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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 30th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 2 > Articles > Pull Aisha, Pull - Interview With Horak

Pull Aisha, Pull - Interview With Horak

by buurin

Buurin: Hello everyone, today I'm here with Neopia's resident Tug-O-War champion, Horak the Desert Aisha! How are you today, Horak?

Horak: Great. Thanks for having me here. I read the Times every week.

Buurin: I'm glad! Well, let's get started. I see that you're quite good at Tug-O-War. How did you come to love the game so much?

Horak: It all started when I was a little Aisha growing up in the Lost Desert. Back then, there was no official Tug-O-War game. Me and a few of my friends used to go down to the old waterhole with a rope from my father's shed. There were six of us, I believe, and we'd put three on one side and three on the other, and pull as hard as we could until either we or the other team fell into the waterhole. It was my older sister, Katari, who actually came up with the idea for the game. I was only a few months old at the time, so I wasn't very good, but as I got older, I got much better. And as I got older, the rules changed, and instead of playing with groups, we did one on one, like the game is played now.

Buurin: Very interesting. Now, Horak, how did you become Neopia's greatest champion? Please tell me all the details!

Horak: Well, like I said, I got better as I grew up. Soon I was better than all my childhood friends, including Katari, and none of them wanted to play with me anymore because I always won. One day, I was reading a local Lost Desert newspaper, when I read about a Desert Games Day. Everyone who lived in the Lost Desert was welcome to attend. One of the events was Tug-O-War, which had become pretty well known in the desert by then, and so I went, entered, and won. Then I was approached by someone who said they were thinking of opening a Tug-O-War game for all Neopians to play. They asked if I would be interested and I said absolutely. So I said good-bye to my family and I became one of Tug-O-War's challengers. Lots of people played the game and the more they played, the better I got. Now, I'm considered the best in the land.

Buurin: Do you ever lose at Tug-O-War, or are you undefeated?

Horak: Of course I lose sometimes...nobody always wins. Sometimes I'm up against some very strong Neopians, and I just can't beat them. However, I win almost 94 percent of my games, and that's why I'm considered Neopia's best.

Buurin: No offense, but you don't look very strong. How are you able to beat players much bigger and stronger-looking than you, like Khadir the Elephante?

Horak: I have a few secrets. First, I eat a very healthy diet. My favourite foods are apples and carrots. No sugar bunnies for this Aisha! Secondly, Grundo's Gym helps me to become stronger, I use all their machines every morning. Thirdly, I practice. I tie a rope to a heavy rock or piece of wood and work on pulling it into the water.

Buurin: What makes Tug-O-War the best game out there? And would you recommend it to everyone?

Horak: Well, Tug-O-War requires skill and strength, and sometimes luck because of the bonuses. So all aspects of a fun game are there. Also, it's a game that takes lots of practice, and can become a full time job, which is great for those like me who need a hobby. But, no, I would not recommend it to everyone. Why? Because some pets may be sickly or weak, and this game is only for the strong. This game could hurt some pets who are not well prepared. Even the largest Lupe would have trouble with this game if he was not in the best health.

Buurin: Well, that's it for today! Thanks for chatting with me, Horak, and all you healthy pets better run run run to Tug-O-War, now open in the Lost Desert!

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