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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 61 > Continuing Series > My Capture, My Escape: Part Two

My Capture, My Escape: Part Two

by gentle_lil_queen

"Nice try evil!" I said as we turned left and realised it wasn't coming from the right.

     There was the baby Chia and an Elephante. They looked at us. "Who are you?" The Elephante asked.

     "I'm Christina," I said, "and this is Misinris. "You?"

     "I am Seroff," the Elephante replied. "This is Emichi. What are you doing here?"

     "We got captured. We are trying to escape."

     "How do I know you're not lying?"

     I showed Seroff my Better Than You trophies and all the other trophies. The only thing that wasn't stolen. "I used to be very rich and popular, and nice. Until I won one better than you," I said. "You most probably know Misintris."

     "Yes we do," Seroff said, "and we would like to join you on your escape."

     "Very well," Misintris said. We started to head off but then I remembered Aurelia's warning and looked behind me. The three pets looked fine to me.

     "Huh," I said. "Must be a false alarm." I started to walk more forward but I then realised that they were not following me. I looked closer at them and saw that they were frozen in time.

     "That must be their idea of unconscious," I said as I then noticed a shadow was hovering over me. I stopped and turned around. There stood the Monoceraptor holding a boulder. He let out a huge roar that shook the cave. I screamed as loud as I could scream. Then I saw a huge rock. I threw it at the Monoceraptor hoping it would cause harm.

     It did, but very little. Then the Monoceraptor opened it's mouth and aimed it toward me. I closed my eyes knowing what would happen next.

     I opened my eyes and found myself in a very sticky and slimy place. I was inside the Monoceraptor. I started to hit the top of the inside of the Monoceraptor but it did nothing. I sighed and sat on something hard and sharp.

     Hard and sharp?

     I sat up quickly and looked below me finding a sword. Why in Neopia would the Monoceraptor eat a sword? That didn't matter now. I picked up the sword and started to stab the top of this place until a hole appeared. I climbed it and found myself on the back of the Monoceraptor. Unfortunately, the Monoceraptor felt. He started to roar in pain and try to throw me off. I then realised that I left the sword in the Monoceraptor. Duh! How come I didn't feel it before?

     I climbed back inside the Monoceraptor and grabbed the sword only to accomplish being knocked into the other side of the Monoceraptor. I quickly ran back to the hole and climbed back up dropping the sword into the Monoceraptor. I groaned and climbed back in. I grabbed the sword, again, climbed back up, again, and dropped the sword, again.

     "Argh!" I said to myself as I dropped myself back in. I did the same actions 5 more times... including dropping the sword.

     If I drop the sword one more time I'm going to cut another hole! I picked up the sword and climbed back up... dropping it.

     "Grrr!" I shouted, "That's IT!" I let myself fall back in the hole. I grabbed the sword and then noticed the chamber of the heart. Of course! How come I never noticed it before? I ran to the heart and stabbed the chamber, only to have it replaced quickly. But it was enough to cause the Monoceraptor to start stomping away from the area. I cut another hole only this time in the side where I can come with the sword. I jumped out. Then the sword disappeared in my hand never to be seen again.

     "Weird," I said to myself. Then the others woke up.

     "What happened?" Seroff asked.

     "It's a long story," I replied. "I'll tell you later."

     "Let's move on," Misintris said. And so we did, but then Seroff stopped us.

     "Which way do we go now?" he asked?

     "Hmmm," I said to myself. "Good point. But so far the only way is straight."

     "All right. Then let's go straight!" Misintris replied. And so we did. At least we tried to anyway. For what appeared in front of us was a... What was it? It had a horn, a mane, and a tail, but... what was it? (It's a Tonu. They didn't have Tonu's back then.)

     "Psst!" The strange creature said. "I have a secret. It will help you escape in no time! Just follow me!"

     "Let's try it!" Seroff said, but I stopped him.

     "No! He's trying to lead us into danger! Aurelia told us!" I said to him.

     "Who is Aurelia?"

     "Never mind! Just don't follow him!"

     I looked at the Tonu. "We re..." But before I could say anything more, Misintris interrupted me.

     "Of course we will follow you!" She gave me a signal that it was a joke to escape.

     "OK!" The Tonu said and he started to walk. We pretended to follow him but when we came to an intersection, we went the other way.

     "That was a close one!" I said.

     "We better leave before he returns." And we started walking again. Even though there was no light in the cave, we knew it was 10 PM NST. We decided to spend the night in a dead end. Misintris was the first to watch for danger for 2 hours. We would be switching off. As I fell asleep, I heard a strange murmuring in the cave. I was too tired to notice. I fell asleep and had a strange dream.

My Dream...

     I was inside the cave but there was wall all around me. I looked up and saw a grey sky with fire coming down. This must be a cave prison. Then I realised that there was no floor underneath me. As soon as I found out, I fell down and down and down. 1 minute later, I landed. I looked all around and only saw darkness. Suddenly, a fireball came down and lit a torch. Then the room was lit. I saw a statue, but there was no figure. I walked closer toward it and saw a Lupe. It was only outlines, but it was a Lupe. Then, the statue started to move, but before it could do anything, the floor below me disappeared again.

     I landed on something soft. This time, I was outside, but the surrounding was anything but normal. I looked around me and saw no trees. There were cave minions everywhere. I looked below me and saw a purple cloud. I was in Faerieland! Only It was a slightly more evil version. I looked to my right and saw big flags around Jhudora's Cloud and a sign that said, "Serve Jhudora or die for she is the queen of Faerieland!"

"Queen of Faerieland?" I thought. "Jhudora isn't the queen of Faerieland! It's Fyora!"

     Then it dawned on me. Jhudora had finally taken over Faerieland Then, the cloud before me disappeared and I was falling again.

     I landed in a glade in Meridell. I looked around and it was evil medieval around me. I looked to my right and saw Illusen. She had a knife held to her neck by the angry Lupe that nobody knows saying "You must either give us all your items and become like Jhudora, or be forced!"

     "I will never become like you evil minions!" She exclaimed. She muttered some words and she vanished. I saw a door in a tree. I was about to run in when everything was completely dark. There came a small murmuring of "If you do not succeed in escaping and warning everyone of the evil, more than this will happen."

     "But Illusen escaped! Isn't she OK?" I shouted to the darkness.

     The darkness started turning as if it was shaking its head, if it had one. "No. She may have escaped, but sooner or later, they will find her, cast a spell on her, and then all will be doomed. She was collecting items to stop Jhudora from taking over the world."

     I paused. "She was trying to stop Jhudora from taking over the world?"

     The darkness seemed to nod. "Now, I must go for this dream is about to end. Everything you saw is real and you will remember this dream."

     "But wait! I need to know what will happen next! What about..."

     But I was already in dreamless sleep.

     When I woke up...

     "Christina! It's your turn!" I heard Misintris whisper/shout as she was shaking me.

     "All right then," I said. She took my place and everything was normal for the rest of the night.

     When it was daylight, we continued on. We got out of the dead end and went left. We found some berries on the ground. I let Seroff make sure they are safe.

     "Emichi and I think they are safe," Seroff said. I handed some to everyone, but I just looked at mine. They might be tainted. The rest ate them. I found a purse on the ground. I picked it up and put the berries in. I was going to save them for later. We moved on when suddenly, Emichi, Seroff, and Misintris fell on the ground. As I thought. The berries were tainted. I looked around for water. There was none so I waited for them to regain consciousness. While I waited, I thought about my dream, when there suddenly came a thought in my mind. Something I never thought of before. I followed the thought, and everything disappeared around me.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

My Capture, My Escape: Part One

My Capture, My Escape: Part Three

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