an employer cannot find you. So this is just right. Plus the ground is relatively smooth, and not full of rocks and lumps which makes sleeping more comfortable. So now you understand that this is a nice spot."

     Wintroq looked dumbfounded. "Actually, I don't understand, but I take your word on the matter, for I don't want to hear that again."

     Kirin's laughter rang out like so many bells, "Well, when you live this way for awhile, you will understand."

     As the sun went down, I laid out my sleeping mat. Then after looking at Wintroq I pulled out the blanket that I used on cold days, and laid it out. "Here Wintroq, you and Kirin can use that."

     "Thanks," Kirin said, "But I think that I will just sleep on the ground. Let Wintroq have the entire blanket. I smiled at his compassion, and then with the coming night I closed my eyes, and let sleep take my body.

     I woke up, and with my eyes still closed I smiled. I did not have a dream; perhaps I was done with dreams for now. Then I opened my eyes to find that it was the middle of the night. The stars were twinkling in the night sky, and the moon was a crescent. I was about to close my eyes, and go back to sleep, but I heard a sigh. I looked up, and there was Kirin sitting on a hill starring into the night. "What is it?" I asked crawling up next to him.

     "The stars are so peaceful. They never have to worry about change, for every night they can just hang up in the sky, and watch down over us watching as we change while they never alter a bit."

     "What is so bad about change?" I asked

     "It is not that it is bad, but just that it happens. I dreamt of what it would be like when I made it back here. What it would be like to see you or my friends once more. Then once I get here everything is… is so different. Zarrel Charmain, the last time I saw you, you were eight, a young girl. Now you are no longer the young girl that I was training, but an experienced… adult assassin. Things have really changed."

     I looked into his eyes, and by their far off look, I knew that was not what was bothering him. I quietly said, "You can tell me the real problem."

     Kirin looked away from the stares, and at the ground. "It is Breagin." And then he looked up at the stars once more. "He was my best friend."

     "It is okay," I quietly said, but was rewarded with Kirin shaking his head.

     "No it's not. After I escaped Jown, the tavern in Krikanu where Breagin worked was the first place I went to. When I reached Krikanu I went up to the spot that the tavern used to be, but all that was left was a rundown, empty building filled with inch high dust, and cobwebs were everywhere. I knew that Breagin would never have let his tavern become that rundown, so I presumed that he had gone somewhere else. So the first creature that I ran into, an Aisha, I asked if they knew where to find Breagin. The Aisha looked at me laughing, and asked if I were serious. I guess that it was my eyes that told him that I was, for he stopped laughing, and gave me directions, and then left with a mumbled sorry. I followed the Aisha's directions, and they took me up to a cemetery. I was just about ready to go and give the Aisha a fright of a lifetime for leading me to a cemetery, when the keeper of the cemetery laid a paw on my shoulder. 'Who are you looking for?' he asked, and I told him that I was looking for an old fried called Breagin. The keeper looked at me, and then said 'This way.' To my horror he led me up to a grave with Breagin's name carved into the stone. The keeper looked at me, and told me that Breagin had been destroyed by a Krawk almost ten years prior. And when he described the Krawk, I knew that it was the same one who almost got you. The same one who probably will be sent after you once more."

     "I am sorry about Breagin," I said, then watched as Kirin's eyes gazed back off at the stars.

     "We used to always do this together as lads, Breagin and I. We would stare up at the stars, and tell each other of the shapes we saw in them. Once we got in trouble, when Breagin said that the full moon looked like the baker, nice and fat. Little did we know that old Frea was right behind us. Haha, boy did he give Breagin and I a chase." Kirin laughed. "I really do miss him." I leaned on Kirin's shoulder, and looked up at the stars with him. I continued to watch them until I fell asleep.

     I woke up on my sleeping mat. I guess that Kirin had carried me there, and I would have to thank him later, but first I would make breakfast. I made a simple breakfast that morning, toast and bacon, but even so every one was pleased with it. When breakfast was over, I walked up to Kirin and quietly, "Thank you." And he nodded to show that he heard. I could tell that he did not want the others to know about last night.

     Suddenly a Uni's screech sounded in the sky above us, and a shadow blocked the sun for a few seconds. I knew that screech, It was one of the black Uni twins. Suddenly, the shadow crashed to the ground. I jumped back at the sight in front of me. There lay Herupah, beaten with matted fur. He had sword slashed across his flank, and his face was a mess. Herupah looked at me, and then he slowly muttered, "They… took… Decorah…"

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part One

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Two

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Three

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Four

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Five

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Six

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Eight

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Nine

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Ten

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Eleven

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Twelve

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Thirteen

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