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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 26th day of Storing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 69 > Articles > Math and the Battledome

Math and the Battledome

by beatzero3

BATTLEDOME - The Battledome is a world teeming with mathematics that happen right before your very eyes, without you even thinking about it. There's a secret, special formula that calculates how much damage your Neopet and his or her opponent will each do based on the strength of each combatant, the amount of icons they do, and any defensive, healing, or generative items or abilities they choose to use. Remember that not strength but what's called the "X Factor," which is derived from strength, is put into the actual formula. This article will tell you how to think about these mathematical principles, making you a better player. You should be able to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and round numbers to use these strategies-preferably, in your head.

Take, for example, the renowned and feared Faerie ability, Life Drain. It takes about 11%, or roughly 1/9, of your opponent's Current Hit Points, and heals you by the same amount of Hit Points. It will only do this to a point-100 HP. There's a LOT of math in trying to anticipate the effects of this technique, so get ready! Say that you are fighting Punchbag Bob, who has 100 Current Hit Points in this scenario. We could say that 100 rounded to the nearest multiple of 9 equals 99, and that divided by 9 is 11. Or, we could just divide 100 by 9, and if the remainder is 5 or greater, we would add 1 to our quotient, but in this case that isn't so, so we simply leave the remainder off. Therefore, if you use the Life Drain ability in that situation, you will heal by 11 Hit Points and Bob will be damaged 11 Hit Points. If he were to have 256 Hit Points, we would use one of those same processes and wind up with 28 Hit Points drained from Bob. You can know this before you execute the move! If after you use Life Drain you see a number like 11.11111... HP, then that number is rounded to the nearest integer, or whole number-anything after the dot, of course, is the remainder written out in decimal form. In this case, because you always divide the Current Hit Points by 9, the number in the tenths place is the remainder as you it would be written if you did long division up to the remainder.

According to Scriptfox and MonoKeras, strength plays a great factor in the Battledome. However, to raise icon amount or strength by one or two points isn't a very radical change. Raising icons is hard to do but is possible; for example, getting rid of your Improved Lightning Beam and buying a Grand Lightning Beam is an icon raise I recommend. This kind of icon raising is effective because you can have one weapon, and sell it for money you can use to buy a stronger weapon to replace it. As for strength, a 20-point, or even a 10-point gain is an expensive but radical improvement that's more difficult than raising icons, and during wars or Defenders of Neopia sprees, visible changes like this are still harder to do.

The most radical change you can make with the least amount of funds, though, is to raise Maximum Hit Points. One raise affects just how much trash they can take from an opponent, obviously, but it also affects some abilities (Regenerate, Restore, Life Drain when used by your opponent), the Healing Springs, and some healing items (Amulet of Life, Jade Scorchstone), but it doesn't affect your pets' strength. Raising hit points also will gradually make some fixed healing items less effective (All Scorchstones except Jade, most Healing Potions, Elixirs, Wands/Staffs/Rods of Nova), so that you'll need to raise how effective your healing items are. That works exactly like icon raising, although in the healing category upgrading is costlier and more time-consuming,

In the defence department, this works the same way. However, here, there are an assortment of weapons that can block all of a certain icon (Soul Stone, Ghoulish Mask, Amulet of Darkness) that oftentimes come into play. Upgrading is easiest here, and you can get some wonderful defensive artifacts for a great price, namely the one I put in parentheses above. How defensive weapons function is that they cancel out icons to get a certain amount of remaining icons to put through the formula. They do not prevent you from getting a fixed amount of Hit Points taken away from you-that's what healing items are for.

Of course, you should consider a battle pet's right to good armament-therefore, you should time your upgrades carefully. To do this you must wait until you have an amount of Neopoints equal to the price of the stronger weapon minus the price of the weaker weapon. For example, Blue Scorchstones are worth 150,000 Neopoints, and Bronze ones are 20,000. Blue is stronger than Bronze, so it's an upgrade. Thus, you will need 130,000 Neopoints, plus the Bronze Scorchstone or its value in Neopoints, to buy a Blue Scorchstone. There will probably be an offset, more or less, in the aforementioned values, so again, time your upgrades carefully!

The average Battledome player knows that every round, you can choose two pieces of equipment and an ability or attack. This is where dual-action items come in. They serve more than one of the four purposes in the Battledome: attack, defence, healing, and generation. Wands, Staffs, and Rods of Nova serve all four of these purposes. Many other weapons serve two, like the Moon Staff, Caustic Potion, and the Mask of Coltzan. The more actions you can use in a round, and the more powerful each action is, the more effective your attack is.

Well, Battledome enthusiasts, that just about covers everything that I have to say here in this article. To sum it up, if you can think a little bit about these techniques and do the math in your head or on paper, you can succeed in the Battledome Feel free to Neomail me at beatzero3!

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