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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 30th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 66 > Articles > Every Stamp Tells a Story

Every Stamp Tells a Story

by pikatribble

This week: Orange Skeith Stamp

NEOPIAN POST OFFICE KIOSK - Greetings again, all philatelists of Neopia. Yes, it's that time again...time for another edition of "Every Stamp Tells a Story". This week, we will be looking at another of those stamps that, like the Mystery Island Kougra Stamp discussed in the first edition of this series, is deceptively simple, but is truly complex - The Orange Skeith Stamp:

This stamp features one of Neopia's superhero crime fighters in his prime - Captain Indomitable. Captain Indomitable has been retired for several years now, superseded by the younger generation of heroes such as Judge Hog, who in fact apprenticed under Captain Indomitable as Cadet Hog prior to becoming a full-fledged superhero. But in his time, Captain Indomitable was an inspiration to many...defender to the wronged and protector of the innocent. Of course, like most superheroes, he did not simply decide overnight to become a crime fighter...indeed, Captain Indomitable's beginnings were far darker, and for a long time he struggled to keep his origins hidden. However, as often happens to celebrities, the media Gelerts would not cease their hounding, and eventually the famous Skeith's beginnings were discovered. The story broke shortly before his retirement (and many claim that this sudden media exposure regarding his unfavourable past was what actually encouraged Captain Indomitable to retire, though even prior to this his crime-fighting had become lax as he was content to rest on his reputation).

Captain Indomitable began life as a green Skeith. His name was Thuggo, and he was...well, to put it mildly, not a pleasant creature to know. In short, he was a horrible bully, mean and heartless. He derived the most pleasure in life from pushing around other pets and beating them up for their lunch Neopoints. He would challenge other pets that he considered weak in the Battledome, and those who were foolish enough to accept were thoroughly thrashed. Standing over his fallen opponents, he would laugh cruelly, looking down upon them with a superior smirk, and remind them of how low and weak they were compared to him. His owner only aided him in this bullying, buying his Skeith superior weapons to supplement the pet's already impressive physical power.

Thuggo ruled his neighbourhood with fear and intimidation. Only a privileged few were granted the 'blessing' of being considered his 'friends', and those that attained this precarious position were as willing to inflict pain upon others as the Skeith was himself. They respected Thuggo out of fear, and if they crossed him...well, they would pay dearly for insubordination. This was the way things were expected to be...until the day Asphodelia moved into the neighbourhood.

Asphodelia was a red Korbat. Good-natured and cheerful, she quickly became a target for Thuggo's wrath. On several occasions, she was forced to scurry away from Battledome matches or even encounters on the street with Thuggo or one of his friends. In an attempt to improve her battling skills, she bought herself an archery set and practised with it everyday, improving her aim and the precision of her attacks. Thuggo caught her practising with the 'toy' on more than one occasion, and teased and tormented her relentlessly. Finally, the day came were Asphodelia felt confident enough to challenge Thuggo in the Battledome. Thuggo accepted her challenge gleefully, certain that this would be another occasion to demonstrate his strength and power.

He could not have been more wrong. Asphodelia's training had paid off. Every one of the shots from her trusty Sparkshooter hit its mark, while she kept far enough away to dodge all of Thuggo's frost cannon shots. As Thuggo's strength and hit points faded, he realised defeat was inevitable. He withdrew from the battle like a coward, and ran off to the store. He figured if Asphodelia had gotten so quick and accurate with an archery set, than all he needed to do was buy one and practice with it to improve his own aim.

However, the damage to Thuggo's reputation was already done. No longer did the others fear him the way they once did. Those who once claimed to be his friend now turned the other way when he approached, not wanting to be seen with 'a loser'. Still, Thuggo was convinced that all it would take was a bit of practice with the archery set and a few acts of intimidation toward some of the weaker pets to re-establish his position of power.

One day while Thuggo was in his back yard practising with the bow and arrow, the sun overhead was momentarily blotted up. Looking up, Thuggo watched as a fire Scorchio descended from the clouds, carrying a strange bottle. The bottle was made of smoked glass, making it difficult to see the contents within, though from the sound of sloshing that could be faintly heard, it was obviously a liquid of some sort. The Scorchio grinned, and claimed that she remembered Thuggo at the peak of his power, and wished to help restore him to his elevated status. She claimed that Thuggo only need drink the potion in the bottle, and he would be more powerful than any of the pets that he knew.

Thuggo was suspicious, but his desire to once again have the respect born of fear that he had possessed in the past outweighed his mistrust. He grabbed the bottle, popped the cork, and swallowed the contents.

It took only a few minutes for the potion to take effect...but it was certainly not the effect Thuggo had hoped for, as his previously green scales began to brighten to an unbearable shade of orange. Thuggo gasped in horror, as the Scorchio laughed. Soft giggles emerged from some large bushes nearby, joining the Scorchio in her mirth, as several neighbourhood pets left their hiding places. Thuggo realised too late that he knew the Scorchio's voice - the voice belonged to Asphodelia. Apparently, her owner had been taking her to the lab ray, and the dragon-like pet he saw before him now was the result. Asphodelia was pleased, telling Thuggo that this was his repayment for all the bullying he had done over the years, and running from their fight before it was finished simply because he knew he would lose. The other pets began to yell insults and taunts, ranging from comments on his past behaviour, to claiming that he looked girlish in his new colour. Outnumbered and outwitted (and orange), Thuggo retreated to his NeoHome.

Unfortunately, the Skeith found no solace there either. His owner took one look at his now orange pet and gasped in horror. Having used all their money to buy weapons, there was nothing left to buy a paintbrush for Thuggo. Thuggo's owner hated orange. In his opinion, it was not a very macho colour for his previously strong and feared pet. Though he didn't abandon Thuggo to the pound, one day shortly after the colour-change, he left the NeoHome and simply didn't return.

Thuggo left the neighbourhood soon after his owner's disappearance, to escape the snickers and sneers of the other pets that had once been his victims. He travelled to Mystery Island. Arriving on the island, he found himself a secluded cave within the jungle and kept mostly to himself, though any who stumbled across his cave would likely leave with a few bruises. He became somewhat of a legend among the young local pets, a fierce angry orange Skeith who would attack at the slightest provocation, but who was seldom seen beyond the jungle during the day.

At night, Thuggo would escape the confines of the caves for short walks along the island. It was during one such walk that his life was changed forever.

The night was clear and cool...or at least, cool for a tropical island. Thuggo was shuffling along an escarpment, when he heard something cry out. He looked over the edge of the cliff, to see a large red Grarrl using a baby Poogle as a basketball on the ground below. The Poogle was beaten and bruised, tears streaming down her face as she endured the snickering Grarrl's torment. Thuggo watched in mild amusement for a moment or two, when suddenly something flashed out of the bushes beside the Grarrl and his victim...

It was a speckled Lenny in a purple cape, and it promptly set about attacking the Grarrl fiercely. To Thuggo, this seemed mildly ridiculous - a scrawny little bird attacking the massive Grarrl, but the Lenny's quick attacks succeeded in confusing the Grarrl enough for it to drop the frightened baby Poogle. The Grarrl roared in fury, turning its attention toward the caped Lenny, while the Poogle just lay on the ground in shock, too scared to do the smart thing and run. This became an even greater problem as the Lenny took a couple hits from the Grarrl, clearly tiring. It seemed the Grarrl would eventually retrieve his victim regardless of the Lenny's weakening efforts.

It was about at this point that Thuggo decided the fight was boring him. He turned to leave...when fate intervened. The cliff he was standing on gave way, sending him and a chunk of rock tumbling down. The rock hit the Grarrl on head, knocking it out cold, while Thuggo, attempting to control his descent with his stubby wings, accidentally slammed bodily into the baby Poogle, knocking the small pet clear of the falling bulk of her attacker.

When the dust settled the speckled Lenny, who had leapt clear of the falling Grarrl bully, was now standing atop the red lump, striking a heroic pose. The baby Poogle, meanwhile, had firmly attached herself to Thuggo's neck, thanking him repeatedly for saving her life, while Thuggo looked around dazed from the fall. The baby Poogle contained to shower him with praise, hugging him tightly, and for the first time, Thuggo considered that there might be another way to get respect and attention. The Lenny, having finished with posing for a non-existent crew of reporters, made his way over to the Skeith being 'strangled' by the grateful young Poogle. He introduced himself as the Lovable Lenny, an official Neopian superhero, and, seeing potential in Thuggo (and not realising that the orange Skeith's interference had been entirely accidental), offered to take the Skeith under his wing, training him as an apprentice superhero.

After some consideration, Thuggo decided to accept (after all, he had few other prospects). His training took a long time, as the Lovable Lenny worked with him to control his fiery temper and to teach him that a battle could just as often be won with agility and wit rather than brute strength. Thuggo had to learn to treat others with respect, to have compassion for the weak, and that with great power comes great responsibility. The Skeith's adventures during this time are not well documented (the Lovable Lenny received the Tonu's share of the publicity) but eventually he graduated from apprenticeship and took on his own superhero name - Captain Indomitable.

Captain Indomitable had many adventures, eventually taking on apprentices of his own (including Judge Hog, his last apprentice before his retirement). Many of Captain Indomitable's adventures are chronicled in the book Legendary Skeiths, which I encourage you to read for greater insights into the great deeds this superhero accomplished, despite his rocky beginnings.

Until next time, happy stamp collecting!

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