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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 76 > Short Stories > Dark Betrayal

Dark Betrayal

by johnyquest178

Untitled Document

The Grundos continued to prod me and poke me as we marched on through the seemingly endless swamp. I tried to recall the events that happened the few hours earlier. Ah yes, I had been exploring the land. My name is Luna and I'm a Lupe by the way. I am an explorer you know. I love it too. It's mostly just having fun, fighting and gaining many stories to tell. Of course there are good times and bad times. This was one of the bad. I was awoken that day by Grundos carrying VirtuPet energy sabres. I had no idea where they were taking me but I figured it couldn't be good. I examined the Grundos closely. Oh great! Mutant Grundos... ugh! I doubted they worked for Sloth because these Grundos were apparently very smart and they spoke in common tongue instead of that backward excuse of a language they normally speak. The reason I knew they were smart is because they had deprived me of my weapons. I figured they must be refugees from Dr. Sloth.

     I tried to make conversation but it was no use all I got was a big grunt out of them. We finally stopped after nearly a day of marching. They set up camp and promptly told me to go to sleep, but sleep was unachievable. I watched them have sport with my weapons. It especially made me angry when they decided to use my sinsis sword to chop down trees for firewood.

     I was still awake even when the Grundos were all fast asleep. I couldn't do anything because they had bound me when they first found me and my wrists were aching! I heard a voice. It was very quiet and it was quite clear that whoever was speaking only wanted me to hear. He whispered, "Stay still while I cut your bonds." I did as I was told and before I noticed it I was free! What appeared to be a Kyrii motioned for me to follow but I told him about my weapons still being with the Grundos He told me to wait while he gathered my weapons.

     He tiptoed quietly toward the Grundos and began gathering my weapons. He was about to grab the sinsis sword when one of Grundos rolled over right onto his foot. He yelped in pain and instantly the Grundos were aware of what was going on. They yelled out, "He's escaping!! They charged sabres ready. The Kyrii yelled, "Here catch." I saw it glint in the air and I instantly knew what it was. I caught my sinsis sword and stood ready to face the Grundos, there were only two of them. "Piece of cake," I thought to myself. They surrounded me on both sides. They were obviously experienced battlers. They charged. I quickly teleported right behind the first one and struck him. He fell unconscious instantly. Before I noticed the other one had just knocked my sword out of my hand and was about to attack when a jet of dark water suddenly came out of nowhere. I used to sunray to see it was the Kyrii holding my dark battle duck. He walked over and said, "Hmm useful" as he proffered me my battle duck. We heard a rustling and quickly ran. As we ran one of the Grundos awoke and said, "Everything went as planned," he then let a horrible laugh.

     After days of travelling with the Kyrii I learned a lot about him. His name was Evil_Kyrii_of_Death or Evil for short. Don't let the name fool you though. He was the leader of large society of Neopets called the Neopets Rebelling Against Master or NRAM for short and he was wondering around looking for those Grundos because he heard from his sources that they had captured "The Chosen One." I didn't really understand this. How could I be the chosen one? Anyway Master was the NeoPet they were rebelling against. No one knew if he actually had a name his minions just called him master because they didn't know what else to call him.

     Evil had decided to take me to one of the NRAM meetings to decide what precautions they were going to take to protect "The Chosen One." But as soon as they arrived at the NRAM Head Quarters we were horrified to see that it was completely burned down. There we saw a flag was flying up in the air. It had the symbol of "Master" on it. I looked over at Evil but he wasn't there I looked around and I found him crying near another Kyrii This one was female though. They had obviously been very close. I put my paw on his shoulder. He suddenly got up and looked at me I could see fire in his eyes. All of the sudden his fur turned into flames. I had heard that a pet could change colors when affected in a major emotional way but I had never seen it happen. He was obviously very angry. He said, "Come. I was sent to protect you and I intend to still. I will follow you and protect you wherever you go." I had made up my mind we were going to destroy master. Evil told me where people say he lived. At the top of tallest fire mountain in the largest desert in Neopia and we knew what that meant, The Lost Desert.

     We arrived in Neopia Central and found someone to sail us The Lost Desert. The pet we found was a Jetsam and was very reluctant to take us. He said that a great mechanical monster has been seen lately in the seas near the lost desert but in the end he agreed. We sailed for almost 3 days without anything happening everything seemed to go smooth. Evil would get seasick every once in a while. The sea didn't effect me for I had been on boats many times in my life, being an explorer. It was about 1 week after we had set sail that we began to have trouble. Something had been gnawing at the boat and it was starting to show signs of breaking. Evil and I figured it was just a lack of care made by the jetsam and paid no mind to it. Then one day while they were sailing we saw it. A giant mechanical beast all of the sudden leapt out of the water and onto the boat. It spoke, "Turn around now or be destroyed." I was not prepared to give up so the beast attacked. I pulled out my sinsis sword and began to attack but my sword just couldn't pierce its tough metal armour. Then I thought, "WAIT!!! This is a METAL beast that swam in water and I knew darn well that both metal and water conduct electricity. Just because I'm an explorer doesn't mean I'm stupid!! I immediately pulled out my grand lightning beam and shot it at him. The electricity felt hot shooting from my paws. These were the moments I lived for. The metal beast writhed as the beam hit it and it eventually let out a puff of smoke and was deactivated.

     We arrived a couple of days after that incident and began to ask around but everyone we asked seemed reluctant to say anything. The last person we talked to was an Aisha, in fact he was the Aisha that ran the lost desert weapons shop. He said, "Ah yes I know of where you speak of but it is very dangerous. You must travel through the driest, hottest part of the desert and then cross through a horrible jungle and then you will reach a huge mountain range where every single mountain is an active volcano. You will be able to see the tallest one very easily but beware travelling to the top will be the most treacherous part. You probably shouldn't go without a guide who knows the way." I replied, "Well do you know anyone who knows the way." A smile ran across the Aisha's face as he said, "I do."

     It was a long trek through that horrible desert but the Aisha seemed to know where he was going. We had to carry enormous packs of food and water for none was to be found anywhere. We had to post watches every night to watch for the followers of Master. We only saw two Grundos walking through the desert but they didn't seem to care at all that we were there. That was really strange it was as if they weren't supposed to attack us. When they passed by they just looked at Evil and shuffled along.

     We finally reached the jungle about one long, hard, tiring week later. We stood atop a hill to see how far it went and the distance was unimaginable. We decided the sooner we went into the jungle the sooner they came out so they ventured in. It was probably the hottest, most humid place he had ever been and that's saying something! After a few days of walking Evil fell into a strange hole in the ground. We shouted down to see if he was okay. He shouted back, "I'm okay, but you guys gotta see this! Come on down!" We jumped down. He was right. It was amazing. We saw the largest set of catacombs we had ever seen and there was a car there with a map.

     "How fortunate we found these," he said excitedly. "Yes, fortunate indeed," he said as he shot a suspicious glance at the Kyrii. The car looked as if it could just speed away as fast as it could at any moment. We got in and we saw a note on the car that said "It would probably be best to press this button." I was anxious to see if it moved like it looked, it did. We shot straight into the catacombs. I couldn't what direction we were going because we changed direction about every millisecond and before we could gather up what was happening it was over. We stopped at what looked like the exact same place as where we started. I exclaimed in a disappointed voice, "Well I guess we better start walking," I climbed up through the hole and was shocked. This clearly was not where we started. I don't know why it was so obvious that it wasn't. Maybe it was the lack of jungle and plant life. No, that wasn't it. Or maybe it was the large range of mountains that were surrounding me. No, that definitely wasn't it. Maybe it was the huge stream of lava that was moving idly toward me. Yes, I believe that was it.

     I yelled for my companions to hurry and climb up and as soon as we were out we found the tallest rock we could find to be safe from that lava flow. "Phew," I exclaimed exasperated, "That was close." Now all we had to do was find the tallest volcano. That was easy it was the same volcano's lava that had just tried to swallow me up earlier. It was enormous. I don't know how long I stared at it. It must've been hours. I seemed to feel that it was calling me to it. I stashed away that feeling saying that I was just being paranoid. We set up camp and had a very good nights sleep. We didn't even have to use blankets because the lava flow warmed up the air around us. The lava was still very hot. When Evil and I asked the Aisha how we were going to cross the lava. He merely extended his staff and pointed at a narrow strip of thin rocks climbing all the way up the mountain and as he did this I said, "You've got to be kidding me!"

     The first hour it was easy to continually jump from one rock to the next. The second hour, things went bad. The rocks that we were jumping on became smaller and smaller and became sharper and hotter. We kept on though. "How far do you think we are?" I questioned. The Aisha replied, "I fear we may not have to worry about that soon." I was extremely exited to hear this news but why had he said that feared that? When I asked as he pointed his staff toward a cave he said, "Look," I looked over and an enormous enigma of walking lava was walking toward us. I saw that it was useless trying to fight just standing on a small rock. So if I was going to die now, then I was going to die fighting. I was about to jump straight at the beast when I had an idea. I pulled out my sinsis sword and tried to remember those times with the native people on mystery island. I reeled back and threw my sword straight at the heart of the beast. My aim was true. It struck the beast right in his chest. The beast looked down and let out a final roar before exploding into a cornucopia of ashes and fire. I fell back and was surprised to find that I wasn't burning alive. In fact there was no lava to be seen. "That monster must have been generating all that lava and when you destroyed the maker you destroyed what it made," the Aisha said.

     We found the cave the monster lived in a grand place to stay. It was, to say the least, very warm. I definitely needed some rest too. So I let my eyes close and I fell asleep.

     I was awoken the next morning by a familiar prodding and poking. "Oh no," I exclaimed before being marched straight up the mountain. I couldn't see Evil or the Aisha anywhere. What had happened to them? Had they abandoned me? I was sure I'd find out soon.

     The Grundos marched me tirelessly up the volcano until we finally reached the summit. I was surprised when I got there because I was pushed straight into the volcano. I thought oh no this is where I was gonna die. But I didn't for some reason. I had landed on a fine room furnished with fine furniture and decoration. I had landed in a particularly comfy recliner. I was sitting right across from another chair but whoever was sitting in it. "Glad you could join me," he said. His voice sounded oddly familiar but I couldn't place it exactly. "Still haven't figured it out yet huh?" he said with a kind of disappointment in his voice, "When you were captured I just happened to be around there to help. And I suppose it was coincidence that I happened to know exactly where this place was. I suppose it was just an accident that I fell in that whole in the ground that had a car in it that could take us to the other side of the jungle. Oh your Aisha friend was suspicious but he's locked so he wont be causing any more trouble." With sudden shock and horror I realized who it was and I screamed at the top of my lungs, "EVIL!!!"

     "Yes it's me," he said as he turned the chair around to reveal himself. Yes, it was definitely him but now he had a cold and malicious look in his eyes. "I thought you were my friend!!" I shouted. "Oh no the whole charade was acted out to gain your trust," he replied with a kind of amusement in his voice. "But why??" I said, about to cry. "For this," he said as he held out my sinsis sword. "Go on take it," he then said, "It is no use to me only you can open the door with that key." "Key?" I asked, "What do you mean by key?" "That sword of yours is the key to open a great power, a power so great that whoever possesses it could control all of Neopia!!!" he yelled. "You will open the door now for I cannot. Only the chosen one can place the sword in the lock and live," he said. "NO… NEVER," I yelled. "I'm afraid you have no choice," he said. He then snapped his fingers and I was taken straight to a door. The door looked like a normal door except it had a large lock dead in the center. The keyhole was the exact shape of my sword. "NO," I shouted again. "Fine," he said, "We'll do it the hard way. I shall have that door opened by your dead carcass!!! "He then pulled out a dagger. I waited for the dagger to strike me. I had my eyes shut tight. The dagger was raised up and ready when a rock shot through the and landed dead on the back of Evil's head, knocking him out instantly.

     I looked around and saw it was the Aisha I then looked down at the sword raised it up and snapped it in half on the nearest rock. The volcano began to shake and rumble. The Aisha yelled for me to run. As we were running I said angrily, "Why does the guys evil hideout always have to blow up?" I sighed and continued running. The whole place was just a big maze. There was no way we were gonna find a way out in time. I could feel the ground getting hotter. The eruption was imminent. Then as we were running I noticed a big sign that said in large bold letters, "EXIT." Well that was easy I thought to myself. We ran as fast as we could toward the door and just as we left it erupted. We had to run all the way down the mountain from that lava. Well, I actually fell and rolled down most of the way but we made it down exhausted and with only some minor bruises.

     I sat down on that same rock. I then noticed something. I PAID 140K NPS FOR THAT SWORD!!! I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!

The End

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