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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 12th day of Storing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 71 > Articles > Attention Holiday Shoppers!

Attention Holiday Shoppers!

by csattanyasbliss

NEOPIAN TRADING POST - As you walk in the crowded hall of the Neopian Trading Post, you see hundreds of traders, peddling their wares and looking for good deals. A loud static blares over the loud speaker, "Welcome, Holiday Shoppers to the Neopian Trading Post, where you can find your holiday gifts at low prices and negotiable terms!" But among the many traders, you must beware!

Unfortunately, Neopia is full of rotten scammers and meanies trying to sucker you for your great items and hard earned Neopoints. Be careful, the holiday season is the pinnacle time of year for successful scammers to get your cold cash. You may be careful, but are you as cautious as you think?

One of your superb Neofriends might have that brand new slushie on their wish list, but take heed, as new items' prices often drop dramatically only days after release! An item's rarity is a great guide for those seeking to purchase new items, unless an item's rarity is 97-101, don't spend hundreds of thousands in Neopoints on it! Chances are the items prices will fall within a few days of release. You can find a great index of items and their rarities at, always research an item before spending your hard earned points on it.

Also remember that if an item's price sounds to good to be true, be wary of the trader. Check the shop wizard before making any trade, and discuss the trade with the owner of the lot when possible to assure you're getting the deal you thought you were. Always double-check an offer before accepting. Why? There is a rather popular trading post scam where a bidder with withdraw an item (perhaps a Magical Rainbow Aisha Doll your neofriend's dying for) and then bid again, this time replacing the Magical Rainbow Aisha Doll with a not so magical plain ol' Aisha Doll, exclaiming in a Neomail that they "accidentally withdrew." In this case, as all cases, you need to be VERY careful!

Last but not least, ALWAYS research a trade. Some Neopian's have a tendency to say an item can do something it cannot, such as change your pet's colour/give you items, or they'll say the best bidder will receive a great item, cheat, or link. Don't bother wasting your time on such trades. 99.9% of the time, these are scams! Don't pay to get free links, or cheats that are worthless and will get you frozen, or even those promised items that are never received!! Never ever bid on a junk lot in order to receive a better item! Here is a short list of items that are often mistaken for spectacular items that work wonders:

  • Starberries will not change your pet in anyway. They are just food, the only way to change your pet's colour is with a paintbrush or by zapping it with the lab ray.
  • Dino Snappers are not rare retired petpets. They are only retired Maraqua food.
  • Empty Pillowcases & Advent Calendars will not give you any free items in any way! Few items will give you another item, for example the "crackers" such as the Meerca Cracker or Kacheek Cracker will give you toys, or a genius negg with give you a free book. Remember to research an item before trading!
  • Starberries will not change your pet in anyway. They are just food, the only way to change your pet's colour is with a paintbrush or by zapping it with the lab ray.

    And here are a few free links, things such as the Dark Faerie Caves, do not exist. If someone says you can go somewhere to get thousands of Neopoints for free, there are lying!

  • Hidden Tower
  • Draik Nest
  • Jelly World

With all this in mind, try to have fun this holiday, just be careful!!!!

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