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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 74 > Articles > Much to Do About Nothing

Much to Do About Nothing

by stoneman3x

NEOPIA CENTRAL - If you are someone who has lots of time of your hands and are bored out of your skull, you may find yourself wandering aimlessly around Neopia doing nothing in particular. Ummm... like me. But you don't have to wander around aimlessly doing nothing anymore! I am here to tell you exactly where you can go to do absolutely nothing!

Mystery Island

Mystery Island is a virtual (literally) treasure trove of time-wasting activities. My favourite one here is the Harbour. When you click on the Harbour link, it takes you to a page that says, "Are you sure you want to leave our lovely island so soon?" If you click on "Yes, I want to leave!", you are are sent to the World of Neopia main map. If you click on "No, I want to stay longer.", you get to go back to the Mystery Island map. Isn't this fun? There is actually a separate page on Mystery Island devoted to nothing but this! If you keep coming back to this page and clicking on the links, you can go in circles for hours and hours! Sure beats taking out the garbage, huh?

If you start to get dizzy doing that, you can then pop over to the Island Mystic. He greets you with "Hmmmmm, welcome you are! Your fortune of today here is..." and then says something that usually makes no sense whatsoever. Refreshing the page doesn't change today's weird prediction, but do it anyway. Refresh the page a couple of times to make SURE it doesn't change. But be careful. Refreshing pages could actually cause you to get a random event, which could interesting or even profitable--so AVOID doing that too much.

The next stop is the Haiku Generator. This is almost exactly like the Island Mystic except in Haiku form. A Haiku is a a three-line-non-rhyming-poem-type-thingy of five syllables, then seven syllables, and then five syllables again. And like the Island Mystic's fortunes, it rarely makes sense. The Island Kougra tells you to "Contemplate this, and return tomorrow for another Neopian haiku." I highly recommend following this suggestion. Stare at the Haiku for as long as it takes to make sense. That might even take more than a day, so you could get a new one before you're finished trying to figure out the previous one. Refreshing the page won't give you a different one, but go ahead and refresh the page a couple of times. This will help break your concentration if you think you're close to understanding what it means.

If you think you can handle it, the supreme emperor of all pointless activities is Tiki Tours. Not only is it a waste of time, but you get to waste 50 Neopoints on it too! When you go on the tour, it takes you to a single page that looks like a travel brochure. That's it. That's all you get. You look at a couple of pictures and read the captions. And at the bottom of the page is a message that looks like a Lenny Conundrum. It says, "// roll the dice to see of happiness is affected. it would down since they didn't get the answer correct if (dice(1,5) == 3) { echo " "; $change = dice (4,8); update_happiness ($chosenone,$change) ; }" Now THAT is worth paying 50 Neopoints to see, if you ask me! Also at the bottom of the page is a message that reads, "Well, I hope you have enjoyed our little tour, do come back now and don't forget to collect your free stuff from the reception desk on your way out!" But don't worry about this. When you click on the "free stuff" link it takes you to a page that tells you your free stuff is "screensavers" and suggests you send your friends some Neo Greeting Cards. Whew! That's a relief! You thought you might accidentally get an ITEM out of this! The best part is that you select one of your pets at a time to take the tour. If you have four pets you can spend 200 Neopoints on this just by going back and doing it again and again and again!

The VirtuPets Space Station

The must-do stop here is Space Discount Card. This page tells you to get a discount card and then tells you all of the great things you can get by saving up points--but never tells you WHERE to get the discount card! Whoo Hoo! But wait! It gets better! The bottom of the page also announces, "Currently there are no ways to increase the value of your discount card, but please check back soon for more great offers". Definitely do that. Check back every single day. I have been playing Neopets for almost a year and this page hasn't changed. It is near the top of my list of "Daily Brain-Dead Things to Do".


No "I am really bored so I'll just wander around" excursion would be complete without visiting the Tyrannian Plateau. At the Town Hall you can gaze at six Tyrannian characters. It states their job titles but luckily it doesn't attempt to make any of it actually interesting by explaining exactly what those jobs are. This means you can stare at them for hours trying to figure out how Plesio can be Captain of the Sea Division when Tyrannia is supposed to be an underground world beneath Terror Mountain, for example.

If you are in the mood for a briefly exciting pointless activity to break the monotony of your glorious vegetating, I recommend a few dozen trips to the Lair of the Beast. Unfortunately the first time you go it's almost pretty cool. But if you go every chance you get, the giant pterodactyl swooping out at you gets nicely stale.

Krawk Island

If you crave something to do that involves a really remote chance of actually being worthwhile, make Smugglers Cove your first stop. Ninety-nine percent of the time you will get this message: "The smugglers have no items to sell currently :(". So unless you want to take the chance that you will be burdened with having to DO something if there ARE items available, make sure that you have absolutely no Dubloons on you when you go. Hot Tip: Try returning every five minutes. That way you'll be sure to be chased away by angry pirate-type pets.

The next mindless thing you can do is pop into the Fungus Cave. I could tell you where it is, but then that will spoil the fun of you wandering around Krawk Island looking for it. If you manage to find it, you will be greeted by a message that reads, "You have entered a dark dank cave with lots of fungus all over. It is cold and you start to shiver. There does not appear to be anything of interest in this cave...". Definitely worth roaming all over the place to find it, huh? Just remember one thing though. Under no circumstances should you EVER enter the cave with a Krawk Petpet attached to one of your pets. If you ever do that, the cave will magically have a purpose and ruin a perfectly good useless activity.

Terror Mountain

When you arrive in Happy Valley, head for the Advent Calendar. Since it is only open in December, you will see this message: "Oops! - It isn't the month of Celebrating... so there isn't anything to give away :(". But don't let a silly thing like that stop you from making this a regular excess-time-spending destination. Go every single day from January 1st until November 30th just to make absolutely certain that it's not open.

Neopia Central

The Neopian Bazaar has one of those cool things that could snag you an free item, but can also be turned into a pointless activity with very little effort at all. I am referring to the Wishing Well. There is an outside, very remote, one-in-a-million chance that you could actually get lucky and get the item you wished for. But with a little creativity you can turn this into something guaranteed to be an excellent way to totally waste surplus time. First of all, whatever you do, do NOT donate any Neopoints whatsoever. Second of all, make sure that what you type into the box is as vague as humanly possible. Type in single random words like "blue" or "six" and hit "Make a Wish". Or you could simply make up a word like "hudnufel". Make sure to do this at least thirty times in a row.

Neopets Office Webcam

For anyone who enjoys doing absolutely nothing by watching other people do absolutely nothing, I highly recommend watching the Neopets Staff on Neocam Webcam. Just finding the Webcam will take you a lot of time, so make sure you have more time to waste than usual if you want to check it out. The best time to watch it is between midnight and 6:00 am Neopian Standard Time. Nobody is in the office then, so you can watch nothing move for hours and hours. I personally like to count the tiles on the ceiling, but you can simply just stare at the screen until your eyes get glassy. That's fun too.

So, in conclusion, there are many pointless things to do in Neopia to amuse those of us who have unlimited computer time and would rather do nothing useful at all than homework. So many in fact, I was forced to mention just a few of my favourite time-wasting activities. But with hours and hours of exploring the entire site of Neopets, I am certain that you too will become a "Time Wasting Grand Master". Who knows? Someday there might even be a trophy for that. Hey! What do you say? Let's just sit here and wait for it happen, okay?

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