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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 76 > Short Stories > The New Jetsam

The New Jetsam

by _oreo_kitty_

Mihlorai walked over to the television and gently pressed the ON button with his nose. The checkered Lupe hopped up into his big rocking chair and tucked his nose up to his tail. ''I can finally relax,'' he thought to himself. But he was wrong. The moment he settled down, his sister Siretta the skunk Kougra came strolling into the room.

      ''MIHLO! PLAY WITH ME!''

      Mihlo sighed, ''Suerry, I have been playing with you for three hours! THREE HOURS!! I am now exhausted. All I want is to rest. Is that to much to ask for?''


      Mihlo frowned and jumped off of his cozy chair. He walked over to Suerry and picked the cub up by the scruff of her neck. Despite her whining, he carried her to her room and tossed her on the bed. And ignoring her calls and whimpers, ran down the stairs back to the living room.

      As he relaxed, once again on his chair, he thought about when he was a puppy. He was never that much trouble. When he was young, and had another owner, he had three brothers and sisters, and he was the second born. His old owner was very stern. She loved her first pet so much more, who was painted and had regular classes at the training school. Mihlo loved his new owner (which he had been with for four months) much more. He had been painted, and trained, and had won five battles in the battle dome.

      But now he was an adult, not a puppy, and helped his owner with the NeoHome. He was too old and mature to be playing with his hyper active little sister. All the same, he was glad that he only had one sibling; he would not be able to handle any… ''MIHLO!!'' His mothers voice interrupted his thoughts. He once again jumped down from his beloved rocking chair and ran to the door.

      He found his mother struggling with a huge glass box, trying to fit it through the door. She finally got in and set the box down on the table. Mihlo jumped up on a chair and peered into the box. What he saw was very unexpected.

      Inside the box was a very big fish, yellow in color, with huge eyes and big black eyebrows. Mihlo put his head in farther, and quickly jumped away as the fish leapt into the air to remove the Lupe's nose.

      ''A Jetsam?! What's going on?'' Mihlo asked bewildered.

      ''Yeah I know, you thought I never liked these little things. But they are limited, and if I hadn't of gotten one today, chances are we never would have gotten one at all.'' His mom looked over at him. ''We are a bit unprepared. We'll manage though. You can start digging a hole in the yard. Then we both can plaster it up and fill it with water. In the mean time, we can keep him in the bathtub. Now go start digging, Mihlo.''

      Mihlorai watched as Siretta ran back down the stairs.

      ''MOMMY!! Hey what's that?'' She asked, looking up at the box on the table.

      Suerry jumped up on another chair and looked in. As she saw the big Jetsam (which was even bigger than she was), she smiled in delight.

      ''AWWWWW! What a little cutie!''

      Mihlo was shocked as he saw his little sister petting the big wet Jetsam. His mother, who was very hesitant at letting Siretta come close to at first, relaxed. The Jetsam made content sounds very close to purring as Suerry stroked the Jet's rubbery skin with her padded paw.

      ''His name is Sharkey_Jaws,'' Mihlo's mother announced.

      Horrified, Mihlo ran outside in the backyard. He couldn't believe this was happening. He didn't want a brother; he didn't even want a sister. And want kind of name is Sharkey jaws?

      Mihlo lowered himself and started to dig into the hard ground. Digging was supposed to be fun, and it usually was, but not today, not with the purpose of why he was digging. But he dug, and dug and dug and dug. He didn't want to go back into the house. Finally, late in the evening, he stopped digging and stepped back to admire his work.

      The hole was big, far big enough to entertain a jetsam. In fact if you dug with a shovel, it would have taken days. But Mihlo didn't need a shovel he was a Lupe. And like all Lupe's, he was a master of digging.

      The next day, Siretta and Mihlo's mother got to work with the cementing. They splashed each other with the mud, and laughed more than they worked. That whole time Mihlo sat inside, looking out at them through the screen door.

      After the cementing was done (which took a good long week), Mihlo's mother carried the glass book with Jaws inside it, to the new pool. She turned the box over and watched Jaws swim into the pool. He looked very content. Mihlo on the other hand looked just the opposite.

      That night Mihlo went to bed early. He was very upset, and felt as if he could cry. His Gruslen, Monty, cuddled down with him at the foot of the bed. Suddenly his mother opened the door slowly. She looked at Mihlo and smiled. Mihlo didn't smile back.

      ''Listen Mihlo, I know how upset you are about Jaws, but I just don't understand why. What is so bad about having a new brother?''

      Mihlo sighed. ''Lots of things mom. More to do, more crowded, and more things to change.''

      Mihlo was a bit upset about the chance that Jaws would be like Siretta, always needing to be taken care of or played with. But the real reason why Mihlo was so upset about the new pet was because he didn't want his life to be like it was with his old owner. He didn't want to be neglected, and ignored. But most of all, he didn't want to go back to the pound.

      ''Look, Mihlo everything is going to be the same. Just… better. You'll love your new brother. Just like you love Siretta.''

      Of course like all siblings, Mihlo did love Siretta. And he knew that she loved him too. He just didn't like all the fuss and work that came along with her.

      ''And Mihlo, I will always love you as much as Jaws or Siretta.''

      Mihlo smiled. His mom left the room. He picked up his Gruslen and set him on the pillow. Mihlo decided that he would give Jaws a chance. He would make Jaws the best little brother ever.

The End

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