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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 56 > Continuing Series > The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Eight

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Eight

by meratocat

HERUPAH FELL UNCONSCIOUS. "Herupah!" I yelled in his face, but he was out cold.

     Kirin walked up to me and asked, "Who is this!?!"

     "His name is Herupah. He is one of the black Uni twins." Then I said as I noticed the blank looks surrounding me, "It is a long story, but for now we have to get some water. We will wash his wounds, and hope that he wakes up soon."

     "What can I do?" Pup asked of me.

     "Ugh… well… you can keep watch," I finally said. I just wanted him out of the way.

     It took some time, but soon we had gathered a few buckets of water, and were washing the blood off of Herupah's black fur. He had several sword slashes across his face, and many more on his body and legs. Half of his tail was gone, and one of his wings had fractured in his fall while the other one was tattered up. Overall, I was surprised when he opened his eyes after Kirin tossed a bucket of water over his head. Herupah snorted, and then looked at us. "Zarrel Charmain," he said slowly. "We helped you when you asked, so I come to you to ask of your help."

     "What is wrong?" I asked Herupah.

     "It is Decorah," he said looking down. "We could not stop them, for we did not even expect them to attack."


     "I do not know his name, but a pure white Kougra came asking if we had seen a Zafara that was an assassin. We thought that he meant you Zarrel Charmain, so we said that we didn't. The Kougra must have known that we were lying, for he told us to tell where the Zafara was. We refused believing that escaping a single Kougra would not be hard, but then the Kougra whistled, and many many creatures filled the cave, and not just from our front entrance, but they had found our hidden back way. Flight was not an option, for the Kougra had flying pets to assist his cause, so Decorah and I fought valiantly, but we were soon overwhelmed. When we knew that we would lose, Decorah and I just made a wild flight for freedom. Decorah's wings gave out under him, for he had suffered many sword slashed upon them, but when I turned to help him, he just yelled to find you to help, so I made my way to here, before I could fly no more. I come to ask of you to help me save Decorah from the white Kougra Will you help?" Herupah looked at me pleadingly, for Decorah was his brother and partner, and without him Herupah would be nothing.

     "Yes, Herupah, I owe it to you." And a relieved smile slid across Herupah's face.

     It took most of the day before Herupah could walk due to the cuts and wounds he underwent, and after Herupah walked off into the forest to stretch his legs, Kirin walked up to me. "The Kougra who attacked Herupah and Decorah is Jown, I am sure of it, the same Kougra who help me captive for so long."

     "Thanks Kirin, now we know where to find Decorah."

     "You don't understand Zarrel Charmain," Kirin pleaded. "You should not mess with Jown the snowy Kougra I don't want you to suffer the same fate as I did. Besides, you do not have to help Herupah, I mean, you are not even getting paid to help him."

     "Like I said before, I owe it to him. He and his brother helped me when I was in need, and I promised to help them if they ever needed it. Besides, if it were not for the black Uni twins, I never would have found Dorono. Nothing you say will change my mind on this matter."

     Kirin looked at me sternly, and then sighed. "You're right. No matter how hard I try to change your mind you will end up trudging up to High Reaches anyway, and as much as I don't want to go, I will leave with you Zarrel Charmain."

     I smiled, and then I turned towards Wintroq and Pup. "We leave tomorrow for High Reaches."

     The next day we were ready to go. I had already told Herupah that we were headed for High Reaches, and we were trying to find the quickest rout there. Wintroq walked up to me, "Zarrel Charmain, if we were to take the most direct rout to High Reaches, we would have to pass through Laxcorna. I am not sure if they would welcome an assassin into their village."

     "That's okay Wintroq, I will just disguise myself as a maiden. That way no one will notice." So I took off my cape, and after carefully folding it I placed it into my pack, and then I put on a long red dress, and tied my ears back in a bun. "Is that okay Wintroq," I said, but was answered by Kirin.

     "I can hardly even recognise you in a dress Zarrel Charmain, I doubt that anyone else would." So then we started our walk towards Laxcorna, and to High Reaches.

     As we made our way, I noticed that Pup had taken a liking to my brother. It was a definite change from him constantly bugging me. I was pondering how to get rid of Pup when Dorono flew down, and landed right in front of me. "Laxcorna is just ahead Zarrel Charmain. Just about one more mile."

     "Thanks Dorono," I said. I had sent him out to scout up ahead, and to see how much farther it was to Laxcorna. I had expected more then one mile, for it seamed that the walk had been much longer with only Tarnox and I.

     The sun had just fallen by the time we reached the outskirts of Laxcorna. I waited until everyone had fallen asleep, and then I crept into Laxcorna to get a look at it, for I had not seen it in over eight years. I walked through the deserted streets with my disguise on listening to the eerie silence that haunt a village at night. Suddenly I heard the sounds of feet pounding against the ground. I turned just in time to see a Nimmo running up to me with a dagger. I just calmly stood there as he ran up to me, and held the dagger by my belly. "Give me all your money maiden," he scorned. I just snickered at him, as I fingered my dagger that lay concealed beneath my dress. "What are you amused about, you are being robbed."

     "This." And I took out my dagger, and with a quick backhand stroke, I had knocked the dagger from the Nimmo's hand, and then before he could do anything, I kicked him in the stomach making him go sprawling. The Nimmo groaned, and I pushed my foot into his back. "Next time think twice before you attack the seemingly helpless maiden. You never know when she is an assassin in disguise."

     I probably would have destroyed him then and there had not a Laxcornian warrior ran up. I quickly slid my dagger back into my belt where the warrior could not see it. "What is wrong?" He asked. "That Nimmo ran up to you, and then I heard the sound of steel hitting steel." Then the warrior looked down at the Nimmo, "Okay, what happened here?"

     I looked up at the warrior, and then smiled. He was a yellow Zafara, and even though he did not have that green vest on, but the armour that the general of the Laxcornian army would wear I knew who he was at first glance. "Well that Nimmo decided that it would be a good idea to try and rob an unattended maiden, for she seamed like an easy target, but was he wrong." Then I smirked as I said, "So Corinth, you are the general now."

     "Huh, how did you know my name, I never have seen you before? Who are you anyway?" and he took out his sword.

     "Does the name Skitrey ring any bells?"

     "Zarrel Charmain?!?" He rubbed his eyes as if to see if I were real. "I have not seen you since you flew off on Decorah. What brings you here to Laxcorna anyway? I thought that you had an unofficial peace treaty with us."

     "I do," I said, "Just me and a few of my friends are passing through here headed for High Reaches." Just then the Nimmo jumped up, and started to make a break for it, but without turning, I swung my tail into his legs tripping him. "Perhaps Corinth, before any farther talk you should take out the garbage." And I nodded in the direction of the Nimmo

     "Good idea." And he walked up to the Nimmo, and pulled him up off the ground. "You are under arrest for stealing from fellow pets." The Nimmo kicked Corinth, and then tried to run off again, but once more I tripped him with my tail.

     "Don't you ever learn?" I sneered. Normally I did not have a problem with pickpockets, and thieves, but when they tried to steal from me things got different.

     Corinth walked back over to the Nimmo, and then said; "Now you also have a count against you for attacking an officer." I followed Corinth as he dropped off the Nimmo in the dungeons. "It is nice to be rid of law breakers," he said dusting off his hands.

     "Then why don't you throw me in there?" I slyly asked.

     "Because if it weren't for you, Laxcorna would have been taken over by Teralk."

     "So how have things been around here Corinth?" I asked.

     Corinth smiled, "Well, I have started up a family, and now Laiondite is the queen. How about you?"

     "Well, I found my long lost brother, and I am basically on the run from my psycho father who wants me destroyed. Now I am on a rescue mission with my brother, mentor, and a young Gelert who will not leave me alone." Then I grinned at Corinth. "Just another day for an assassin."

     We walked up to a cottage on the outskirts of Laxcorna, "This is where I live with my family Zarrel Charmain," Corinth said. Then he looked at the flicker of light coming from one of the windows. "I guess that they aren't asleep yet." And we walked towards the cottage.

     We went up to the door, but before Corinth could open it, a young rainbow Zafara burst out, "Daddy!" He screamed, bounding onto Corinth knocking him over.

     "Erred, let your father get up," a starry Zafara said walking out. "Oh, who is that?" she asked Corinth while looking at me.

     "Remember me telling you what really had happened eight years ago to Teralk," Corinth said.

     "So that means that she is… Zarrel Charmain!" and with a smile I nodded.

     "Zarrel Charmain!" and the young Zafara grabbed my hand, and started jumping up and down, and then he dragged me into his room. "My dad told me that you saved everybody from mean Teralk. So let me show you my room." He dragged me in, and then started to jump on his bed. "Look I have your picture." And he stopped bouncing on his bed, reached under it, and pulled out a poster with my picture on it. "Do you like it?" I started to laugh, for it was a wanted poster.

     Then the starry Zafara walked in. "Why don't you come have something to eat." So I followed her into their eating quarters, took a seat, and started to eat.

     I licked my lips, and then thanked Corinth's partner, "Thank you ugh…"


     "Well thank you Pecorth for the meal. It has been awhile since I have not had to cook my own food." I started to take my leave of the house, but was stopped by Pecorth.

     "If you want to you can stay the night, for you did save Laxcorna."

     "No thanks," I replied. "My companions would wonder where I was if they found that I was gone."

     Pecorth smiled. "Okay then best of luck to you Zarrel Charmain."

     "Good luck on your rescue mission," Corinth called out.

     "Come back soon!" Erred yelled to me as I disappeared into the darkness. Well, at least I know that Corinth is doing fine. I thought to myself as I made my way back to my group of companions all snoozing away the night unawares of anything happening.

     I yawned, and then lay down on my sleeping mat next to Dorono "Welcome back," he quietly muttered, but I did not hear, for I had already fallen asleep.

     I woke up to the sounds of feet tracking through the forest. I looked around me, and saw to my relief that Kirin was up, so it must have been him who was making the sounds. As the sounds grew closer I just closed my eyes, and tried to go to sleep. I ignored them as they came up to me, but then I heard the sound of a blade being pulled from its scabbard, so I opened my eyes, and to my horror there was Xern. I started to reach for my dagger, but Xern stepped on my hand making that impossible. "I shall enjoy destroying you assassin, for your friend blinded me in my eye. So Xern lifted his short sword, and started to strike, but was stopped by a blue-handled dagger.

     "You destroyed my friend, now you will pay Krawk!" Kirin said angrily, swinging his blade forcing Xern to step off of my hand allowing me to pull out my dagger and join the fight. I had to admit, the Krawk was really good with the sword. He was able to fend off both Kirin and I while still being able to attack. I swung at Xern's back, and had to jump back as I was met with a return swing, which also blocked Kirin's attack. Slowly though, we were overwhelming Xern, so he reached into his boot, and took out a dagger, and then began to fight with two blades. Soon, Dorono and Wintroq, who had been waken from the fight, began to try and help, while Herupah, due to his injuries, just watched. When Xern realised that he could not win, he began to take flight into the forest. "Don't let him escape!" Kirin yelled, but he did not have to worry, for at that moment, Pup woke up, and stood up just as Xern ran up, tripping him, and before Xern could get up, Kirin jumped upon his back, and raised his dagger into the air, catching the moonlight...

     Finally once things had calmed down, Kirin stood up and wiped off his dagger on the ground. "Well, that Krawk's evil is now done." He then looked at my arm, which had only suffered some minor bruising from the Krawk "Well, you appear to be okay."

     "Yes, and I thank you for saving me Kirin."

     "What about me?" Pup said jumping up at me.

     Kirin looked at him and said, "Thanks Wherric for tripping the Krawk, for if you hadn't he would have escaped into the forest." So with the praise, Pup began to prance around with a carefree smile implanted upon his face.

     "Already, we have lost much sleep," I said, "So let's try and get to sleep for the night okay?" And with that everyone agreed.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part One

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Two

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Three

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Four

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Five

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Six

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Seven

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Nine

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Ten

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Eleven

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Twelve

The Zafara Assassin 2: Dreams of Shadows - Part Thirteen

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