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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 76 > Continuing Series > How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Ten

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Ten

by hippiesoul

Untitled Document And so Fyora was frozen and locked in the dungeons, guarded 24/7 by mutant Grundos and Mechanoid Warriors. We celebrated Fyora's defeat with a small party with lots of Jazzmosis music and cocktails.

     At daybreak, we were so exhausted we could in no way plan a way to weaken Neopia while we were searching for the Crown of Ultimate Power. So Sloth decided it was best to call everyone for a meeting the next day and plan it all with the Army and the Thieves.

     I went home and, as usual, fell asleep on the couch with the TV on. I woke up to a piercing voice yelling something about Fyora. It got my attention and I kept watching.

     It appeared to be some sort of extra news, and they were interviewing some faeries and Neopians about Fyora's kidnapping. The screen showed a very worried Light Faerie ready to make an important announcement.

     "Can you tell us exactly what happened yesterday?" The interviewer, a red Wocky, asked the worried Light Faerie.

     "It was awful… All of a sudden, invisible forces broke in the palace and defeated the guards… The knocked out faeries and Neopets were also hung upside down to the walls, so they could do nothing to prevent the attack from going further. Those invisible forces searched all over the library and office, and they also robbed the Hidden Tower," The Faerie said, sadly.

     "And where was Fyora? I'm sure there was a reason why she didn't defend the palace."

     "Fyora had left the palace minutes before the attack. I know she returned while we were under attack, but she was too weak, so the invisible attackers took her easily," The Faerie sobbed and a tear rolled down her cheek. "Now without Fyora what will be the destiny of Faerieland? What will happen to Neopia?"

     "In this moment of crisis, what are Neopians advised to do? What will be the precautions taken by the faeries to protect Neopia?"

     "Well, we've established groups of strong faeries to patrol each world, but we have to ask Neopians to walk around ready for battle, and to help defend Neopia. We are working with the Chia Police and Shylock Usulsky on this and we will find Fyora, so please do not panic."

     The Wocky interviewer thanked the light Faerie and proceeded to interview a couple of Neopets still in shock because of what happened. I grinned at their pathetic declarations, and got up. My back hurt from sleeping on the couch, but I brushed my teeth and washed my face and then left for the meeting.

     The ten minutes I spent walking down the streets of Krawk Island were even more revealing of the panic everyone was in because of Fyora's kidnapping. Every neopet was equipped with powerful weapons, and everyone looked scared.

     I wasn't equipped and feared it would be suspicious, but no one seemed to notice it. Actually, a Lenny did, but all she did was tell me not to walk around unprotected.

     "Thanks, but I can take care of myself," I answered and kept on my way, smiling to myself because of all the panic we had managed to create.

     When everyone was gathered and the meeting was about to start, Sloth made a speech congratulating everyone for the successful attack, and he told them what we had done to Fyora. They laughed, and we talked about the alarm Neopia was in.

     "Now let's move to the main point for this reunion," Sloth said, "I want Neopia to be weakened while I am searching for the Crown in Lilac Island. We've already come a long way, and they are already very poor thanks to our thieves' wonderful work, but that is not enough."

     He took a remote control and turned a screen on. It showed Neopia.

     "There are several structures in Neopia that make life easier for everyone, such as the Healing Springs, the Tombola, the Giant Omelette, the Wheels, etc., etc. Those are the places I want to destroy first. I'll leave today, and so tomorrow I want to hear about how those things are no longer."

     The screen flashed and the first place appeared. It was the Smuggler's Cove.

     "Oh, sorry, this wasn't supposed to show up, I've already made a deal with the Smuggler's and they're now supplying us only," The screen flashed again and showed the Tombola, "The Tombola… I want this thing crushed as soon as possible. That Tombola Man annoys me."

     The screen flashed one more time and the Fruit Machine and Coltzan's Shrine were shown.

     "Those aren't really a big problem, since they never give out anything big, but even so, be sure that you make enough damage for them to be closed to public. Oh, and you can beat some Neopets up there too. I haven't forgotten about Sakhmet war yet…" Sloth said it with a bitter voice, and made the screen flash quickly, showing now the Giant Omelette and the Wheel of Mediocrity, "Blast the Wheel and eat the omelette. Beat Sabre-X if you need to. And even if you don't, beat him up anyway."

     The Army grinned with satisfaction, and the screen flashed one more time, revealing the Money Tree.

     "Ah, the Money Tree… Cut that stupid tree down. I know it won't affect Neopians much because no one can ever get anything from it, but still, let's do it for fun," The screen flashed again and showed the Healing Springs and the Wheel of Excitement, "Burn that wheel down, and make sure the springs collapse. This is very important. Without the springs, it will be much harder for Neopians to heal, therefore they'll be weaker and will accept me without resisting."

     Sloth turned off the screen and continued to explain his intentions, "I want these places destroyed tomorrow, but while the army is busy with it, I have some special tasks I want you to accomplish," Sloth searched for Balthazar, and when he spotted the evil Lupe's fangs, he said, "You, pick a helper or two and catch as many faeries as you can. I want every single Faerie in Neopia bottled and stored in one of my dungeons' rooms," Balthazar nodded, and Sloth then faced Dr_Death, "Double D, I want you to close the pound. I don't care how you will do it, or how you will convince Rose of doing so, I just want the abandoned pets to walk around and people with no way of disowning their pets."

     "Dr. Sloth, I'm not sure if that will be possible, you know Rose, she-" Dr_Death said, but was brutally interrupted by Sloth.

     "Silence! This is of great importance for the plan. I need the pets to be hungry, to be miserable, I want humans to be unable of caring for all those pets, it will only add misery to Neopia, and that's exactly what we need," Sloth began to assign the next task, leaving Dr_Death puzzled on how to accomplish his own task, "Next, you thieves will have a slightly different mission this time. I still want you to rob Neopians and bank accounts and all that, but I also want you to sabotage factories and warehouses that those big companies in the Stock Market own," Sloth smiled evilly and added, "There are so many people who invest in the stocks, just imagine how the economy will end up…"

     "But, Frank," Grargadon asked, "You want Neopia to be miserable when you take over? It will be hard to lift it up afterwards."

"Well, Grargadon, I figured it would be much easier to take over the world if they are weak. Also, it would be easier to ban humans."

     "Ban humans?" I asked surprised. Sloth had never told me he wanted to ban humans from Neopia.

     "Yes, my dear friend, Dalí, humans will be banned. They are the source of all my problems, if it wasn't for humans, I would have taken over Neopia a long time ago… If Neopia is miserable, they will want to go back to Earth, leaving their pets, who will be really confused because they don't know how to live without humans, and there will be no pound for them to stay in, and since there is no Fyora anymore, they will need me. And I will rule Neopia! Muah ah ha ha ha ha a!!" Sloth is a genius. He thought of the perfect plan, and it was actually working. Everyone laughed with him for a while, and then we proceeded with the reunion.

     "Now that all the tasks were assigned, are we leaving to Lilac Island?" The Ghost Lupe asked.

     "Yes, I think there's nothing else to add."

     A few more details were settled and then Maelstra, Garrgadon, Venera, the Ghost Lupe, Sloth and I left to Lilac Island.

     We went by helicopter, one of Sloth's gadgets, and after a couple of hours of flight, we saw the lilac flower shaped iceberg in the distance. It was such a lovely view... I wished we wouldn't have to destroy it to get the Crown of Ultimate Power.

     The helicopter landed behind a big ice sculpture and we got out.

     "It sure is chilly here!" Maelstra said, hopping around, trying to keep herself warm.

     "Maybe I should have brought my coat…" I was freezing without a coat.

     "Don't worry, I can solve this," Venera said a magical word and waved her hands, and all of a sudden, dozens of little fire balls surrounded each of us, keeping us warm.

     "Mmmm, Venera, have I ever told you how much I love your spells?" I said, enjoying the warmth the little fireballs provided me.

     The Ghost Lupe sat on the snow and drew lines on the snow with his paw. Sloth joined him and drew a crown under the lines.

     "The Crown of Ultimate Power in inside this iceberg. And we're gonna get it, even if we have to destroy this island to get it!" He got up and kicked the snow, "But it's dinnertime and I'm hungry. Let's find a restaurant and somewhere to spend the night."

     He walked to the other side of the statue, but Maelstra grabbed his arm. Sloth turned to face her and she said, "Aren't we forgetting something?"

     "No… Not that I remember…"

     "Disguises, maybe?" Venera cast disguise spells on her, Maelstra, the Ghost Lupe and Sloth and turned them all into Neopets She was also careful to make the fire balls invisible so no one would notice anything weird in us.

     Already disguised, we walked around Lilac Island for a while until we finally found a good restaurant. Everyone ate Snowghetti and Meatball and fruit flavoured snow puffs, and after dinner we checked in the Snowflakes Hotel, where Venera undid the disguise spells.

     I was happy to be alone in my room, watching a movie and chewing on one of the many Chia pops the room's fridge was stocked with, when someone knocked on the door. I opened it and saw Sloth.

     "Frank, do you want something? It's already late…"

     "I can't sleep," He said walking in the room and closing the door behind him.

     "You can't sleep? What do you mean? Is there something wrong?"

     I told him to sit on the couch and sat next to him. Sloth looked at me and finally said, "I need to talk to you."

To be continued...

Author's Note: What are your comments on this part? Are you enjoying the series so far? Any advice on what I could have done to make it better, any feedback or comment, Neomail me! Everything is greatly appreciated!

Previous Episodes

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part One

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Two

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Three

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Four

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Five

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Six

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Seven

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Eight

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Nine

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Eleven

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Twelve

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Thirteen

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