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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 1st day of Swimming, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 2 > Articles > The Value of Neopoints

The Value of Neopoints

by anne_1229

I had been saving for weeks. I had been waiting till I could reach it. That 75,000 NP milestone. The part where I could upgrade my bank account. I used these as my goals, where I could feel a little happy with myself for finally reaching that goal. 75,000 was one upgrade away from the ultimate one. The top. 100,000 Neopoints. Well, it's not actually the top, but I figured that 500,000 was pretty unattainable right now. And I had finally reached it. And then I did something stupid.

I took the points out. All of them. And I spent them all. Well, almost. I had 20,000 left. Feeling bad, I sold what I could (unfortunately, I couldn't sell everything, although I admit I do enjoy having a cloud Chomby) and came out with another 35,000 points. That came from the PetPets I had bought and all the items that had sat in my inventory too long. I put that and the remaining 20,000 points in the bank. I set out with 100 Neopoints, three Fuzzles and a carrot in hand, ready to restart my small fortune.

Originally, I figured I would just keep the points I earned. But then I decided that I was safer if I didn't have instant access to my points. So every time I hit 5,000, I put in 4,900. I am now up to 65,000 in the bank. But that didn't come easily. These are the things that I knew when I was a Newbie but had since forgotten:

Games are necessary. I always go play my three games of Kiko Match daily, then if I have time I also check out the Faerie Crossword, Poogle Solitaire and Swarm. I also go to the Wheel of Excitement regularly and the Wheel of Mediocrity semi-often. I play the Tombola everyday, and I accept quests from the Esophagor, the Brain Tree, the Professor in Tyrannia, and the Witch in the Haunted Forest. If the items they ask for are relatively cheap I go for it. If not, I ignore the quest. Extra time goes to my favourite games, Pyramids and Solitaire (Lost Desert, not Poogle).

The omelette is awesome. While I found out that you can't trick the Soup Faerie by putting money in the bank and keeping under 500 points out, I still never buy food. The omelette keeps three pets well fed, then for the fourth I always manage to find something, usually at the Tombola.

My experiment has made me feel better about my mistake. I learned the value of the little things in Neopia, and have not been frivolous since. I occasionally splurge, but that is a little reward for saving. I am collecting interest in my account, I feel more sympathetic for the Newbies who can't understand how someone could possibly afford paying 70 Neopoints for one meal for one pet, or 400 for a book. I am more careful and, while I miss being able to buy what I want when I want (as long as it's not all at once), I like being "poor", too!

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