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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 61 > Short Stories > Searching for Sporkle Syrup

Searching for Sporkle Syrup

by starchild523

Oh no! Woe is me! Who am I, you ask? Pfft, how can you not know? I am Maou, the infamous Halloween Puppyblew. My pet is Poco31. But now we're getting off topic. While it's important you know who I am, it is more important you know the story. The story of the greatest adventure in my life (so far).

     It was a beautiful day in Neopia. The sun was shining, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Now seemed like a perfect time to do our daily tasks. First we went to Tombola. All we got was a measly Toy Sailboat. Next we were off to the Lost Desert. Coltzan made Piki gain a level. At the Fruit Machine, we won 50 NP and a Bagguss. Not a total waste, considering it was free. After that we headed off to Poco's favourite. The Wheel of Excitement. She spun the wheel eagerly. Round and round it went. Then... it stopped. On the Skull. All the sudden Poco collapsed. Blue rushed us to the hospital. Dr. Gelert had some discouraging news. Poco had come down with the most serious case of Ugga-Ugga he'd ever seen.

     Naturally the first thing we did was hurry to the Healing Springs. Blue begged and pleaded with the Water Faerie, but to no avail. The Water Faerie's powers weren't strong enough for this case of Ugga-Ugga. She was too infected. No magic could cure her. Neither could the Wheel of Excitement, the original cause of the illness. There was only one answer. And that was the unbuyable Sporkle Syrup.

     Blue spent many a restock at the Pharmacy. But the very few times she saw Sporkle Syrup, it was snatched up before she had a chance to grab it. So I took it upon my self to retrieve the medicine.

     I went up to my Sam, the Doglefox of our family. I told him to tell the others I was on a journey for the medicine if they missed me. Sam looked at me in disbelief.

     "If you're gonna be that stupid, I'm going with you," he said.

     "No way!" I retorted. "Poco is my pet, not yours. This is my quest. Don't you believe I can do it?

     He snorted. "I wouldn't trust you with anything. Let me go with you. I bet Cheezy and Sabaku will want to go too."

     "Fine," I said dejectedly. My fame, my glory! Stolen with the words of a puny Green Doglefox! But what choice did I have? Oh and Cheezy is the Chezzoom of our family; Sabaku the Anubis. It turned out to be a good thing they were with me....

     While I started packing a Puppyblew-sized knapsack with food and provisions, I heard a soft knock on the door.

     "Who is it?" I asked anxiously, stuffing the knapsack under my beanbag chair.

     "It's Cheezy, Maou. Can I come in?"

     "Oh, sure. As long as you aren't Blue or one of the pets." I cracked a grin. "We aren't going to tell them we're leaving. They wouldn't let us if they knew."

     "Oh, they don't know. But Pixel does..." Cheezy's voice drifted off.

     "WHAT?!?!?!" I cried.

     Pixel was the egotistical Anubis, or at least he was in my eyes. Pixel's pet was a friend of mine. All of the other petpets that lived with him were friends with me, Sam, Cheezy, or Sabaku. However, Pixel and I are fierce enemies, always insulting each other.

     "We may as well invite them if they know," Cheezy reasoned.

     "But... but..." I knew I couldn't win. "Oh fine!" I relented. "But if that runt gets in the way of me getting that Sporkle Syrup, you will never hear the end of it, understand?"

     "Sure," replied Cheezy. "They're gonna meet us here at dawn tomorrow. Sabaku and Sam'll be ready. I've already packed." He pointed to a lump in his beanbag.

     "Right then," I said. Well, we may as well get enough rest as we can." And so, Cheezy called up Sabaku and Sam. And we slept.

     I awoke about an hour before dawn. I waited and looked across the vast land of Mystery Island. I wondered when I would return. I sat there in thought for awhile, then I woke up the others.

     Once outside we waited for about ten minutes. We could then make out the shadowy figures of Pixel the Anubis, Chi the Noil, Frodo the Doglefox, and Mishu the Mutant Puppyblew in the feeble light of the dawn.

     We decided to head for Tyrannia. We figured there had to be some sort of factory that made the Sporkle Syrup. We went to the Mystery Island dock. As luck would have it, a ship had JUST departed for Tyrannia. We waited the four long hours waiting for the next ship in the shade if the Trading Post.

     Finally it was time for us to board the ship. All of us had picked a pet to impersonate the petpet of. The Tiki Native just smiled at us as we passed. We had made it so far!

     Two hours later we got off at Tyrannia. I realised then that we didn't have a clue as to how we were going to get this medicine. I decided we should try the Tyrannian Food Shop first. Then I realised I hadn't a clue how to speak the ancient language. I looked around and asked the group if anyone could. Chi raised her hand in the air tentatively. "I can," she said.

     She turned to the Chia who ran the shop.

     "Uggh a ugg uggah Ugga-Ugga Sporkle?" she questioned in fluent Tyrannian.

     "Uggah urgg Sporkle uhn ugga," the Shopkeeper replied. "Urg ugga ugg uh urga Sporkle urg.

     "He has Sporkle Leg, but knows not how to make it into Sporkle Syrup," she translated. "But he says there is one person who may know how."

     "And that is?" questioned Sabaku.

     Chi gulped. "The Beast," she said in a barely audible whisper. "The first Sporkle Syrup was found in his cave."

     "Well, then let's go!" Frodo said excitedly. The others stared at him.

     "Do you know who the Beast IS?" everyone asked at once.

     "No, but he can't be all that mean. Not as mean as Maou anyway. Besides. Poco needs the medicine. Right?" He looked at the rest of us.

     "Frodo's right," I said. Poco needs this medicine. If we don't get it to her, no one will! Let's do it!"

     The others looked terrified. No one made any motion as though to head towards the lair. I looked around, and pleaded with them. Finally, Cheezy stepped forward.

     "I'm in," he said. "He looked at the others. Then he looked at Pixel. "You aren't a scaredy-Kadoatie, are you?

     Pixel looked at him defiantly. "No way!" he yelled. "I'm in. And if I'm in you all are too."

     They grumbled and moaned, but they all came forward.

     And so we set off for the Beast's lair. Once we got there, I took it upon myself to be the first one in. After all, this quest was my idea. We walked into the dank, damp, dark cave. We climbed the withered old rope. And we came to... the Beast. He stuck one beady eye at us. I stepped closer.

     "What do you want?" it screeched.

     "A-a-all we want is the recipe for Sporkle Syrup," I answered, my voice faltering at the beginning.

     "You do, do you? What do you little petpets want with it, eh?" it asked.

     Please, sir. My pet has come down with Ugga-Ugga, and neither the Water Faerie nor the Wheel of Excitement. It's unbuyable in people's shops, and a rare occurrence in the Pharmacy. The shopkeeper at the Tyrannian food shop said the first batch of Sporkle Syrup was found here. Please Mr. Beast, you have to help us!" I begged. I usually don't lower myself to begging, but this was an emergency.

     "All right, all right. It sounds like you really need this. So I'll give you the recipe. On one condition," the Beast said.

     "Anything!" I cried out.

     "OK, your owner just can never tell the recipe to another owner, or make more Sporkle Syrup and sell it for profit," said the Beast. "Here's the recipe:"

          3 Legs of a Sporkle
          2 Bud Buds, mashed well
          6 Farn Plants, finely chopped
          1 litre Coconut Juice
          1 Spung

          Mix well and boil over an open flame
          Let cool Feed to the ill pet.

     "Oh, thank you so, so much sir!" I exclaimed. "How can I ever repay you?

     "There is one thing..." said the Beast.

     "Yes?" I inquired.

     "I'm a Miss, not a Sir. Get it right next time.

     "I'll be sure to do that!" I replied.

     I retreated to where the others were standing. I showed them the recipe. They all cheered, happy to know we were going home.

     We arrived back home within a few hours, using the same acting method we had used to get in. Once we got back to the house, I heard Miki yelling.

     "There they are!" we heard. The next thing we knew, we were being scooped up into our pets' arms. I looked at Poco.

     "You're better?" I asked, puzzled.

     "Of course silly!" she said. "The Water Faerie's powers got stronger. She was finally able to cure me. Why do you ask?"

     "Oh no reason," I said, holding the recipe behind my back.

The End

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