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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 30th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 66 > Articles > Dirt Pie, Anyone?

Dirt Pie, Anyone?

by cherrygirl_kira

NEOPIA CENTRAL - You can ask any common user-there's some pretty gruesome stuff in Neopia. Dirt pie and wriggling grub are only two of the many revolting things. Most disgusting objects are labeled "gross food". Ninety-nine percent of the time, they are gross. But some items are exceptions.

Let's take something that'll ruin your meal just thinking about, such as intestines and marinara. No one (not even a Neopet) would want to eat that... right? Wrong! Intestines and marinara is a gourmet food! I must have been sleeping when intestines became a special treat. I, for one, would definitely not make my pet eat that-even if it is a gourmet food!

So, what about things besides food? Like Neopia's evil. You see them all in the big, bad, "Gallery of Evil". Who'd want to meet up with a giant Meerca composed of...snot?? Or the pant devil, or Jelly Chia? Not a soul in Neopia, am I correct? Only half way. Believe it or not, but I know Neopians who pay good money (REALLY good money, like millions!) to buy a trail of snot from Meuka to fight it in the Battledome! But why does everyone want to meet Meuka, and run in terror from all other Neopian pests? Insanity? Perhaps. Boredom? It's a possibility. But the main question I want to ask is why? Why are really bad things on Neopets suddenly "good" once they cost money?

As said before, lots of nasty things are labeled "gross food". I believe the way Neopets labels items completely changes some people's views on them.

If junk became a Hidden Tower item (but still did nothing) would people rush to buy it?? Don't say "yes" or "no" right away, for you'll never know what you'll end up liking. I myself have sometimes given into the popularity of the object. My reason is either I think it's "cute". But sometimes I want absolutely hideous and worthless items. Why do I want them? Because they're worth lots of Neopoints!!!

Everyone on Neopets wouldn't mind a little extra Neopoints Even the richest user would love a million more. Many Neopians wish for a certain amount of Neopoints They wish, they wish, they wish...and poof! Their wish is granted! Now what do they do? Continue to whine and wish for more! Don't tell me you haven't done it. I'll admit that I have, too! Neopoints do play a big part in desire for an item, but surely there's another reason?

I can tell you one right now. Rarity. Who wouldn't want a super-rare item? Every now and then, we like to brag about our stuff. You've heard it all before: "I have (fill-in-the-blank rare item)!! There are only about (extremely small number) in Neopia!!" Then you'll look at it thinking "I want it I want it I want it!" Your desire will grow so strong that you won't be able to stand it anymore!! Finally, you realise you'll never get it. You take a step back...and then realise that you never wanted it in the first place. You walk on and live your life.

But there are few in Neopia. The brave, the persistent...and sometimes called the "insane". The junk collectors! What matters to them? Not looks. Not name. Not rarity. Not value. The fact that it IS THAT ITEM! The supreme love and devotion of those's I guess brave isn't exactly the let's use different! No offence to anyone, of course. Whoever said different was bad? Neopia could use a few "different" people.

Are YOU a collector? Or do you go with popularity? Neopia has both of them. Most people are both of them as well. So maybe I'll make the question more simple for you. If you collected it, would you say yes if someone asked you: "Dirt pie, anyone??"

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