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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 76 > Continuing Series > The Air Faerie's Sword: Part Four

The Air Faerie's Sword: Part Four

by twayblade807

Untitled Document

"I've been living in Meridell for years now, it's so peaceful and serene (and I get to be as far away from those Dark Faeries as possible!) Anyway, I have a couple of jobs that you may be interested in," Illusen told Skeithena and Luperusse.

     "Yeah, we're interested," replied Skeithena, "even though we only have 100 NP."

     "Good! Now, if you can fetch me some items from around Neopia, I can reward you with some of these cool things I have made over the years..." (Illusen showed them an Illusen's Potion, an Illusen's Staff, and a couple of Illusen's Cream Cookies) "Yes, aren't they pretty? How about we start off with a few easy errands, and go from there. I don't want to waste TOO much of your time but I really do have to get these items you know.... Unfortunately, if you don't find my item within the time limit, then I'm going to put you right back on the easy quests! Interested??"

     "My sister already said we're interested!" shouted Luperusse.

     "Er, yeah, but that was actually my welcome speech.... I have to say it whenever anyone comes. Ready to start on your quest?"


     "Okay, good," said Illusen. "I haven't had a customer in quite a while. Anyway, where is my Dark Faerie Doll? I need them so I can use them as Dark Faerie voodoo dolls and squash them whenever I feel like it..." Illusen yawned. "You only have sixteen minutes and thirty-nine seconds left!"

     "The Dark Faerie Doll is SO expensive!" Luperusse said to Skeithena, as they exited the Glade. "Illusen is mad, that doll costs about two million Neopoints in the Trading Post! More than that!"

     "Well we will have to try and find another way to get Fluffy better. Forget about the Illusen quests... let's go and buy some Illusen food instead.... An Illusen's Cream Cookie, I think."

     "So now you're saying that we have to travel from here all the way back to Neopia Central?" demanded Luperusse. "The walk from Faerieland to Meridell already takes long enough...."

     Skeithena looked at Luperusse. "Oh, do stop moaning! I'm the one carrying Fluffy's crate and the Air Faerie Sword, so I've got more to complain about than you do! Why, Luperusse, the sooner we get Fluffy better and return the Air Faerie Sword, the sooner we can get home to Sharon."

     "Talking about Sharon, do you think she's worried about us? She's probably got home by now, she said that she'd get home by lunchtime...."

     "Oh! I'd completely forgotten about Sharon and Jess. They're probably really worried. Poor Sharon."

     They talked on in this fashion for quite a long time, until suddenly two very ugly grey bugs jumped out at them. "We are the Bug Brothers, and we'll take 194 Neopoints from you! Hahaha!" The Bug Brothers crawled off, cackling.

     "Thanks a lot, Bug Brothers," groaned Luperusse, "now we have minus-ninety-four Neopoints! Great, really great! Now how are we going to get any Illusen stuff? Sharon's already played all the games in the Games Room three times today, she told us she did, early this morning...."

     The yellow Skeith looked thoughtful. "Hmm... she doesn't do the Faerie Crossword, does she?"

     "No, why?" And then Luperusse realised. "Skeithena, you sometimes annoy me so much! So NOW you are telling me that we have to walk back to Faerieland... again!"

     "Of course we are, Luperusse."


Thirty minutes later, they arrived in the Faerie Crossword. The Library Faerie looked up from her book. "Hello young NeoPets! Welcome to the Faerie Crossword game! I need your help to fill in this crossword puzzle. I have clues but can't make head or tail of them! So you'll need to read them and figure out what words go in each spot."

     Luperusse sighed. "Not another welcome speech! Don't Faeries get bored when they have to say the same thing whenever anybody comes?" he asked.

     The Library Faerie ignored him, and continued, "Words always go from left-to-right, or up-to-down (they never go down-to-up or right-to-left, that would be crazy!) and must be filled in one letter at a time. Once you have filled in all the letters correctly, you will be awarded prizes! You can only receive prizes once per day (once per puzzle, in other words) but you can solve a day's puzzle as many times as you want! Remember, if you start a puzzle too late in the day, the new one might replace it before you finish the old one! So get started!"

     "Remind me what the prizes are again, please," said Skeithena politely.

     The Faerie smiled at Skeithena. "Oh, a polite NeoPet at last! Most unlike someone I won't mention right now," she added, glaring at Luperusse, who glared back. "Now, young Skeith, if you solve the puzzle in less than five minutes, you'll get six hundred Neopoints. If you solve it in less than fifteen minutes, you get four hundred Neopoints. If you're a little slow and can only solve it in more than fifteen minutes, you'll only get two hundred NP! But, of course, the Crossword puzzle is very hard, so I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't finish it very quickly."

     Skeithena, with all the books that she had read, was a very quick writer and had a vast knowledge of many items and famous pets and Faeries of Neopia. She finished the Crossword in less than ten seconds!

     "Wow, young Skeith! That is a record! You have finished my puzzle in 6 seconds! I would have thought that impossible. Anyway, I will give you an extra prize for being quicker than any other Neopian could be. Here are your prizes!" The Library Faerie game Skeithena six hundred Neopoints and a book.

     "Thanks, Library Faerie! A book! Woohoo!"

     They went out of the building. "I didn't know you were THAT good," said Luperusse in admiration.

     "I didn't either," grinned Skeithena. "Anyway, let's see what the book title is. Hmm, Faerie Berry Recipes..."

     Luperusse snorted. "You already have that in your library!"

     "Don't you know the Shop Wizard price of that book?" asked Skeithena.

     "Er, no," said the Lupe sheepishly. He didn't read much, he liked the Battledome more.

     "It's about eighteen thousand Neopoints! Sharon's only got a thousand in her Bank, we can sell this book so that we can get her more NP! Woohoo! No more Lamb Broth from the Soup Kitchen!" said Skeithena excitedly.

     "Oh, but we can't get home until we get Fluffy back," Luperusse pointed out. "Meridell is closer than Pet Central, I wish that we could still do Illusen's Quests." He sighed. "If we fail her quest, which we already did, we'll be put down to Level One - "

     Suddenly, both siblings suddenly burst out laughing. "We ARE on Level One!!" they cried out together.

Skeithena stopped laughing to say, "It's hilarious that we didn't realise it earlier! It's a wonder how strange fear makes you. We never did go to Illusen's Quests much, so..."

     "It only cost us two hundred and fifty Neopoints!" added his older Skeith sister.

     "Give us our Illusen's Cream Cookie now," pleaded Luperusse. "Please?"

     Illusen smiled. "Very good, young Neopians. Here!" She handed Luperusse an Illusen Cream Cookie.

     "Let's get out of here! Thanks Illusen!"

     Just outside Illusen's Glade, Luperusse gave the Cream Cookie to Skeithena. "I am not going near Fluffy when she has those fangs," he said, staring pointedly at his tail.

     "All right, all right," said Skeithena, throwing the Cookie into the crate. After giving it a little sniff, the Aisha ate it, and transformed back into her cute Baby Aisha self.

     "You Skeithy and Lupey save Fluffy! Fluffy happy!" she cried, jumping onto Luperusse's back. The Baby Aisha reached out and touched Luperusse's tail. "Fluffy sorry bit Luperusse tail."

     "Okay!" cried Luperusse. "Now get off me!"


"Queen Fyora. Your Majesty, here is an Air Faerie Sword. I am sorry that I broke yours."

     Fyora smiled warmly, taking the Sword. "Well done, you two! I am very surprised that two young NeoPets such as you would be able to fetch an Air Faerie Sword back so quickly! You may go home now. Goodbye, young ones, and I hope to see you again!"

     She waved her wand, and with a flash of pink light, the three were transported to Sharon's NeoHome....


Sharon looked up as the door opened, and Skeithena, Luperusse, and Fluffy walked in.

     "It's you!" cried Sharon, hugging Skeithena and Luperusse. "I was wondering what'd happened to you - "

     Jess walked into the room, and put Fluffy on her lap. "I told you that they'd be okay. I told you that they were just having one of their adventures!"

     Sharon looked at Skeithena and Luperusse. "Tell me all about it."

     And they did.

The End

Previous Episodes

The Air Faerie's Sword: Part One

The Air Faerie's Sword: Part Two

The Air Faerie's Sword: Part Three

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